Capital Markets Today

DDC European Investment Series, Polish NPL Market, Browndorf - DCM



Welcome to Capital Markets Today and the DDC Financials’ series of European Investment Forum podcasts.  Capital Markets Today listeners can use code NSCM30 for a 30% discount to the European Investment Summit being held in Miami Florida USA on March 8 & 9th 2017 According to a recent KPMG report, the NPL market in Poland is developing rapidly. The combined gross value of NPL transactions increased by 55 percent over the last two years, reaching 3.7 Billion US dollars The Polish debt sector has been low key and domestic so far. However, an increase in the number of deals is expected to attract more international investors, especially as Polish banks are considering selling portfolios outside of the consumer debt space Joining the podcast to discuss the Polish NPL market and his new Polish based asset management platform, Resolution Capital Management, is Matt Browndorf, Chief Investment Officer of Distressed Capital Management.  Resolution Capital Management is a joint venture between Distressed Capital Ma