California Real Estate Radio

No housing bubble to burst by the Fat to Fit Realtor Connor with Honor



#fattofitrealtor#connorwithhonorThere are many ways in which to get your real estate market updates. My Fat to Fit Realtor concept fits well within real estate. Why do you only take care of your body and let your home go? or is it both that are in shambles.If you are going to take the effort to pay off a home mortgage that takes 30 years, why are you going to let your body get unhealthy and get in bad shape?The same applies to your home. You need to keep your systems updated and in good condition. The home is easier than the body, I venture to say.(661) 51-homesThat is my Santa Clarita real estate business phone number.  51 has significance.It's exactly how much effort that is required to change your life. It does not take much, it just takes consistency. I'm here for you when you get ready and I'm Connor with Honor the Fat to Fit Realtor and I'm glad to be of great service to you and yours.Fat to Fit Realtor Connor with Honor: (00:00)Hello, good to everybody. It is Connor, with honor, kno