Need Motivation? The best daily motivation is The Daily Boost! Find out what makes you happy! Reduce your stress! Get inspired! Master life skills like lifestyle design, balance, communication, career advancement and enjoy more success. The Daily Boost is the world's most popular daily motivation program. Scott Smith delivers a unique, straight talking, real, very funny, and extreamly effective strategies that will give you amazing results! The Daily Boost has been iTunes top ranked self-help program since 2004 – give it a listen and find out why so many people around the world make The Daily Boost part their day... every day. (More podcasts at
Don’t Break Your Success Chain
03/01/2025 Duración: 08minDon’t Break Your Success Chain I’ll never forget the day a friend called and made me an offer I couldn’t refuse - and I didn’t. Rob was an event promoter who had snagged the chance to book an up-and-coming comedian named Jerry Seinfeld into a local venue. He needed somebody to warm up the audience and introduce Jerry. I was all in when he agreed to cover my drink tab and let me hang out with Jerry before the show. It was 1986, and Jerry’s television series about nothing was still in development. I know that because it’s what we talked about before the show. As he munched on veggies and sipped sparkling water, I’ll never forget how focused he was on getting what he wanted. Tired and worn out from living on the road, I asked how he managed to keep going. He said — “I know exactly what I want. I’m a comedian, so I have to be funny. The only way to be funny is to write funny jokes. The only way to write funny jokes is to write every day. So, I write daily and put a big red “X” on the calendar. Eventually, the
How To Make Change in 2025
02/01/2025 Duración: 08minHow To Make Change in 2025 As we get into the New Year, I've noticed that people are getting back to their old ways. That's okay. It's a journey. But what is that journey? Winston Churchill said, "To improve is to change, so to be perfect is to have changed often." And it helps if you understand the stages of change: 1) Pre-Contemplation. You may intend to take action but are unaware that your behavior is the problem. 2) Contemplation. You recognize the problem and start to debate the pros and cons of your actions. 3) Preparation. You intend to take action soon. You may even begin small steps. 4) Action. The process of making the specific changes required to create your new life begins. 5) Maintenance. Sustain your efforts for at least six months. You will likely achieve a life-long transformation. 6) Termination. You have zero temptation and are sure you will not return to your old unhealthy habits. Winston Churchill said something else - "For myself, I am an optimist — it does not seem to be m
Mapping Your Success
01/01/2025 Duración: 08minWouldn’t it be great to have a plan to help you get what you want? What you need is MAPSS. - a system that gets thinking out of the way and focuses on actions in four areas: Motivation: Everything begins with motivation and knowing ‘WHY’ you set your goals. Stay motivated. Accountability: Being accountable and accepting responsibility for your results will empower your success. Saying, ‘If it’s to be, it’s up to me,’ is a great way to get started. Planning: Plan your work, work you plan. It’s simple. If you can’t plan it, you won’t be able to do it. Systemization: The first steps of any worthy goal are difficult. As you get more comfortable with your process, lock in the actions and repeat them until you get what you want. Sustainability: Everything takes longer than you think. Momentum is built in life by stacking your accomplishments sequentially. Make sure you set yourself up for the long haul. The freedom you desire rests on a stable and repeatable foundation. Motivation, Accountability, Planning
4 Steps to Change Your Life
31/12/2024 Duración: 08minCreating a difference in your life is a non-stop process that requires simple actions to help you get what you want. And it is, after all, about getting what you want and keeping what you love. You’ll always go through these steps: 1) Decide. Everything begins with your decision to head off in a new direction. While sometimes you may feel like you’ve made a decision, if you’re not moving, you haven’t. 2) Define. Aimless wandering is fun when that’s what you’ve decided to do. Otherwise, it’s frustrating, exhausting, and takes place more than you think. When you define your path, you get to walk your path. 3) Deploy. As dull as the advice may be, putting your plan into action is the only way for you to get what you want. If you don’t deploy, you don’t get it. 4) Defend. After working so hard to get what you want, you can guarantee that something or somebody will try to take away your results. That’s not good or bad. That’s life. When you find what you love, defend it so you never lose it. Simple. I like s
Are Smart Goals The Secret?
