Midwest Radio Gardening Show



Each week Padraic Horkan from Horkans Garden Centre joins Deirdre Kelly to look at every aspect of the world of gardening. From answering listeners' queries to explaining the ins and outs of every plant known to man,Padraic has all bases covered when it comes to gardening.


  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 22/10/2016


    Autumn colour was the main feature of this week's programme and Paraic discussed a range of plants providing colour and interest for the next couple of months including cyclamen, rhubarb & custard, jewel of the nile and capsicum. Paraic featured some seeds suitable for sowing now such as spring onions, broad beans, night scented stock and other hardy annuals. The programme advocated for moss control and concentrated on climbing plants that can be sown now. Listeners questions included showing a beech hedge, spring flowering bulbs for wooded areas, replanting window boxes, pruning apple trees and harvesting sweet potatoe.

  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 01/10/2016


    Temperatures are starting to fall and this week's programme started with a timely reminder to protect softer flowering plants at night. Harvest season has arrived and Paraic explained how to recognise when fruit is ripe and the best approach to use when picking. He also advised on the importance of pruning and applying a winter wash once harvesting is complete. Other topics covered this week included planting fruit trees for next year, splitting rhubarb and propogating strawberries from runners. Listeners questions featured dwarf daffodils, cutting back wildflower meadows, pruning hyrdrangeas, controlling ivy using a brushwood killer, pruing and feeding blueberries and suggestions for good white climbers.

  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 24/09/2016


    With Autumn winds blowing Paraic reminded listeners to firm down new trees and shrubs both at ground level and by securing stakes. It is also timely to cut back ivy on mature trees that may be vulnerable to storms in order to limit damage later. The programme focused on potting on geraniums, taking cuttings from plants such as coleus and rhus typhinia and moving hydrangeas and red flame japonica. Listeners questions included trees for colourful foliage, easy to grow house plants, harvesting conference pears, propogating using a cutting globe and soil preparation for hedge planting.

  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 17/09/2016


    Autumn temperatures remain high this week and Paraic looked ahead to lawn tasks for the weekend such as weed control, grass cutting and re-seeding. Now is the time for planting autumn vegetables with varities of garlic, cabbage, purple sprouting broccoli, lettuce and spinach all recommended. Other topics covered included non flowering rhodedendrons, tunnel preparation and planting for Autumn, propogation of hawthorne and the best approach to planting silver birch. Listeners questions ranged from problems with poorly developed carrot roots to small decorative trees to combating the codley moth in apple trees and colour recommendations for Autumn and Christmas weddings.

  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 10/09/2016


    In this week's programme Paraic discusses propagating plants such as rhubarb, hostas and grasses and recommends Autumn planting of onion sets. This is also the perfect time for showing seeds for hardy annuals such as sweet peas, godetia and wildflowers. Hedging was also featured this week with advice on what to choose for different environments and situations from fast growing Laurels to the colourful berry yielding Sea Buckthorn. Listeners questions included how to ripen green tomatoes, transplanting furze bushes, leather jacket infestation in lawns, the treatment of algae on hard surfaces and bulb planting in wooded areas.

  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 03/09/2016


    In the first programme of the Autumn series Paraic discussed gardens at this time of year focusing in particular on lawn care, fruit harvesting and sowing seeds and bulbs for Spring. Topics included Plum trees with Opal and Victoria varieties recommended. Paraic also highlighted green manure as a way of enriching soil and explained how to take cuttings as the Autumn season approaches. Listeners questions included alternative varieties of Hydrangeas, how to grow coronet apples from rootstock, good pollinators to ensure fruit on Bramley apple trees, scented tulips, pruing hedges and fruiting plants and the correct method of moving a forest flame.

