Studio Sherpas Podcast

309. The Video Business Growth Solution with Katrina Scarlett



Today on the show we look at the value of incorporating the human touch when dealing with clients. Your relationship with a client starts far before most think it does and should last far longer than the duration of your project with them. We talk with Katrina Scarlett about what this relationship should look like and how to capitalize on referral marketing to leverage this infinite cyclical loop and ensure future business with your clients while also turning them into a customer generating system that lands new clients! Key Takeaways  The customer service journey is not simply about the purchase, it is an infinite loop that is full of opportunity and potential. Find ways to add value to your clients through what you offer rather than resorting to discounts. Leverage your current customer base to not only strengthen your relationship with them, but also to generate new clients. Shift the heart of your business to be about the service that you are able to provide for people and the value that you add to their