Coaching For Leaders

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 350:44:41
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Discover leadership wisdom through insightful conversations


  • 105: How To Find A Mentor

    09/09/2013 Duración: 40min

    Dave Stachowiak: Coaching for Leaders In Greek mythology, Mentor was a friend of Odysseus and was placed in charge of his son Telemachus when Odysseus left for war. Merriam-Webster's dictionary calls a mentor, "A trusted counselor or guide." What do you want to get from mentoring? Probably what you aren’t good at (or at least not yet) Plus, it's something that's important for you to get better at Advance planning Who do you know who's good at that? Are there multiple people? You don't have to know them today Your greatest mentors will never expect anything Identify specifically how someone can help and begin there Make a mind map of the people who could help Create a board of directors Getting Started Start off with a specific question Know that not everyone will respond or won’t be willing to help Wait on asking someone to “be a mentor” Everyone has a different context for this It could seem like a huge commitment It's awkward if they don't want to make that committment

  • 103: Sin by Silence, with Olivia Klaus

    26/08/2013 Duración: 48min

    Olivia Klaus: Sin By Silence Inside the California Institution for Women, the first inmate initiated and led group in U.S. prison history, shatters the misconceptions of domestic violence. Convicted Women Against Abuse (CWAA) was created in 1989 to help women inside prison break the silence about abuse and learn more about what they needed to do to help others stop the cycle of violence. Director Olivia Klaus joins me to discuss how she influenced social change throughout the State of California through her film, Sin by Silence. Discover More Activate your free membership for full access to the entire library of interviews since 2011, searchable by topic.

  • 101: How to Get the Most From LinkedIn, with Donna Schilder

    12/08/2013 Duración: 47min

    Do you have a LinkedIn profile? Is it up to date? Do you get any benefit from it? If not, on today’s show you’ll learn how to get the most from LinkedIn to help you network, build your brand, and influence the world. I welcome back Donna Schilder who originally appeared on episode #97 to share her expertise on LinkedIn to help us maximize the use of this network. Guest: Donna Schilder Get LinkedIn Now! Resources from Donna: 8 Ways to Make Your Profile More Powerful Than a Resume Blog Post LinkedIn Profile Picture Bloopers Get LinkedIn Now! purchase page (Donna's course) Discover More Activate your free membership for full access to the entire library of interviews since 2011, searchable by topic.

  • 99: Succeeding Through Unexpected Change


    One of the most common times that we seek to reinvent ourselves in during a time of great change. While we all like to control change, we also know that sometimes big change comes when we least expect it. Today I welcome colleague and friend Nancy Santarelli from Dale Carnegie of Southern Los Angeles to share her she has navigating major changes in her career in the past decade. Guest: Nancy Santarelli Vice President, Dale Carnegie of Southern Los Angeles Community Feedback USA: (949) 38-LEARN Twitter: #CFLshow Episode #100 (and the two year anniversary of this show) is just around the corner. On episode #100, the show is going to be about success stories and lessons from our community members. That’s you! Please call (949) 38-LEARN to record a contribution or visit to submit by computer. Tell me three things: What’s one thing you’ve discovered from listening to this show? How did you apply it? What was the result?

  • 98: Five Rules For Your New Leadership Role With Pam Fox Rollin


    One of the most common times people think about their own development is when starting a new leadership role. Today, I welcome Pam Fox Rollin to teach us five rules we should all follow in a new leadership role. Pam is an executive coach and author of the book 42 Rules For Your New Leadership Role. Guest: Pam Fox Rollin Author, 42 Rules For Your New Leadership Role Principal & Executive Coach, IdeaShape @PamFR Community Feedback USA: (949) 38-LEARN Twitter: #CFLshow Episode #100 (and the two year anniversary of this show) is just around the corner. On episode #100, the show is going to be about success stories and lessons from our community members. That’s you! Please call (949) 38-LEARN to record a contribution or visit to submit by computer. Tell me three things: What’s one thing you’ve discovered from listening to this show? How did you apply it? What was the result? Deadline to submit is August 1, 2013! Thank

