Capital Markets Today

NoteExpo Podcast Series – Buying Mortgage Notes-Eddie Speed / Note School



NoteExpo, November 2nd-3rd, Dallas TX Sharestates, an online crowdfunding real estate investment platform, has introduced financing for non-performing loans aimed at providing private real estate investors access to leverage.  By offering to finance up to 80% of the unpaid principal balance or value of the NPL, the crowdfunding company is opening up the NPL market up to a much larger pool of potential private investors.  This is yet another indication that private investors will continue to expand and maintain their presence in the NPL space. Joining the podcast to discuss the buying of mortgage notes is Eddie Speed.  Eddie founded NoteSchool which is a highly recognized training company specialized in the teaching of buying both performing and non-performing discounted mortgage notes. He is the owner and president of Colonial Funding Group LLC, which acquires and brokers discounted real estate secured notes.