Eft/tapping Q & A Podcast W/ Gene Monterastelli - Emotional Freedom Techniques



Answers to the most common and uncommon questions about tapping and EFT


  • Scared of Change and Transformation Tap-Along

    09/06/2015 Duración: 06min

    This is a chance to tap along to be ready for change.

  • Pod #173: Working On Our Authority Figures Using EFT w/ Gary Williams

    03/06/2015 Duración: 15min

    Something interesting happens when families get together where the adult children fall right back into the roles they had when they were 13 years old. (At least that is what happens in my family.) This happens not only when a whole family comes together, but also within certain relationships. No matter how much growth we have gone through as an adult, we fall back into our old patterns. In this interview Gary Williams talks about the stress that can be caused by the dominant personalities which ruled our responses as children and how we can tap for them.

  • Pod #172: EFT For Rejection

    27/05/2015 Duración: 13min

    A few weeks ago I was at a conference in which Daniel Pink was talking about the sales process. One of the stories he talked about was a door to door brush salesman. He wasn't talking about someone from some bygone era. He was talking about a man who in 2015 sells brushes door to door in the business district of San Francisco. The salesman described his experience as "every day I face an ocean of rejection". I couldn't imagine an daily existence like that. Fear of rejection is a powerful force in not taking action in both our professional and personal lives. "No" can feel like the scariest word in the English language. Today's audio is another example of me tapping in real time for an issue that I struggle with. Take the time to tap along with me.

  • Pod #171: The Heart Of EFT w/ Jondi Whitis

    20/05/2015 Duración: 51min

    When it comes to using EFT effectively I think that Jondi Whitis is one of the best. She is insightful, deliberate, and so compassionate. (She is also a great trainer if you are looking to up your tapping game.) Every year she hosts a wonderful event outside NYC called the Spring Energy Event. (You should join the mailing list and come along next year!) This year she gave a talk called "The Heart Of EFT!" It was one of the most thoughtful reflections I could imagine on the healing process. As I was sitting at the sound board making sure everyone could hear her clearly my thought was, "I have to share this on the podcast!" Jondi was kind enough to allow me to share her talk here. Take your time to savor this, it will inform not only the way you tap and the way you work, but also how you interact with others. It is good stuff!

  • Pod #170: What Phrases Should I Use For…

    13/05/2015 Duración: 11min

    I love receiving questions from my listener and readers. They help me to understand what the community needs and how I can best serve you. You can always ask a question here. The question I get more than any other is "What are the right tapping phrases for [insert issue]?" (emphasis added) I can understand where this question comes from. When most people learn EFT they are taught to say words. When we see an expert practitioner leading someone else we marvel at the "perfect" phrases they use in the moment. This leads us to believe that there are perfect and right phrases. In reality this is not the case. There are phrases that are more useful than others, but there is no right and wrong. In this audio I will teach you some of the ways I come up with tapping phrases that will make your tapping more effective.

  • Pod #169: Clearing The Habits Created By Old Root Causes

    06/05/2015 Duración: 52min

    Today's epidsode is sponsored by PRM Over the last few years I have noticed a pattern with a number of my clients. It would play out something like this... Client would come to me with an issue We would work to find the root cause They would have relief for a few weeks The symptoms would come back We would do more work looking for more root cause, but would find nothing As I researched what all these clients had in common it turned out that all of them had come to me for an issue that had been with them a long time and the actions they were taking were no longer motivated by the root cause, but had instead become a habit. In this audio from the 2015 Spring Energy Event I show you how this phenomina happens and 5 times you can do clear the habbit created by root issues after you clear the root issue.

  • Pod #168: Is It OK For Christians To Use EFT

    29/04/2015 Duración: 15min

    (Today's show is sponsprted by PRM) One of the things that makes EFT so appealing is the fact that it can be easily combined with other tools and protocols. There are actually very people I know who do just EFT. The problem with this for a newcomer to EFT is knowing what is EFT and what is the stuff that is put on top of EFT. This become even more complicated for Christians because often times the things that EFT is combines with are things that many Christians are not comfortable with. Most people who visit this site don't know that since 1997 I have traveled the US and Canada working in Catholic youth ministry with the group [APeX Ministries](http://apexministries.com). We have work with hundreds of thousands of young people. We were even Pope John Paul II opening act in 2001. Because of this I have had the opportunity to give a lot of thought to and have a lot of conversations about is it OK for Christians to be using EFT. To be clear, I am not a theologian or am I an ecclesial minister (meaning I am commi

