St Paul's Box Hill Podcasts



Sermons recorded during Sunday worship services at St Paul's Lutheran Church, Box Hill, Victoria, Australia.


  • Turn, Turn, Turn

    18/04/2015 Duración: 22min

    The resurrected Jesus told his disciples to preach repentance to all the world. Repentance means turning back to God. We can learn much from today's readings. [Organ/Choir - Easter 3]

  • Dealing with Doubt

    12/04/2015 Duración: 18min

    Thomas gets a bad rap, being known for ever as Doubting Thomas when in fact he changed his tune. In fact, we can learn a few things from Thomas about dealing with our own doubts. [Organ - Easter 2]

  • It’s Only the Beginning

    05/04/2015 Duración: 17min

    Mark's Gospel breaks off short, and we're not sure why. But what if this was exactly his intention, to leave the story open-ended, so we (and Christians throughout history) could write ourselves into this story of new beginnings? [Organ/Choir Easter Day]

  • Good Friday: Three Temptations

    03/04/2015 Duración: 09min

    A beautiful, blended service bringing out the story from Mark's Gospel. The address focuses on three final temptations of Christ. [Band/Organ/Choir - Good Friday]

  • Dying to Live

    22/03/2015 Duración: 18min

    Life in Christ comes through his sacrificial death. The life of a disciple means dying to self and selfish habits, so that we can bring a harvest of good works to God. [Organ/Choir - Lent 5]

  • Lifting Up Love

    14/03/2015 Duración: 20min

    When a Jewish leader asked for explanations, Jesus pointed him to Moses and his brass serpent, lifted up for the people of Israel to be healed. In the same way, Jesus was lifted up for all people to be healed, and our relationship with our Creator God restored. [Organ/Choir - Lent 4]

  • Turning Tables

    08/03/2015 Duración: 20min

    Turning over the tables that keep us and others from worshipping God in spirit and in truth [Organ/Choir - Lent 3].

  • Different Agendas

    28/02/2015 Duración: 17min

    As we walk towards Easter, what does the talk about "taking up our Cross" and "dying to self" mean from day to day? It means realizing that human agendas and God's agendas by nature are not aligned. We need to put ours aside as a regular discipline, seek and listen for God's will, and then work to further his agenda in place of our own. [Organ/Choir - Lent 2]

  • Spirit Driven

    22/02/2015 Duración: 12min

    Today's cantata (BWV 93 "Wer nur den lieben Gott" (Who only lets dear God rule)) teaches us about placing our trust in God’s strong hand, through the life and work of his Son Jesus. In Mark’s high speed journey through the life of Jesus, his baptism, his testing in the wilderness, and his work announcing the Kingdom of God all give us reasons to place our trust in Jesus. Today we start with his baptism. [Organ/Choir and cantata - Lent 1]

  • Highs and Lows

    14/02/2015 Duración: 20min

    Life has its ups and downs. As we progress along the Christian journey, we find that the ups and downs are still there, but along an upward path. [Organ/choir - Transfiguration]

  • All Things to All People

    08/02/2015 Duración: 21min

    To spread the Gospel, Paul did not attack, berate, judge, belittle or preach at the people he spoke to. Instead, he adapted to their environment, drilled down into their present situation, and allowed the light of the Gospel into that world view. Can we learn from this? [Organ/Choir - Epiphany 5]

  • A New Teaching

    31/01/2015 Duración: 18min

    When Jesus was teaching in the synagogue in Capernaum, the people were amazed at the authority of his teaching. [Organ/Choir - Epiphany 4]

  • St Paul's in Name and Nature

    25/01/2015 Duración: 22min

    Next month, it is 67 years since we founded this congregation named after a feisty, intelligent, passionate, combative, truth-seeking and truth-telling apostle called Paul. We stand in the same good news. How does it play out in daily life? [Organ - The Conversion of St Paul]

  • Embodied Faith

    17/01/2015 Duración: 19min

    We have love-hate relationships with our bodies. But our bodies are the creation of a good and loving God too, not just our souls. Karl Barth said we are “ensouled bodies and embodied souls.” What does this mean? [Organ - Epiphany 2]

  • I'll Ride With You

    24/12/2014 Duración: 17min

    Social media provided a touch of light in the dark hours several days before Christmas. Many people used the hashtag #illridewithyou to express solidarity and compassion for those feeling threatened after a crazed gunman raised the spectre of terror in Sydney. On reflection, this echoes a part of what God is offering us all at Christmas. [ Organ/Choir - Christmas Day ]

  • Signs Leading Home

    14/12/2014 Duración: 20min

    Most of us are very used to road signs, and most of the time we follow or obey them. They are not beautiful, but functional. In a similar way, John the Baptist wasn't particularly attractive, with his wild clothes, peculiar Paleo diet, and unwashed desert lifestyle. But he clearly pointed to the coming Messiah, and the crowds therefore flocked to him. What they heard was a call to repent -- to turn around and go back the other way, to God. And in this Christmas season, how well are we functioning as living signs like John, that point to the coming Messiah? [ Organ/Choir - Advent 3 ]

  • Preparing for Homecoming

    06/12/2014 Duración: 19min

    Preparing for our own homecoming requires some preparations. First, in repenting, we need to let go our own baggage, starting with the false idea that we can save ourselves. We need to leave the broad path that society offers, and follow Christ's narrow way. There must be nothing we put ahead of Christ. He forgives us, so that we might become righteous, a new creation. In that new life, we can expect more, having great expectations in our Christian walk. [ Organ/Choir - Advent 2 ]

  • Spiritual Housekeeping

    30/11/2014 Duración: 19min

    Like Lent, Advent is a time of preparation. Focusing on Christ, the Incarnate One, and his return, is a bit like preparing our house for an important visitor. In fact, we can use the metaphor of house cleaning to help do some stocktaking of where we are up to in our journey, and what is important to us now. But there is one huge difference between Christ and any other important visitor. Jesus doesn't judge us on our preparations. Instead, he is the one who cleans up our messes, and make us presentable. [ Organ/Choir - Advent 1 - Advent preparations ]

  • Up!

    06/09/2014 Duración: 19min

    How can we better love our neighbours, and build up Christian community? The key is the self-sacrificial love of God that we model. Other things can follow. [ Organ/Choir - Pentecost 13 - Building community. ]

  • Suffering Love

    31/08/2014 Duración: 12min

    The Cross has become something of a fashion statement, an item of jewellery. And the world generally thinks of 'love' and something soft and romatic. But the Cross is a symbol of discipleship, of following Jesus. And we who follow are called to show the same kind of self-giving, suffering love that he demonstrated in dying for us. [ Organ/Choir - Pentecost 12 - Bach Cantata BWV 22 "Jesus nahm zu sich die Zwölfe" (Jesus took under Him the twelve)]

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