Studio Sherpas Podcast

311. Why You Should Consider Creating a Podcast to Market Your Business with Danny Ozment



Podcasts are the name of the game today! We sit down with Danny Ozment to have a conversation about using podcasts to promote your video business. You’ll even get a little insight into why this podcast exists.  A podcast has the potential to be a complete game changer for your business, but it needs to be done right. Danny explains just how to structure and market your podcast so that it will be found, build trust between you and future clients, and act as a launching pad for loads of social media content. A podcast can be your door into creating the lasting, long term client base that you want and help you impact the world more than you ever dreamed possible.  Key Takeaways  Podcasting is the long form version of content marketing. Utilize this and repurpose it to create other forms of social content with little extra effort. Use your podcast to build trust with prospective clients and set your business apart from the competition. Structure your podcast for the specific goal that you have for it. Market you