Love Based Leadership With Dan Pontefract

Management Guru Tom Peters and Extreme Humanism



Tom Peters is the coauthor of "In Search of Excellence"—the book that changed the way the world does business and is often tagged as the best business book ever. Tom sits down with Dan Pontefract on Leadership NOW and they get into all sorts of trouble, discussing why leaders are uncaring, unsupportive, and short-term thinkers while providing ample suggestions to fix it all. Twenty books and forty years later, Tom is still at the forefront of the “management guru industry” he single-handedly invented. What’s new? A lot. As CNN said, “While most business gurus milk the same mantra for all it’s worth, the one-man brand called Tom Peters is still reinventing himself.” His most recent effort with coauthor Nancye Green is Tom Peters’ Compact Guide to Excellence (Ideapress Publishing, Nov 2022). Tom’s tireless focus is on putting people first and developing leaders who stay in intimate touch with the front-liners who do the real work. Dan was in the audience in London, November 2017, when Tom received the Th