Capital Markets Today

IMN NPL/RPL Series - The Economy & NPL/RPL Market, Faller-Faller Financial



IMN NPL Mortgage Notes Forum is being held on February 7th and 8th in Fort Lauderdale. Listeners of the podcast can use code SP20 when registering for a 20% discount According to the latest data report from the S&P/Experian Consumer Credit Default Indices, First mortgage default rate rose from November to December in 2018.  In addition to raising default rates, the housing sector is pressured by rising prices and higher mortgage rates. Sales of both new and existing homes are weakening. Joining the podcast to discuss the changing economic environment and to provide color on the NPL market is Cody Faller, President of Faller Financial.  Cody has worked with many of the most sophisticated real estate and note operators in the country. Since 2011, Cody has personally facilitated and/or purchased over $150 million in residential notes across roughly two hundred transactions under the Faller Financial brand.