Alliance Aces

79: Collaboration between Strategic Alliances & Sales leads to Success w/ Sanjeev Mittal and Rajat Sinha



Alliances are key to our success. Most people think of partners as external, but the partnership between strategic alliances and sales is essential. My two guests on this episode about internal and external partnerships are Sanjeev Mittal, General Manager and Business Head of Data Analytics and AI, and Rajat Sinha, Senior Director of Strategic Alliances and Partnerships for Data Analytics and AI — both at Wipro Lmtd. What we talked about: How to make client-focused alliances by putting the client as your focus Alliance and partnering activities Integrating partner planning into annual planning How to build collaboration between strategic alliance and sales The great foundation of trust between Rajat’s and Sanjeev’s teams Subscribe to Alliance Aces at Apple Podcasts or in your favorite podcast platform