The Chase Jarvis Live Show

How to Innovate Ideas and Build a New Way of Seeing with Hussain Almossawi



What does it take to transform creativity into sustained innovation? Award winning designer, author and entrepreneur Hussain Almossawi is helping designers and creatives harness their ideaes into reality. In this episode, we explore the lessons he's learned working and designing for companies like Adidas, Nike, Intel, Apple, Ford, and Pepsi to generate new ideas and innovation. He shares some of this favorite tactics think out of the box, give ourselves new perspectives, and little dose of courage to ask "what if". In this episode we dive into: Developing a creative mindset that gets you beyond craft and skill and into a consistent creative process Embracing failure and leveraging it into inspiration How to become a better innovator and push boundaries year after year You don't need to be Steve Jobs to create a generational product. Innovation can be iterative and so much more Enjoy!