Ponderings From The Perch

Let's Turn Marketing Chaos into Organization



Chaos isn’t a word that usually makes us feel warm and fuzzy inside. It’s a word that maybe you flinch when you hear, or your stomach does a little flip. Who wants life to be filled with chaos and uncertainty anyways? Well, chaos is inevitable. It’s part of growth and change. Personally and professionally. CEO and Little Bird Momma, Priscilla McKinney, and Executive VP Ashley Le Blanc know a thing or two about navigating chaotic situations with grace and strategic planning. Join us on the Ponderings from the Perch podcast as we become your collaborator in turning marketing chaos into marketing organization.  Does this sound familiar? “Our company doesn't have a strong system in place to generate the right leads” “Our marketing actions are not in alignment with company goals” “My team just lacks the time and/or marketing expertise to execute our plan” When strategic planning is at the forefront and there is a plan in place, marketing chaos evolves into marketing organization, which leads to *sigh* marketin