Daily Meditation Podcast

Self-Improvement to Improve Your Reaction to Stress



Take part in a powerful self-awareness exercise as you review your week. Celebrate your big wins, and notice ways to improve how you respond to stress.   You might not consider your negative thoughts as thieves. In fact, negative thoughts may steal away some of the best moments of your life. Consider the time and attention negative thoughts take away from each day of your life. In this week's series, you'll explore how to release these thieves.   This week, you'll be exploring non-stealing, from Pantanjali's Yoga Sutras. This is part of a collection of meditation series focused on honoring the way you live your life. You'll focus on truthfulness to help cultivate a calmer, kinder approach to the problems in the world today.   This is part 7 of a 7-part Release Negative Thoughts with the 3rd Yama Asteya meditation series episodes 2110-2116.   THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE: You're invited to take part in a Confidence Quest where every day this week you become aware of how your emotional states impact your confidence.