Ponderings From The Perch

4 Ways you Can Digitally Transform Your Team Today



Digital transformation is more than a buzzword. It’s a real, valid, and necessary concept and change necessary to be a part of the market today. Nobody uses a phonebook to find a business phone number, and your employees likely aren’t carrying around heavy three-ring binders anymore. To play ball— you’re going to have to step up to the plate: the digital transformation plate. In this episode of the Ponderings from the Perch podcast, CEO and Little Bird Momma Priscilla McKinney pulls back the curtain on digital transformation and how your business and brand can utilize these tools and tips to supercharge your marketing efforts and engage your team at a whole new level! 4 Tips To Digitally Transform Your Team Get Your Team Engaged With Social Selling Take A Load Off Your Plate With Content Management Systems Get Clarity by Streamlining Communication Channels Change the Game with Project Management Systems Social selling, when done with genuine employee advocacy can engage your employees in exciting new