Unlearning With Ki



If you were raised the way I was, society taught you a lot about yourself that conflicts with the evolved version of who you are. Aka, society fed you a bunch of bs and now you know the game... The hard part is unlearning everything that no longer serves you and replacing it with the truth. Luckily for you, the whole premise of this podcast is just that. I'll be sharing every lie that I'm unfolding and hopefully, my transparency helps you.


  • Feature on the Busy Biz Podcast

    01/04/2019 Duración: 10min

    This episode comes from the Busy Biz Podcast created by Alexis C. Richardson!

  • Love Driven Principles

    26/02/2018 Duración: 05min

    Walking in faith will require you to let go of something’s you were falling in love with. It’s okay, God will you honor you for honoring His principles.

  • The Myth of Grinding

    19/02/2018 Duración: 03min

    We were called to bring glory to His name.. which requires hard work... but it doesn’t mean we hustle ourselves into our graves.

  • Level Up From Bitterness

    05/02/2018 Duración: 04min

    Last week I discussed the blessing behind resistance and to beef up my stance, I decided to encourage you to avoid bitterness this week. There’s nothing healthy about it, it’s wack, and it’s also pretty selfish. Listen in to get you’re quick fix of empowerment. You can add me using @kiahchism on all social media platforms and check out my websites kiahchism.com and weareenigmatic.com

  • Resistance is KEY

    29/01/2018 Duración: 09min

    Listen Linda, I know it’s getting a little tough but I need you to stay encouraged! Resistance is KEY on the path to righteousness. What are you going to do today to keep your legacy blessed tomorrow? To stay up to date with me follow me on any social media using @kiahchism!