  • 97: Three Ways To Reinvent Your Career With Donna Schilder


    I received a lot of notes recently from community members who are using the term "reinventing themselves" to describe their current career activities. Many of us reach points in our careers where we decide to look inward to determine if we're on the path that's right for us. In this show, I speak with Donna Schilder, an expert career coach, on three things that you can get more clarity on how to reinvent your career. Guest: Donna Schilder Leadership, Career, and Business Coach (562) 434–7822 Access Donna’s Desired Work Characteristics Assessment Community Feedback USA: (949) 38-LEARN Twitter: #CFLshow Episode #100 (and the two year anniversary of this show) is just around the corner. On episode #100, the show is going to be about success stories and lessons from our community members. That’s you! Please call (949) 38-LEARN to record a contribution or visit to submit by computer. Tell me three things: What’s one thi

  • 96: How To Get Buy-In For A New Initiative


    Most of us will either ask to or be called upon to roll out a new initiative sometime in our careers. My guest Christina Kull Martens and her team successfully launched the greeNG initiative at the Northrop Grumman Corporation. Today, you’ll learn how they did it. Guest: Christina Kull Martens Manager, Manufacturing Integration Northrop Grumman Corporation Community Feedback USA: (949) 38-LEARN Twitter: #CFLshow Episode #100 (and the two year anniversary of this show) is just around the corner. On episode #100, the show is going to be about success stories from our community members. That’s you! Please call (949) 38-LEARN to record a contribution or visit to submit by computer. Tell me three things: What’s one thing you’ve discovered from listening to this show? How did you apply it? What was the result? Want a mid-week booster shot? I send an email article out every week via email. Just go to coachingforleaders.

  • 94: What To Do When Managing Without Authority

    24/06/2013 Duración: 28min

    You simply can’t manage without the appropriate amount of authority. In this show, I walk you through six things you can do if you find yourself in this situation. In addition, this is a good check-point for ourselves as leaders to ensure we aren’t putting others into this situation. The most important thing to know? You can’t manage without authority. 1. What’s likely the scenario? Poor communication? Organizational politics? Discomfort area of the leader? Is it you? Do you really need authority in this area? 2. Watch and record what happens (or anticipate what could happen). 3. Connect your objectives and evidence to the bottom-line or organizational mission Almost always there is a cost factor What does it keep you from being able to do? Speaks to the logical minds of many leaders (task-oriented, people-oriented) 4. Make the request Be clear on the problem you are trying to solve and what you need Have a plan (timeline, steps, etc.) Show evidence that you have a plan Be prep

  • 93: Gary Takacs on How To Lead In a Professional Practice


    Gary Takacs has been helping dentists become better business leaders for virtually his entire career. He is an expert in professional practice management and helps dentists to learn how to grow and develop their business and leadership skills so they can better serve patients and grow their practices. Gary is also the host of The Thriving Dentist podcast, airing weekly. Whether you are in healthcare or not, you’ll learn lots about practical business leadership from Gary. Guest: Gary Takacs The Thriving Dentist Podcast Community Feedback USA: (949) 38-LEARN Twitter: #CFLshow Thank you to Jacquelyn Thorp, Russ Kennedy, Rachel Hall, Jamie Davis, Monica B, Scott Allison, and Jack Kelly for following me this week on social media. If you’d like to stay connected as well, simply go to and find the social media icons on this page. Want a mid-week booster shot? I send an email article out every week via email. Just go to coachingfo

