California Real Estate Radio

The real estate market is collapsing and I'm still fat



I'm the Fat to Fit realtor and I have a job to do. That is to sell your home, represent you as a buyer or real estate investor - and to be true to myself and help you if you want to become healthy.Of course, not necessarily in that order. There are a lot of people who are in the "talking" sphere that sound like sage advisors - but most are just smoke and mirrors.Ask them what they have done?I was LAPD motors, I torched 135 pounds of body fat, I quit smoking, my food addiction and a chewing tobacco addiction. I became sober after 15 years and all of these things, I caused myself, sabotaging myself. The beautiful thing is that now I know this.Before, I felt like the new generation and was pretty good at blaming others.Never will those words cross my lips again. I am to blame. I am the one that needs to callous his mind. To stay in the right space in order to make the world happen as I want it to.Sure, that "world thing happening", that has not worked out yet, but I get some glimpses of