  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 25/06/2016


    The final programme before the summer break focused on the effects of the strong temperatures and damp conditions which are leading to good growth. Paraic advised on the importance of treating plants that are susceptible to disease with a preventative fungicide. He also recommended tidying the garden and matintain weed control throughout the summer months. Plants featured this week included regular and short varieties of Arum Lillies, Cotoneaster and Maple trees, Dahlias, Hollyhocks and Forest Flame. Listeners questions inccluded Apple trees and June drop, control of carrot root fly, algal bloom on ponds, non flowering tomatoe plants thinning grape vines, pollinating kiwi fruit and greening lawns withouth forcing growth.

  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 18/06/2016


    With so many plants now in full bloom Paraic started this week's programme with a demonstration on taking cuttings and gave tips on preparing the cutting, using rooting powder and compost/pearlite mix ratios. The programme also featured sowing flower seeds for next year including wallflowers, sweet williams, forget me nots, winter pansies and violas, and with moist and humid conditions continuing a reminder about treating for blight. Tomatoes, roses and mediterranean type plants also featured on the show this week while Paraic answered questions on Crinum bulbs, new lawns, alternatives to Bordeaux Mixture, aphids on cabbage and sowing Sycamore saplings.

  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 11/06/2016


    The threat of blight was highlighted at the start of this week's programme with Paraic advising on the importance of treating straight away as humidity and moist conditions coincide at the moment. Temperatures are promoting a surge in growth and the programme focused on the importance of feeding plants and hanging baskets while taking preventative action against soil and air borne pests. Plants featured this week included the hybrid Adams Laburnum, Kale, Sweet Rocket, Basil and the Roma vairety of beefsteak tomatoes. Listeners questions ranged from damage caused by rabbits and hares to moving Rosa Rugosa and repotting Acer Ocakazuki.

  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 04/06/2016


    With Bloom in full swing Paraic reported on some of the interetsing gardens on show this year and gave tips on getting the most out of what's on offer for those visiting the event. With temperatures remaining bouyant the programme featured advice on spraying for blight and liquid feeding plants while Paraic focused on useful plants such as Aloe Vera and Scaredy Cat. Other topics covered this week inlcuded planting lilacs, pinching back tomatoes, vegetable and herb planting and tackling Japanese Knotweed. Listeners questions featured slipping carnations, flowers for sunny areas, repotting Yucca plants, growing and watering cucumbers and tidying up daffodils and other spring bulbs.

  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 21/05/2016


    Sweet Potatoe was the main plant featured this week - this South American native grows well in Ireland indoors and Paraic advised on fertiliser, growing conditions and varties that are particularly successful in our climate. Chilean Lantern and Laburnum are now coming into flower and Paraic spoke about the importance of feeding plants at this stage and also warned about the prevalence of pests in general recommending preventative action before its too late. Listeners questions included problems with bare patches in laws, sowing beetroot and kale, treating mare's tail and bind weed and lifting daffodils and bulbs in general.

  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 14/05/2016


    Now that better temperatures have arrived Paraic reminded listeners this week to get vegetable, fruiting and flowering plants sown while sounding a note of caution about planting out warm weather dependent plants fully just yet. He also emphasised the importance of keeping newly sown plants watered and the benefits of applying a granultated feed at the moment. Garden tasks for the weekend included taking control of weeds and general lawn care. Tips included treating yellow patches in lawns, using a trellis-climber combination to disguise oil tanks and enriching soil with boron when sowing turnips. Listeners questions this week featured planting dwarf nastursiums in hanging baskets, planting out cherry trees, lemon scented geranium to ward off flies and re-potting Calathea Crocata.

  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 07/05/2016


    With basket planting weekend upon us Paraic suggested a variety of flowering plants available at the moment including Dianthus, Gazania, Ageranthemum and Osteospermum. The advantages of grafted tomatoes were also discussed and Paraic advsied on the immediate feeding of young trees and shrubs and how to recognise and treat different aphid infestations. Roses, Snapdragons and Arum Lillies were featured while listeners quetsions included treating blight in Boxwood, Persicaria Affinis Superba for ground cover, rabbit proof plants and system feeds for house plants.