  • 92: Barry Schwartz on How to Tap Into Your Practical Wisdom


    Leadership is often most challenging when the path forward is not clear. In this week’s episode, I talk with Barry Schwartz, author of the book Practical Wisdom: The Right Way To Do the Right Thing to help us discover how we can make better decisions as leaders. Guest: Barry Schwartz Author with Kenneth Sharpe of Practial Wisdom: The Right Way To Do the Right Thing Here are Barry’s TED Talks: Our Loss Of Wisdom Using Our Practical Wisdom The Paradox Of Choice Barry also mentioned the book The Blessing Of A Skinned Knee by Wendy Mogel Connect with Barry on the LinkedIn Influencer platform Community Feedback USA: (949) 38-LEARN Twitter: #CFLshow Check out my new series of QuickCoach videos, that will be airing each week. Thank you to Philippa Willitts, Abdul Rauf, Randy Alvarez, Pekka Peltonen, Mariela Diaz, Mark Sieverkropp, Julie Starnes, Greg Payne, and Kelly Anderson, Ben Kanu, Khalil Kouidrat, Eneogwe Chinyere Linda, and Akuyela Evelina

  • 91: How to Listen When Someone Is Venting, with Mark Goulston

    03/06/2013 Duración: 35min

    Mark Goulston: Real Influence Check out Mark’s article on this same topic on the Harvard Business Review blog Three three-step process that Mark recommended: 1. What are you most frustrated about? 2. What are you most angry about? 3. What are you really worried about? Here are links to Mark’s books: Real Influence: Persuade Without Pushing and Gain Without Giving In Just Listen Discover More Activate your free membership for full access to the entire library of interviews since 2011, searchable by topic.

  • 90: How to Interpret Your StrengthsFinder and CliftonStrengths Results, with Steve Dosier

    27/05/2013 Duración: 37min

    On episode #89, I welcomed Steve Dosier, a StrengthsFinder expert formerly of Gallup and now with Blue Star Intel, to teach us about the history of CliftonStrengths (formerly StrengthsFinder). This week, he takes Bonni and I through our StrengthsFinder 2.0 results so you can learn more about the value of utilizing your CliftonStrengths report. Guest: Steve Dosier Blue Star Intel Questions Steve asked of us: Individual Questions How closely do you feel your Top–5 Strengths match you? What do you agree strongly with? Are there any areas that don’t quite sound like you? Relationship Questions What Strengths do you feel you both connect upon and why? What Strengths do you find complimentary to your own and why? How do you leverage each other’s Strengths to get the best from each other? (You get the best of me when…) I feel this Strength helps me provide a unique contribution to our relationship… (My contribution to this relationship is….) Now that you know each other’s Strengths as defined

  • 89: The Value of the StrengthsFinder Assessment, with Steve Dosier


      CliftonStrengths (formerly StrengthsFinder) is one of the most popular instruments utilized in corporate training and coaching programs. In this episode, I welcome Steve Dosier, a StrengthsFinder expert formerly of Gallup and now with Blue Star Intel, to teach us about the history of CliftonStrengths (formerly StrengthsFinder) and help us discover how we can get the most value from the CliftonStrengths assessment. Guest: Steve Dosier Blue Star Intel Here are some of the resources we discussed during the show: StrengthsFinder 2.0 book* (a code is included in this book for the instrument) Now Discover Your Strenghts* (also includes assessment) Living with Your Strengths book (also includes assessment) You can purchase a code ala carte to take the StrengthsFinder assessment at this link without purchasing the book. Community Feedback USA: (949) 38-LEARN Twitter: #CFLshow Thank you to Regan Kakoschke, Malik Tayyab, Zouré Basnewendé, Nakhli

  • 87: How to Lead Virtually


    Almost everyone who leads is doing more influencing of people through technology. Many of us are even working remotely or managing others who work remotely. In this show, I welcome Loren Kousaie from Microsoft to speak about his extensive experience in leading people virtually over the years - and to offer us suggestions and what we can do better when communicating and leading from a distance. Community Feedback USA: (949) 38-LEARN Global: +1 (949) 385-3276 Twitter: @DaveStachowiak #CFLshow Guest: Loren Kousaie, Microsoft Here are the questions I asked of Loren: Tell me about your role at Microsoft and how you're physically spaced from your team. What's a typical day like for you? Also, what kind of tools are you using to connect with your team? What is different about leading people working virtually than leading in other venues? How do you set expectations with your team about what a remote relationship with you will be like? When you started leading virtually, w

