Alliance Aces

88: 6 Tips for a Modern Ecosystem From IBM’s Global Partner Executive w/ Justin Silvia



Alliance & partner managers: What if we managed our partnerships the way Amazon does? What if we created a buying, delivery, packaging, and customer success experience that was just as seamless as theirs? Perhaps easier said than done, but Justin Silvia is here to tell us his tips on building seamless customer experiences while managing complex partnerships. Justin Silvia is the Executive Director of the Strategic Partner Program at IBM. What we talked about: Ecosystems, alliances, and partnerships Trusting each other’s expertise Creating a unified experience for the customer Ensuring solutions provide value to every level of the customer’s organization Partner pricing Being an internal roadmap for your organization Alliance trust   To contact the host, Chip Rodgers, with topic ideas, suggest a guest, or join the conversation about alliances, he can be reached by: Email: Twitter: @chiprodgers LinkedIn: