Hair Like Hers

2022 Round-Up: Top D-loaded episodes with Shab Caspara



Exciting news to share with you all. Leona is launching this winter. Leona is the name of my online retail platform for women’s hair growth that will educate and match you to the best hair products and devices from around the world. I have put nothing but hard work, research and engineering into this site to truly simplify not only the retail experience for you but your actual hair journey itself.Be sure to sign up right now for early subscriber giveaways, go to and I’ll keep you posted.This episode: Looking back on all the topics and info from the past year just blew me away. We have covered so many crucial topics in addressing the evolution of women's health and how they all tie into the health and quality of your hair. Ive gathered the most vital snippets from the top 4 episodes of 2022.Beginning with :Postpartum hair loss with registered dietician and nutritionist lily Nichols on how to manage and prepare for it. Learn about protein needs and collagen.Skin and scalp eczema with registered ho