Pastor Scot Anderson - Audio



The weekly teachings by Pastor Scot Anderson at the Living Word Bible Church in Arizona.


  • THRIVE 6

    06/11/2022 Duración: 30min

    Gods promise of favor is activated through the gift of loving people. When you give without expecting something in return you positions you for abundance. Your life will thrive. There are sowers and eaters. Today we learn what that means. Which one are you? Psalm 35:27 2 Corinthians 9:8 Isaiah 56:10 Ruth 2:14 Ruth 2:18 Ruth 4:13

  • Thrive 5

    30/10/2022 Duración: 37min
  • Thrive 4

    23/10/2022 Duración: 32min

    We waste our time investing in a world system designed to take from us. Invest in God’s system and watch God open up huge opportunities. Today we look at Ruth’s life to see how giving into people opens up our biggest doors, and brings God’s favor into our life! Psalm 35:27 Galatians 6:9 Ruth 2:8-12

  • Thrive 3

    09/10/2022 Duración: 27min

    Today we discuss the two things you need for success. We see David, Moses, Gideon, Elijah and Jesus demonstrating these two simple things that most people overlook. Apply this message and see your life begin to thrive!!! Psalm 35:27

  • Thrive 2

    02/10/2022 Duración: 27min

    When the winds and storms in life come, successful people bounce back. Problems dont keep us down, but instead they propel us into bigger better things. Today we discuss the two things that will help us bounce back. . God has the best life for us- go ahead and bounce back and Thrive!! Psalm 35:27 James 1:2 James 1:12 Psalm 92:12-14 Habakkuk 3:17-18

  • Thrive

    25/09/2022 Duración: 28h05min

    You were designed to Thrive in this lifetime. In the time of famine we were meant to be blessed! Break off the shackles that are keeping you from God’s best!! Don’t just survive-Thrive!! Today we find out why Christians are not thriving and how to break this off their life. Now is the time to THRIVE! Psalm 35:27 2 Corinthians 5:15 Haggai 2:1-9

  • RelationSHIPS 2

    04/09/2022 Duración: 33min

    We live in a culture where the world focuses on finding the wrong with people. But we want to live searching and pointing out the good in people. People are imperfect so when they hurt us we can’t get stuck in unforgiveness. When we forgive others for the wrong we receive the blessing of fulfilled relationships. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 Genesis 41:51-52 Colossians 3:12-14

  • RelationSHIPS

    28/08/2022 Duración: 31min

    Grow, cultivate and build great relationships. Today we discuss whats in your ship determines where your relationships are going. If you dont like where a relationship is going, change what u put into it.. 1 Corinthians 13:5-8

  • Exchange 4

    14/08/2022 Duración: 26min

    We can be right in life and we think we’re right but sometimes we need to be wrong. The key to having great relationships in life is to get wrong so our relationships can get right. Sometimes we need to be wrong to get right! Be the bigger person so you can win in your relationships!

  • Exchange 3

    07/08/2022 Duración: 25min

    What do we all want? We all want to win! We want to win in our marriage, in our finances, in our career, in school! In order to do that we have to exchange what we want now for what we want most! Get on the path of what you want most; peace, joy and love. If you’ll give up the mindset that you’ll have the “now” pleasures then you’ll be able to enjoy the fullness of life that God has prepared for you! Romans 8:5

  • Pinned You

    31/07/2022 Duración: 31h03min

    There’s an exchange that happens. Everywhere we go, throughout the day. You exchange words or attitudes or behaviors. There two currencies; the World one and the Heavenly currency. Find out how to get what you want using the heavenly currency. Exchange with God!

  • Exchange Your EX

    24/07/2022 Duración: 30min

    Don’t bring your old stuff… your ex… your ex-(you before you got saved) into the new blessings God has for you every morning! Exchange your old for your new. As long as you hold on to the old stuff in your life you’ll miss the new stuff. Your pool of miracles is just a few feet away! Do you want to be happy? Do you want to have a great family? Do you want to have a great marriage?!? We have to stop making excuses why we can’t have the things God has prepared for you! Let’s go after it NOW- let’s not go another week without getting God’s best in our lives!

  • Revealed 4

    19/06/2022 Duración: 26h05min

    You were designed to build and do-make a huge impact!! Write a book, grow your family, build a business! There’s power in movement. Don’t be stagnant, get moving and life will come back to you! God wants to use you, allow Him to join you in life and do great things! Make a difference and impact the world!

  • Does God Love Me?

    12/06/2022 Duración: 36h07min

    If you've ever had this question: "Does God love me?", Jesus has the answer. Let's look how God responds to you and I, and how we can take the message of Jesus to the rest of the world.

  • Revealed 3

    05/06/2022 Duración: 22min

    Everyone is waiting for the real you to be revealed. We are born of God and we are built to handle circumstances without stress, worry and anxiety. As long as you don’t stop-just keep going! We need to show the world the Power of God and what it can do for us! Romans 8:19 Luke 5:3-8 John 14:27

  • Revealed 2

    29/05/2022 Duración: 28min

    God has put inside of you everything you need to experience Gods best in your life! Sometimes we allow Simon (Simon before he became Peter) to take the driver seat of our life. Simon didn’t make the best choices. But when we allow Petros (Peter) to get behind the wheel of our life then we make better decisions. Creation is waiting to see the Magnificence God put inside of you! Allow God to reveal the real you! Romans 8:19 Luke 5:3-7 Romans 7:17 1 Corinthians 9:27

  • Revealed IN, HEAR , DO, REVEAL

    15/05/2022 Duración: 28min

    For creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. Romans 8:19. God wants to reveal the magnificent and greatness inside of you. We learn the 4 steps to revealing who we really are. Wait in eager expectation for God to reveal the epic gifts and talents he put in you! Romans 8:19 Luke 5:1-8

  • You Turn 3

    08/05/2022 Duración: 26min

    The Word of God is a lamp unto our feet. If we will turn to God’s Word we can get the direction to experience God’s best in our lives. Turn towards God’s direction for your best year yet! God doesn’t look at what’s gone on in your past- He just cares about your future! It just takes a You-Turn, one choice. Make that choice today!

  • Don’t Over Complicate It

    01/05/2022 Duración: 27min

    When we continue step by step into being kind, loving others, giving in everything we do, we’ll walk right into a great life that God has for us. Let’s turn to the Word. It’s simple. If it’s in the Bible we do it. Psalm 119:36 2 Kings 5:1-15

  • The ABC’s of Life

    24/04/2022 Duración: 30min

    There are moments in life when you have to make a u-turn. God has doors that will open with bigger purposes in life. Sometimes you have to turn away from the hurt and destruction of other people in your life. Turn to the light that God has for you! Psalm 119:36 Matthew 9:22 1 Samuel 17:26-31

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