Emma & Tom's Pgce Podcast

Meddwl Mawr - The EWC's Book and Journal Club



Confession time: quite a long time ago we were asked to provide a recommendation of something interesting from the EBSCO database of education literature for the Education Workforce Council's Meddwl Mawr book and journal club. Teachers registered in Wales can access anything in EBSCO for free, helping to bring education literature goodies to classroom practitioners all over the country.Finally, we've got our act together and have a discussion for you about initial teacher education reform in Wales in the form of an article by Professor John Furlong and co-authors. Despite the apparently niche subject area, there's plenty in here for anyone in the education world to chew over, so we hope you'll stick with us for the ride!If you want to read the article, look for Furlong, J., Griffiths, J., Hannigan-Davies, C., Harris, A. and Jones, M. (2021) ‘The reform of initial teacher education in Wales: from vision to reality.’ Oxford Review of Education 47(1) pp. 61-78You can find the Meddwl Mawr book and journal club at