Capital Markets Today

IMN OZ Forum Series - Homan, QOZ Explained - Javelin 19 Investments



The IMN Opportunity Zone Forum is being held in Chicago on 9/19/19, listeners of the podcast can use code NSCM20 when registering for a 20% discount To stimulate greater multifamily residential and commercial development in Opportunity Zones, Ben Carson recently announced that FHA will now insure mortgages on mixed-use development under the agency’s Section 220 Program in thousands of lower income communities across the country.  The 220 program insures lenders against loss on mortgage default. Carson’s announcement expands eligibility of mortgages insured under this program to all Opportunity Zones, including those located in rural areas. Joining the podcast to discuss opportunity zones is Jill Homan, President of Javelin 19 Investments, a Washington DC based real estate investment, development and advisory firm.  Since January, Jill has worked with legislative and administration members to develop a comprehensive understanding of the opportunity zone incentive.  Jill testified at the first IRS Opportunity Z