  • 85: Ten Ways to Pick Yourself Up When You’re Beaten Down


    When we get beaten down, it's important for us to take actions that will pick us back up. In this show, I suggest ten things that you can do to pick yourself up after a difficult day, week, or month. If you are feeling beaten down right now, I challenge you to take action on at least one of these suggestions. Community Feedback USA: (949) 38-LEARN Global: +1 (949) 385-3276 Twitter: @DaveStachowiak #CFLshow 1) Find something to be in awe of…preferably something you had something to do with 2) Call the Leena in your life Beware of people who want to fix you Beware of people who don't listen to you when you have a bad day. Find the people that will stop and listen 3) Help somebody who can do nothing for you The real test of a person's character is to watch how they treat someone who can do nothing for them. Mother Theresa was a powerful example “The opposite of faith is not doubt, it’s certainty." -Anne Lamott Who could you help? 4) Get outdoors 5) Read three pa

  • 84: The Surprising Truth About Influencing Others, with Daniel Pink

    15/04/2013 Duración: 29min

    Daniel Pink: To Sell is Human Daniel Pink is the author of several bestselling books on the changing world of work. He recently released his newest book, To Sell Is Human, which is also now a bestseller. In this episode, Daniel joins me to speak about his new book, to tell us what's changed about sales, and to explain why we're all in sales now...even leaders. Here are the questions I asked of Daniel: You make a strong case in the book is that sales has changed. What's changed? Most people I know assume that the best salespeople are extroverts. The research you've cited in your book says no. Why not? The use of sales scripts has been rampant in developing salespeople. You call sales scripts into question a bit in this book - so what can leaders and organizations do differently to develop their sales teams? You use the term "non-sales selling" to describe what a majority of us do in our work almost every day. One area your highlight is email subject lines. Why is the subject line so important and how

  • 82: How to Attract and Grow an Online Network, with Lynette Young

    01/04/2013 Duración: 40min

    Lynette Young: Google+ for Small Businesses Virtually everyone wants to build their professional network, but few people are truly effective at doing it in person - and many believe it's ever more challenging online. On this episode, I welcome Lynette Young from Purple Stripe Productions and author of the book Google+ for Small Businesses. Over 1.5 million people follow Lynette online, so she brings a lot of credibility and experience to those of us who want to engage online more effectively. Please note that since this episode originally aired, Google has permanently sunsetted the Google+ social media network. Discover More Activate your free membership for full access to the entire library of interviews since 2011, searchable by topic.

  • 80: Ten Steps to Create a Recognition Program, with Michelle Smith

    18/03/2013 Duración: 39min

    Michelle Smith: O.C. Tanner Vice President, Business Development for O.C. Tanner The 10 steps we discuss: Strategic planning Understand your audience Fact finding Program structure Communication Type of awards Budget Measurement Tracking Analysis Discover More Activate your free membership for full access to the entire library of interviews since 2011, searchable by topic.

  • 79: Benefits You Get From A Recognition Program, with Michelle Smith

    11/03/2013 Duración: 36min

    Michelle Smith: O.C. Tanner Vice President, Business Development for O.C. Tanner Discover More Activate your free membership for full access to the entire library of interviews since 2011, searchable by topic.

  • 77: Leading With Purpose


    Some people live about 90 years. Some people live one year, 90 times. Which one are you and how does it affect your leadership of others and yourself? In this episode, my guest Heather Backstrom and I discuss the topic of purpose and how clarity of purpose can help us be more effective leaders and have more balanced and fulfilled lives. Community Feedback USA: (949) 38-LEARN Global: +1 (949) 385-3276 Twitter: @DaveStachowiak #CFLshow Special Guest: Dr. Heather Backstrom Executive Coach Community Feedback USA: (949) 38-LEARN Global: +1 (949) 385-3276 Twitter: @DaveStachowiak #CFLshow Not clear on your values? My one-page values exercise is available at this link. Our first live webinar launches within the next month! If you have a suggestion for our first topic, email me at and be sure you are on my weekly article list. You can subscribe at this link. Thank you to Gabrellia Weber,

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