  • Pod #167: How Many Tapping Sessions Do I Need To Clear My Issue 100%

    22/04/2015 Duración: 21min

    This week's podcast is sponsored by Pain Relief Miracle. Click link for 20% off your order. One of the biggest mistakes I see people make with tapping is the fact that they don't spend enough time with an issue to make sure that it is cleared. Because tapping brings relief so quickly in the moment it makes it easy in the moment to feel like we are done with the issue, but in reality we often time aren't. A good way to think of it is to compare it to cleaning a room. When you are cleaning you feel so good as you are making progress. You feel satisfied with a job well done. Then you leave the room (even for a few moments). When you come back you realize the room wasn't was clean as you thought to begin with. It is not that the room got messier, but when you were cleaning the room you could see it was so much better than before. Upon returning you were no longer comparing it to how bad it was, but instead you are seeing it for what it is. When we tap the same thing happens. While tapping we are only comparing ou

  • Pod #166 EFT For Loneliness

    15/04/2015 Duración: 17min

    I am always amazed at how willing my clients are to share some of the most private parts of their lives. Once we have established a trusting relationship, during sessions I hear it all. That is a really good thing because it makes it easier for me to help them because we know what we are going after. Even with that being true, the one issue that my client have the hardest time sharing about is loneliness. As we become more emotionally intelligent it is easier and easier for us to be honest with where we are coming from. Still loneliness feels like the last emotion that we can be honest about. Loneliness feels like such a failure on our part. Especially when we feel it in a room full of people. Here is some tapping that you can do to help with the ache of loneliness. I would love to hear how it works for you.

  • Pod #165: Using Hero Tapping To Take Action

    08/04/2015 Duración: 14min

    We know that when we are trying to make a change but not taking the required action we need to find out what is behind our resistance. We can ask ourselves what the penalties are for trying, for failing, and for succeeding. But sometimes these questions aren't helpful in discovering why we are resisting taking action. When that happens to me I use this three-step version of hero tapping. Hero tapping is a handy tool where we use the example of someone doing what we want (aka the hero) to discover the reasons we are resisting stepping into action. In this short audio I will show you how easy it is to use hero tapping to discover the reasons you are resisting taking action for both big and small goals.

  • Pod #164 EFT For The Times It Feels Like It Is Too Late And There Is No Hope

    01/04/2015 Duración: 13min

    When working with clients I have noticed that people often believe change is possible and they believe EFT is the tool that will help them to make that change...but they don't believe it is possible for them. They tell me stories of how they have made too many bad choices, their family history runs too deep, or their habits are just too ingrained. Over and over again I have heard them say, "It's just too late to change." When a part of us doesn't believe it is possible for us to change, it’s very difficult to transform because we don't want to waste effort. We think, "Since this isn't going to work out in the end why would I bother putting forth any effort to make change?" And when this happens it is obvious that nothing will change. Here is a tap-along audio for when it feels like you are too far gone and that transformation just can’t happen for you. Download it. Listen to it again and again. Each time you tap through it you are creating a little more room for hope. Hope is key to taking action.

  • Pod #163: EFT For Responding To Criticism

    25/03/2015 Duración: 16min

    Dealing with unwanted criticism is hard. It's painful in the moment because the attack feels personal, and it often is. After the fact it tends to fester and gnaw at us. It would be great to believe that we are able to see past the criticism and understand the motivation of the person making it. But it can and does hurt. And if we aren't willing to deal with that hurt, it will get worse. Even if you haven't been criticized lately I would encourage you to spend some time with this audio because, if you are like me, there is a piece of criticism that you are still carrying with you. --- If you are looking for help to get out of your own way and take action check out the Ruach Center.

  • Pod #162: EFT For Not Feeling Special

    18/03/2015 Duración: 15min

    As much as we would like to believe in ourselves, our actions, and our future there are times when that is really difficult to do. We can be filled with self-doubt, feeling like we have squandered our opportunities, or that we have made so many mistakes it is hard for us to keep moving forward. I know I have a great life and most of the time I am very much at peace with who and where I am. But there are times when I doubt...when I really don't feel like that special snowflake I was told I would be. Here is one of those moments caught on tape. This is me tapping for not feeling like I am at all special. I encourage you to tap along with me.

