My Creative Life By Nancy Miller

146 Laura Alderson, Children's Book Illustrator



Hi Everyone! I had the pleasure of speaking with Laura Alderson a children's book illustrator based in Italy! So cool! Laura was kind enough to share her art journey with us today. Here is more about her: I grew up in the southern US, with an imagination ready for travel. In middle school I started writing a book set in Italy and my librarian encouraged both my writing and illustrations. My interests shifted to modern art while attending the University of Georgia, but I did sneak in a summer in Italy. After a few years designing offices in Atlanta, I started painting oil portraits, and then our family moved to NYC, where my daughter grew up. In 2011 our family unexpectedly moved to—where else? Italy! Wanting to start a new career from abroad, I decided to return to my original love of children’s book illustration. By this time I was ready to make use of years of accumulated art skills and cultural experience, as well as digital tools. I am now actively looking for representation to illustrate children’s books