Ezra Institute Lectures - Video



Ezra Institute Recently Added Resources


  • The Gospel and the Family


    The family is a covenant institution and relationship which requires faithfulness. If we are to have any impact on the world around us, the first thing that must be transformed in our hearts and lives is our immediate relationships with our family.

  • Rediscovering the Scope of the Gospel


    The significance of the resurrection is more than a historical fact, though it certainly is that. It means that Christ is now glorified, reigning over all the world as the righteous king. Learn about the implications of the reign of Christ for daily life.

  • Building Bridges in Evangelism


    In a society that is steadily abandoning its Christian heritage, how do we witness to and communicate with our unbelieving neighbours?

  • The Death of Man and the Crisis of the Social Order


    Without love to God and a recognition of his Word-revelation to us in Christ and in Scripture, we are not only unable to truly love our neighbor, we cannot even identify them truly. We find, in fact, that we cannot answer the most elementary question ‘what is a human person?’ Our rejection of God and the image of God in man leads to the endless defacing and destruction of that image, rather than seeking life and light in the triune God. 

  • The Espionage of the Kingdoms


    Worship of the true God has always been unintelligible to depraved minds. Natural man's impulse is toward self-worship, most clearly depicted in humanism and paganism. These false doctrines are most insidious not in the broader culture, but in the church.

  • The Propaganda of the Kingdom


    Amidst all the complexity of the world, there are two basic ways to understand it - either in terms of God's Word or man's idea. Learn more about the significance of God's self-revelation through his Word.

  • Kingdoms and Culture


    Modern Western culture is increasingly hostile to the Christian worldview. How did we get to this point, and what is the Christian response?

  • The Sexuality of the Kingdoms


    The biblical story begins and ends with a wedding; sexuality is a major issue in the Kingdom of God, and is an area that the devil has sought to twist and distort. Learn about the robust biblical teaching on sexuality and marriage.

  • Reason and Religion


    The question as to whether there is a conflict between reason and religion is misleading when we come to understand the biblical concept of 'reasoning' (understanding) and its subjection to man's religious nature.

  • The Incarnation and its Implications


    What does the incarnation of Jesus Christ mean? The historic nature of Christianity makes it a unique, real and living faith, over against materialist or spiritual heresies.

  • Rediscovering the Glory and Beauty of the Gospel Q&A


    MOG2015 05: Joe Boot, David Robinson and Michael Nazir-Ali answer questions regarding: the Mission of God; Christian Education; Radical Islam; Christian Transformation of Society; Male and Female Roles; Climate Change from a Christian Perspective.

  • How Angry Rebels are Brought into Loving Service to Their Lord


    MOG2015 04: Denying his Creator, man is alienated from the very source of his existence and seeks to cope by turning to idolatry in the form of addictions, money and power. But because of God's radical love at the cross, people are attracted out of the world into participation in the transforming work of God.

  • Biblical Anthropology Identifies Man’s Basic Need as Moral and Spiritual Rebirth


    MOG2015 03: Created in God's image, man and woman are agents capable of changing the world as they undertake the task of fulfilling the cultural mandate.

  • The Deception of the Beast of Revelation, Modern Promises of Salvation, and the Eternal Gospel


    MOG2015 02: The book of Revelation sets forth two groups of people: those who follow the Beast and bear his mark and those who follow the Lamb and bear his name. The book declares the eternal gospel (Rev 14:6-7), which is a universal summons to follow the Lamb in true worship and salvation.

  • Why Everything Hinges on the Historical Garden of Eden


    MOG2015 01: The fall of Adam and Eve in the garden is the essential foundation for understanding the gospel meta-story. The gospel is cosmic in scope and in the cross all creation is being restored in proper relation to its Creator and Owner.

  • The Art of What is Possible


    Politics has been described as "the art of what is possible." We consider how Christians can and should engage in the political arena on the issues of human trafficking and prostitution, abortion, euthanasia.

  • Wisdom and Government


    What does God's word have to say about our livelihoods, families, neighborhoods and nations? What place does Scripture have in the public sphere, and how does it relate to the government of nations?

  • Uncovering the Truth about Jihad in Islam


    Where do jihadists find the support for their convictions and terrorist actions? How do we understand the popular refrain that Islam is a religion of peace? 

  • Educating in Light of the Gospel


    One of the most significant ways that Christians fulfill the Great Commission mandate, making disciples of all nations, is by educating our children in a God-honouring way.

  • The Gospel Basis of Liberty


    The basic freedom of the Christian is the freedom from bondage to sin and death. The state is God's minister to punish wrongdoing, but when a state oversteps its God-given bounds of authority, it ceases to be legitimate. In God's economy, church, state and family are partners, with distinct roles in society.

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