Capital Markets Today

IMN NPL/RPL Series - NPL Trading - Pollio / SN Servicing Trade Desk



Welcome to Capital Markets Today and the IMN’s series of NPL & RPL Forum podcasts.  Capital Markets Today listeners can use code SP20 for a 20% discount to IMN’s NPL/RPL Forum East being held on January 19-20th 2017 Researchers from the Urban Institute indicate more pools of non-performing loans need to be sold to private investors.  Earlier this year, a report from the Urban Institute's Housing Finance Policy Center, stated that private investors can do more for borrowers than the government or large institutions, and is encouraging more NPLs to be sold to private investors.  The report summarizes that private investors have greater flexibility to modify nonperforming loans and mitigate losses. As of mid-2016, HUD has sold more than 105 thousand NPLs and FNMA & Freddie have sold more than 40 thousand NPLs.  These large transactions will feed the secondary and tertiary markets in 2017. Joining the broadcast today to discuss NPL trading is David Pollio, Managing Director of Acquisitions at SN Servicing