Torah Classes



Torah classes covering the weekly Torah Portion in depth as well as classes on various topics in Judaism such as Davening, The Book of Psalms, and the laws concerning blessings on food and drink.


  • Behar 1

    19/05/2024 Duración: 34min

    Chp. 25 verses 1 - 5: The laws of Shimttah and their connection to Mt. Sinai.

  • Behar 2

    19/05/2024 Duración: 33min

    Chp. 25 verses 5 - 12: Conclusion of the laws of Shemittah. Begins with the laws of the Yovel, the Jubilee year.

  • Behar 3

    19/05/2024 Duración: 32min

    Chp 25 verses 13 - 21: Continuing with laws and description of the Jubilee year.

  • Behar 4

    19/05/2024 Duración: 31min

    Chp. 25 verses 22 - 31: finishes the topic of Yovel with regards to a field and continues with the sale of a house in both a walled and unwalled cily.

  • Behar 5

    19/05/2024 Duración: 32min

    Chp. 25 verses 32 - 38: begins with the laws of the houses and land owned by a levite as ancestral property. Continues with the mitzvah to give charity and not to charge interest.

  • Behar 6

    19/05/2024 Duración: 39min

    Chp.25 verses 39 - 55 Chp, 26 verses 1 & 2: Begins with helping your brother. Continues with your brother selling himself to you as a slave, and your responsibilities. The laws of a Jew who sells himself to a resident Gentile. The portion finishes with the command to keep the Shabbos and revere the Temple.