  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 30/04/2016


    With the bank holiday weekend upon us Paraic focused on greenhouse gardening and suggested a varitey of vegetables suitable for planting: tomatoes, peppers, chillies, aubergine and some of the softer herbs. Paraic also advised on starting hanging baskets and suggested that plants shoudld be grown on for a week or two in advance of planting up fully. With lawn care still a challenge for many tips included moss treatment, greening up and treating bare patches. Listeners questions ranged from creating a cottage garden and sowing Hamamelis Jelena to protecting newly sown hedging against aphids and information on the Pheasant Berry shrub.

  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 23/04/2016


    Weed control, planting up containers for spring, sowing herbs and night scented stock all featured on the first part of the programme this week. Paraic also spoke with Barry in the Bay Leaf Restaurant about herb planting and using natural ingredients in cooking. Topics discussed in depth included lawn care, treating leatherjackets and setting new lawns, sowing plants for school vegetable gardens and the importance of not over pruning Wisteria at this time of year. Listeners questions included Ardisia Crenata, growing Swiss Chard, cleaning out garden ponds to promote healhty pondlife and using brushwood killers to elminate underground roots.

  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 16/04/2016


    It's Grow Your Own weekend and Paraic highlighted the preparation and planting of popular herbs, vegetables and fruit trees on the programme this week. With weather conditions improving it is also time to consider lawn care in general with tips provided on weed and moss control. Paraic discussed a range of trees that can be planted now: flowering cherry, laburnum, royal burgundy, stellar pink and cornus kousa while other topics included hanging baskets, organic slug control and growing wild garlic ramsoms. Listeners questions featured composting in a wheelie bin, soil conditions for growing lavender, protecting fruit trees from jackdaws, propogating old roses and maintenance of phlox plants.

  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 09/04/2016


    This week's programme featured a community gardening initiative in Kiltimagh with Paraic out and about talking to the people involved. Wormeries as a means of composting cooked food were also featured highlighting the stacked pots method. Platning and pruning of roses in containers featured too - Paraic advised on varities that are good for growing in containers and pots including The Scarlett Patio Rose, Precious Amber and Mum in A Million. Paraic discussed the Dig or No Dig debate for raised beds and gave tips on installing land drains in wet areas. Listeners questions featured Rhubarb, basil, japanese knotweed, carrot root fly, chinese lantern and evergreen trees.

  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 02/04/2016


    With potatoe planting season in full swing this week's programme started with a special feature on growing one of our favourite crops. Leonie provided tips on varieties and methods for growing while Paraic recommended some varities for those who like to eat them baked; King Edwards, Kerrs Pink, Orla and Cailin. Asparagus, Chickpeas, Sweet Potatoes and Sweet Peppers also featured in this edition. Listeners questions included sowing tomatoes in a greenhouse, curtailing broad leaved weeds in lawns, pruning Broom, Apple Trees and Roses and problems associated with poor performing daffodils.

  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 26/03/2016


    The programme this week featured an update on gorwing sprouting seeds and Paraic also advised on planting sweet pea with tips to encourage lateral branching. The subject of algae on plants was also featured together with planting geraniums by propogation and the importance of using a high potash fertiliser when cutting back hydrangeas. Questions included sweet tasting tomatoe varieties, planting rhubarb, care and maintenance of amaryllis matterhorn, planting out and propagating begonias and Paraic suggested some flowering varieties for feature trees.

  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 19/03/2016


    With St. Patrick's Day just passed potatoes were the main feature of the pogramme this week as now is the ideal time for planting. Paraic advsied on good planting conditions and best varieties for different soil types. Varieites discussed included British Queen, Setanta, Sharp's Express, Cailín, Orla, Red Duke of York and Kestrel. Paraic also featured wheatgrass which can be sown indoors now and looked at Phacelia for attracting bees into the garden. Listeners questions included how to green up a lawn, composting, planting Arum Lillies, sowing sweet pea from seed, lifting and storing beetroot and cutting back clematis, both spring and summer flowering varieties.

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