  • Pod #161: Getting To 100% Yes When Taking Action w/ Steve Wells

    11/03/2015 Duración: 34min

    If you type "setting goals' into Google it will return over 450 million results. Study after study has shown how setting goals can be to progress. But goals aren't enough. They can get you moving down the right path, but we need more to consistently take action. In this conversation with Steve Wells we talk about how can get in our own way when we are taking action. There can be a part of our system that is committed to the goal and at the same time a part of our system that doesn't think it is safe to take action. When this happens we find ourselves starting and stopping and not moving forward. Steve shares how we can discover the true values that underlie our goals and how can use this healing for deep healing. Once this healing is done we move to making consistent powerful action. Guest: Steve Wells Contact: web @ EFTDownunder.com About Steve: Steve Wells is an international leadership coach and peak performance consultant based in Perth, Western Australia. He helps people to overcome the hidden blocks to

  • Pod #160: The Problem With Empathy

    04/03/2015 Duración: 14min

    [Note: Last change for the 40% the Advanced Tapping Training go here http://bit.ly/gatherdeal] One of the keys to being an emotionally intelligent human being is understanding what the people around us are feeling and experiencing. This skill can be particularly useful when we are helping and caring for others. When it comes to emotional intelligence there is a big difference between empathy and sympathy. Both are can be useful, but for us to be healthy we need to understand the difference between the two and when each is appropriate. In this podcast we explore the difference between these two approaches, the consequences for using the wrong one, and how to be present in a healthy way to loved ones and clients. I would love to hear your experience of how you have been successful and unsuccessful with this issue in your own life.

  • Pod #159: Action, Belief, and Identity - 3 Levels Of Change With Tapping

    25/02/2015 Duración: 43min

    Day-to-day the things we want to change in our life show up most obviously in the choices that we make. Because of this it makes the most sense to go after trying to transform these choices with tapping. Even if we are successful with our tapping in this way it is often not enough to make long term changes. In addition to the choices we make moment to moment our success is impacted by our beliefs about the world and the identity we world of ourselves. In this conversation with Adele Wang I share how we can understand the difference between actions, belief and identity. We also look at how you can tap on all three levels to ensure we have long term change and transformation.

  • Pod #158: Getting Unstuck w/ Carol Look

    17/02/2015 Duración: 28min

    I think we all know what it is like to feel stuck. We know what we want to do or we know what we want to change, but for some reason we just can't take action. There is an obvious cost to being stuck. For every passing moment that we don't change the thing we want changed we lose that moment and never get it back. Even more than that, there is another cost to being stuck: all the emotion and energy we spend on the emotions we feel about being stuck. In this interview with Carol Look we talk about the emotional cost of being stuck, how that impacts other parts of our life, and how we can tap for that.

  • Pod #157: Lovership w/ Rick Wilkes

    10/02/2015 Duración: 48min

    I always find my conversations with Rick Wilkes interesting. Of all of the interviews I do they tend to be the least planned because they are much more interesting conversations than they are traditional interviews. When I email Rick to see what he wanted to chat about this time he replied with the world "lovership". My first thought was, "That sounds great!” and then, “I have no idea what that means." When Rick uses the word lovership he is talking about how we create relationships (that aren't sexual) in a way that is open, transparent, and in congruence with the other person. It is somewhere between making choices out of obligation (saying yes or no without thought) and always saying yes to any request a friend has. It is a state of intentional friendship building. It is a great conversation that will help you to evaluate if your relationships are serving you.

  • Pod #156: How To Share Tapping With Others Without Sounding Like A Wackjob

    03/02/2015 Duración: 15min

    I love talking about the work I do. When I am meeting someone for the first time I don't jump right into tapping or EFT. I about self-sabotage, limiting beliefs, and emotional healing. At some point in the conversation, because people are so interested in what I do, the conversation turn to how is do it. This means we have to talk about tapping and EFT. Don't get me wrong, I love talking about EFT, but to the uninitiated it is weird. Okay, it's not weird, its *really* weird. Because of this I think we need to be careful in the way we share tapping with other. I am not saying that we should hold anything back or be dishonest, but instead we need to remember where the other person is coming from when we are sharing new information. Here are few simple things to keep in mind when sharing about EFT so that others will be more willing to hear what you are sharing.

  • Pod #155: Creating Emotional Boundaries w/ Rue Hass

    27/01/2015 Duración: 35min

    I love people who have a natural healing disposition. They see their healing talents as a gift that they want to share will others. Sometimes this giftedness can come with the drawback of many more people than we are capable of helping showing up for help. For helpers and healers it can be hard to create healthy boundaries can be hard. When our boundaries are over run it is easy to simply want to cut ourselves off. In this conversation with Rue Hass we talk about how we can boundaries from a generative and not a defensive posture.

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