30/12/2024 Duración: 08minI'm a big fan of setting big-ass goals. Dreaming BIG is my natural state - which is why S.M.A.R.T. goals are not all that smart. S.M.A.R.T. stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-Bound. While it may seem like a good plan, I can't wrap my head around not setting goals because they don't seem achievable or realistic. Excuse me? When did big goals seem achievable and realistic? If that were true, you would already be doing them. Anytime you are moving from dreaming into doing, you will be living in the land of crazy and scary. If you hold yourself to what is achievable and realistic, you might as well keep doing what you're doing. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Are You Choosing a Word For The Year?
27/12/2024 Duración: 09minAround this time every year, people begin to declare to me the WORD they have chosen to guide their lives for the following year. I like words - especially when combined with wisdom and a few wisecracks - but that might be just me. Still, I'm always amazed at how excited people get and how much they believe their WORD will guide them into the next year. I'm jealous. I need a WORD, too - and that's where the trouble begins. I can't imagine choosing a word to represent 365 days of getting after it. However, having a word is an emotional trigger that fires neurons in your brain to keep you moving, so why can’t my word be several words? Just like magic - they arrived… Simple. Sophisticated. Focused. Automated. Delegated. Deleted. Ritualistic. It's a little Stoic and a lot of Scott LOGIC - it works for me. If you could use an emotional supercharger, choose a WORD… or WORDS for the year… and see how the next year ROCKS! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Rules For a Happy Life
26/12/2024 Duración: 09minIn 300 BC, political life was driving people crazy. To calm the masses, several schools of philosophy popped up. Stoicism still resonates powerfully today. 1. Don't enslave yourself to annoying people. 2. Choose reasonable expectations. 3. Pre-meditate those expectations. 4. You are a mind that is operating a bag of chemicals you call a body. 5. Stop pretending you know that things are bad. 6. You were put here to reason, so use it already. 7. Life is NOT too short. 8. Feel your emotions like a Stoic would. They are your power. 9. Anger is a choice. 10. When it comes down to it, we are dogs tied to the back of a cart. Sound wisdom never goes out of style. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The Gift of Free Will
25/12/2024 Duración: 09minWhen will you get to do what you want to do? More people than you know lose sleep over that question. If that sounds like something you have experienced, you’re not alone. Almost everybody begins their journey when a thought pops into their mind. Then, day-to-day life keeps them busy, and they spend frustrating months fixin’ to get ready. You know, starting to prepare… so you can begin to do… so you can do… and say you did. If that doesn’t work, you summon your friend, Will Power. Will is not a person, but more like a kind of friend that you don’t know why you keep letting into your life. They are a bit slacker, live rent-free in your mind, say they want to help, and never deliver on their promise. Will’s job description should read -- to force you to do things you say you want to do but can’t get yourself to do. When you give up, Will leaves. The good news is, there’s no need to force yourself to do anything. Achieving your biggest goals in life has nothing to do with willpower. Instead, shift your
Are You Listening To Your Calling
24/12/2024 Duración: 09minI’m not sure how you feel about the Universe and how things work in the world, but does the Universe speak to you? I can’t tell you if the ‘Universe’ stands alone or if ‘God’ created the ‘Universe’ and runs the show. That’s above my pay grade. What I can say is this. We live and breathe every day in a world that is ganging up on us and trying to get our attention. The question is, are you listening? While there are many ways people seek to receive messages of guidance as we make life decisions, my favorite has always been events that occur in triplicate. If something happens three times, I pay attention. Call me hard-headed, distracted, or set in my ways, but life has taught me that wisdom tends to come in whispers - usually when our thoughts are screaming in our heads and drowning out our dreams. Now, let me be clear... A friend calling three times to go out on the town doesn’t count in my book. Snoozing your alarm clock three times isn’t a message from the Universe that you should sleep in more.
Living Your 9-Year Life Cycle
23/12/2024 Duración: 09minA few years ago, my friend Louis Gates taught me about the nine-year life cycle. It's an easy way to get what you want using the Law of Attraction. 9-year cycles begin the day you are born and repeat throughout your life. Happiness is as simple as paying attention to your cycle - and asking for what you want. In year 1, start asking for a new purpose in life. It will reveal itself in year 2. Your focus will tighten. Things start moving in year 3. You'll enjoy the changes happening in your life. You accelerate in the direction of your purpose in year 4. Years 5 and 6 are for evaluation. You decide to focus on only what is working in your life. Years 7 and 8 are about letting go. You begin to remove all clutter from your life. When 9 years roll around, your mind begins to ponder the next phase of your life. The process continues. Where are you in your life cycle? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The Best To-Do List EVER!
