Capital Markets Today

NoteExpo Podcast Series - Note Market, Faller, Founder of Faller Financial



According to a recent article in DS News, next month could bring increased delinquency rates due to the aftermath of recent storms.  Black Knight suggest that Houston is the first to see the impact of storm activity with a 16% increase in delinquency rates in August. According to the Black Knight's report, 6,700 new delinquencies were recorded with an additional 1000 rolling past the 60-day threshold.  September, October, and November delinquencies are expected to rise throughout parts of the country where storm events had an impact. Joining the podcast to discuss the Performing & Nonperforming Note market is Cody Faller, Founder of Faller Financial.  Cody has 15 year’s experience in the real estate and mortgage note industry working with a wide spectrum of real estate note investors across the country ranging from large Banks & hedge funds to individual note buyers.   In recent years, Cody has personally facilitated and/or purchased over $150 million in residential notes across roughly two hundred tr