20/12/2024 Duración: 09minI'm sure you have a lot to do today. You’re probably in for a busy day if you use a traditional To-Do list. If I may, I’d like to pass on some advice to make your days much more fun. LOSE your "To-Do List." Replace it with a "Did I Do It List." Of course, a traditional To-Do list will get the job done. But it’s far too easy to focus entirely on your list of things to do instead of what you're supposed to be doing. Don’t get me wrong, when you are inside any project, you may need a list. I can’t imagine myself in the kitchen without a recipe to follow. To-do lists have their place. For everything else, there’s something better. You should be using a “Did I Do It List.” As simple as it sounds, instead of chasing and stressing about what you must do, you simply ensure you’ve done what is needed. Yes, it’s a simple mindset change, but it will change everything about how you get things done — and you’ll have far less stress. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
How to Make The Law of Attraction Work
19/12/2024 Duración: 09minThe Law of Attraction should be called the Law of What You Think About Most. Like attracts like, what you think about, you get. If you think, "I won't get it because I never do," - you are correct. Dreaming of something new while focusing on current problems is a sure way to keep spinning your wheels. The secret is to focus your attention and actions on what you want to attract. That will require a dedicated effort. Vision Boards, lists of goals, and daily journaling are all great ways to stay on track. The "Law of What You Think About" is magical and straightforward… Decide what you want. Believe it is possible. Focus on the future, not the past. Please don't stop until you get it. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
It’s Time To Explore What’s Possible
18/12/2024 Duración: 09minIt’s Time To Explore What’s Possible I’ve spent the last couple of days saying things like — “What do you do when you are doing you, and your purpose is to find your purpose?” Now, I realize that something so simple is also something most people will ignore. I also realized that for some people, as soon as they begin reading and realize they’ve already heard it, tune out and open the next email. That’s unfortunate. Studies have long ago proven that repetition is the Mother of all skills. Yes, it takes time to learn new things and master them. But getting a new skill is not the value of repetition — it’s the doors it opens. When you opened my email yesterday, you were a different person than now. And tomorrow you will be different than you will be by the end of the week. As you explore your day, you’ll figure out what doesn’t work, lock in what does, and update your worldview. You will see things differently. The wisdom you collect will transform your personality as you explore your life and you wil
Say YES to Yourself More This Year
17/12/2024 Duración: 09minSay YES to Yourself More This Year Do you ever wish you had a less complicated life? Even if your job and life are overcomplicated out of necessity, like launching a rocket or performing brain surgery, you can still simplify everything. How do you do it? Your actions in your life and your job are probably not causing the overwhelm. It's the people and the results that are causing you to feel that way. The easier way to under-complicate is to begin saying "No" to the arbitrary and unattainable demands of others and focus exclusively on the results you want. Here are a couple of ideas: 1) Practice the law of "Good Enough." Perfectionism is overrated. It will waste years of productive time you could use to enjoy life. Set your standards and rise to them. 2) Get good at saying "No." Make that two-letter word your default answer for everything. And remember, sometimes, saying nothing at all gets the same result. 3) Remember that the only thing you must do in life is take a BREATH. Everything else is opt
Happiness Doesn't Require Permission
16/12/2024 Duración: 09minMy friend Sid called to tell me he had found his next big thing. He decided to take flying lessons and couldn't wait to get started. After hearing my Mom's stories over the years, I have always wanted to learn to fly. Her father was a contractor in Wilmington, North Carolina. When an airport client couldn't pay, he offered lessons. She was 15 years old. Her stories of landing on the beaches of North Carolina were thrilling. Flying solo before an arriving hurricane was captivating. We'll forget that she 3-days short of being legally old enough. Her adventurous spirit took control. With a hurricane coming, she wasn't going to ask for permission. She took command, and it put her in the record books. By the time I began flying 50 years later, things were more controlled, and speaking on the radio to Air Traffic Control was required - and challenging. Being nervous, I often asked for permission when I wanted to do something. I would say, "This is Cessna 67508 requesting permission to…" One day, while waiting f
Morning Routines Power
13/12/2024 Duración: 10minOne thing that I'm always going to do is refine my morning routine — it's a never-ending process. You hear a lot about using morning rituals to get more done. But what if you could use your mornings to get more done for YOU? In the fast-paced world we live in today, there seem to be two groups when it comes to how to use mornings — personal and productive. Once folks remove themselves from the craziness of jumping out of bed, taking care of the kids, and hitting the drive-through, they choose one of the two. But what if there was a third group that was more satisfying? Before I go on, I must admit that I was not a morning person and didn't like getting up early. I even quit my first couple of jobs as a morning radio host so I could sleep. Later in my career, I would hit my desk at 5 AM and pound through my to-do list as fast as possible. I must have been saying, "I…MUST… GET… IT… DONE!" That didn't work well because I didn't see the purpose of getting out of bed early if it was only to work. For a f
Unlock Your Goals with Accountability
12/12/2024 Duración: 10minOver the years, I've witnessed dozens of people set themselves up for failure by following seemingly wise advice - "When you set a goal, make it public and tell everybody you know so they can support you." In my experience, that could have worked better - especially on long-term goals. The reason is that nobody outside my close relationships knows me well enough to understand why I'm doing what I'm doing. That makes it challenging to provide support in meaningful ways, difficult for me to accept, and unneeded pressure on everybody. It takes little thinking to realize the best accountability relationship needs to be based on respect and a sincere connection to have the most impact. That means there is no need to crowd-source accountability when you only need two people to keep you on track. The first partner is the one you listen to the most - YOU! Accepting responsibility for your accountability is the most potent skill you own. But since you are the boss of YOU and don't always listen to yourself, you
Steps to Getting What You Want — and Keeping It.
11/12/2024 Duración: 10minCreating a difference in your life is a non-stop process that requires simple actions to help you get what you want. And it is, after all, about getting what you want and keeping what you love. You’ll always go through these steps: 1) Decide. Everything begins with your decision to head off in a new direction. While sometimes you may feel like you’ve made a decision, if you’re not moving, you haven’t. 2) Define. Aimless wandering is fun when that’s what you’ve decided to do. Otherwise, it’s frustrating, exhausting, and takes place more than you think. When you define your path, you get to walk your path. 3) Deploy. As dull as the advice may be, putting your plan into action is the only way to get what you want. If you don’t deploy, you don’t get it. 4) Defend. After working hard to get what you want, you can guarantee that something or somebody will try to take away your results. That’s not good or bad. That’s life. When you find what you love, defend it so you never lose it. Learn more about your ad cho
Clear Your Clutter, Clear Your Mind
10/12/2024 Duración: 10minI’ve noticed in my life that humans are hoarders when it comes to keeping stuff that works and doesn’t. They keep hanging on; their life depends on it. Now, before I go on, I think there are two situations at play here: 1) Hanging on to what has worked well but needs to go so you can do more of what you want to do. 2) Hanging on what doesn’t work in hopes that it will work well someday. Both can go on for years, leading to frustration as you long for something else. I was on the phone with a client this morning, and we ran into that situation. We began dealing with it a few months ago, and it’s still rearing its ugly head in her life. After exploring it from every angle— Should I keep it? Should I put it to the side and come back to it? Should I toss it and start over? Should I… should I… should I. I finally said the only thing that came to mind - “The mere fact that you keep questioning it tells me you want to drop it. You’re just worried about what comes next, which is strange because what’s next
10 Daily Rules for a Happier You
09/12/2024 Duración: 10minEvery day, we all jump into the craziness of life with little thought to the basic rules we use to run our day. Here are a few of mine. You can borrow them if you would like: 1) Do what makes your heart sing. You'll always feel better when you are dancing down your path. 2) Believe anything is possible. As soon as you believe - everything IS possible. 3) Be nice to others. Expect them to do the same. No further explanation is required. 4) Believe in people and encourage their dreams. When you do, they'll return the favor. 5) Do the right thing. If you mess up, say you're sorry, try again. 6) Meet people where they are in their lives and walk with them to where you both want to go. 7) Do what you say you will do. It's always better to under-promise and over-deliver. 8) Make lemonade out of lemons. Everything is fixable if you have the right mindset. 9) Keep things simple. Yup. 10) Relax. Life is short. Double yup. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit