Natural Born Coaches



Marc Mawhinney is all about helping you grow a successful coaching business! Listen in as he interviews guests like John Lee Dumas, Rich Litvin and Steve Chandler (from "The Prosperous Coach"), Jill Stanton, Larry Winget and more who spill the beans on how to be the best coach you can be!


  • NBC 792: Tengo Meskhi: A Unique Way to Run Your Coaching Calls

    21/11/2022 Duración: 27min

    As a coach, have you ever felt lost during a discovery call, or you just aren’t sure how you should be running it and what happens afterwards? Today’s guest is Tengo Meskhi of Pensight, an amazing tool that helps coaches monetize their knowledge by connecting them with people who need their expertise, and he shares a ton of value about a wide range of topics in this episode!

  • NBC 791: Trisha Fulton of Author Heroes: Get Your Book Out in Just 30 Days!

    14/11/2022 Duración: 27min

    Have you ever thought about writing a book? Today’s expert guest is Trisha Fulton of Author Heroes, whose specialty is helping clients write and publish their first book, and she helps take away the guesswork and give you the tools to write and publish your own book in just 30-days. In this episode, you’ll get Trisha’s best tips on the book writing and publishing process, including where to start, why you need to stick with one core message, her advice for combating writer’s block, and so much more! If you want to connect with people on a much deeper level, it’s time to write your very own book! Trisha has taken her years of knowledge from writing and publishing her own books, as well as ghostwriting and helping others do the same, and created her course, Fasttrack Author, for coaches who are tired of hustling and are looking to grow their online presence and authority. You can register now at, and as a listener of this podcast, you’ll receive a special 50% discount b

  • NBC 790: Cat Lacohie: Being 100% Unapologetically Yourself

    07/11/2022 Duración: 24min

    You probably hear a lot about authenticity and the need to be yourself online, but what does that really mean, and what does it look like to do this as a coach and online business owner? Cat LaCohie is a multi-talented LA based British actress, Speaker and award-winning International Variety Burlesque Performer, ‘Vixen DeVille’, and she’s here today to answer these questions. In this episode, you’ll find out the ways in which being 100% unapologetically yourself can be a real game changer for you and your coaching business!

  • NBC 789: Paul O'Mahony: ‘ReThink’ Your Coaching Business!

    31/10/2022 Duración: 28min

    Often, I hear how that is too much information and misinformation available online for coaches and business owners. Today’s guest is Paul O’Mahony, someone who in 2009 was dealing with the exact same dilemma and challenges and has learned to “rethink” about business, and show others how to earn consistent online income, accelerate results, and prosper in all areas of life. Paul is the founder of ReThink Academy, a social media expert, entrepreneur, author, and public speaker specializing in digital marketing, mindset, and wealth management. In this episode, he shares with us his insights and the key lessons that he’s learned from his time as an entrepreneur! If you’re ready to RETHINK Social Media, Paul is hosting a webinar where he shows how in a couple hours a week you can use social media to launch a successful online business. In this webinar, you’ll hear how to cash in on the biggest business opportunity of all time, the way to get started making money online without any products or business experience,

  • NBC 788: Virginia Muzquiz: How to Turn Your Network into a Referral-Generating Machine!

    24/10/2022 Duración: 29min

    As a coach (or any business owner!) referrals can be a powerful tool that many of us often underestimate. Today’s guest is Virginia Muzquiz, whose mission is to change business results through more connections and referrals. Virginia has been called The Referral Diva® by those who work with her, and I’m excited for you to hear what she reveals today about getting referrals and growing your coaching business!  Want to learn more from Virginia and turn your network into a referral-generating machine? You can register for her bootcamp, happening Monday, October 24th, Wednesday, October 26th and Friday, October 28th, by going to We can’t wait to see you, and if you can’t attend the bootcamp live, replays will be available! 

  • NBC 787: Don't Put Your Eggs in One Basket!

    17/10/2022 Duración: 15min

    In my years in the online space, I’ve tried a lot of things to build and grow my coaching business. During this time, I’ve seen what’s worked for me, and it’s what I call the “Triple Punch.” In this episode, you’ll hear more about the three main things that I focus on and use to consistently deliver my message to my target audience and work with my dream clients, and I’ll share a way that you can get hands-on support from me to help you do the same!  I currently have several openings to work 1:1 with motivated coaches who are serious about building a successful business! I’ll partner with you to create something that doesn't need complicated funnels, or a bunch of money spent on ads, and instead focuses on three big things that I have almost a decade of experience in: podcasting, community-building, and daily emails! Stop wasting time and money trying to guess how to get coaching clients - there's no reason to reinvent the wheel. Interested? Go to for more details! 

  • NBC 786: Ray Wood How to Grow Your Email List in 2022

    10/10/2022 Duración: 28min

    Today’s guest was previously on the show back in 2017, and he’s returning to share his expertise on how to grow your email list in 2022, and why you need to! Ray Wood is a real estate funnel specialist, marketing specialist, best-selling author, speaker, podcaster, and entrepreneur. His area of expertise is working with real estate professionals to boost results and grow their personal brand and income via proven real estate funnels that attract, nurture and convert new contacts to listings and sales. If you like what Ray shares today, regardless of the industry you are in, you’re going to want to read his new book, Real Estate Funnels: How to grow and build an outrageously successful pipeline of leads listings and sales!, which is available now!

  • NBC 785: Tom Ruwitch: Why Storytellers Sell More and Have More Fun Doing It

    03/10/2022 Duración: 27min

    Story-powered content captivates prospects and inspires them to act. Most coaches, consultants, and other experts dish out the same old boring content, put prospects to sleep, and then feel stuck and frustrated. Today’s special guest is Tom Ruwitch, and he teaches how to fire up prospects and inspire them to hire you with story-powered content, that’s simple to create! To hear more about why storytellers sell more and have more fun doing it, register for Tom’s free training! It’s happening on Tuesday, October 11th at 12 pm EST, and you can grab your spot now at See you there, coaches!

  • NBC 784: Anne Puybasset: Sustaining Your Energy as an Entrepreneur

    26/09/2022 Duración: 22min

    Today’s guest is someone I’ve gotten to know in my Facebook Group, The Coaching Jungle, and she always has wisdom and sound advice to share with coaches and entrepreneurs. Anne Puybasset helps high-achieving heart-led coaches and healers reclaim their boundless self-belief, realign with their true calling, and reignite their inner fire, so that they can quantum leap their abundance, success and impact, and in this episode, she reveals how you can sustain your energy as you build your online coaching business!

  • NBC 783: James Lam: The First $100k is the Hardest $100k!

    19/09/2022 Duración: 22min

    James Lam of LAM – Look Ahead Marketing is my guest today! James went from being a frustrated, over-worked, and money-losing business owner to supporting hundreds of new entrepreneurs to find their power again, and in this episode, he shares what he’s learned on his journey. Specifically, James reveals how he made his first $100k in business, why he feels that this is the hardest $100k you’ll ever make, as how you can start making big money from small lists! James is hosting a special workshop where he’ll be diving deeper into the concepts he talks about in this episode. If you’d like to learn more about how to make big money from your list (yes, even if it’s small right now!), you can register at!

  • NBC 782: Patrick Shaw of RapidFunnel: Leveraging Technology to Create Recurring Revenue in your Coaching Business

    12/09/2022 Duración: 24min

    Imagine handing your clients a perfect digital tool kit and a “yellow brick road” process to follow, within a personalized platform, filled with your coaching and training content. Today’s guest is Patrick Shaw of RapidFunnel, and they’ve done just that by offering brand new ideas that solve old, universal problems in the coaching and training world! Patrick is a life-long entrepreneur who has successfully built multiple companies and large sales teams. Energetic and inventive, he has a love of philosophy, particularly stoicism and is passionate about our ability as humans to improve our lives by improving our state of mind. In this episode, he reveals more on how RapidFunnel is changing the game in the coaching world, while providing insights on how you can leverage technology and systems in your own coaching business to create recurring revenue and avoid the “time for money” trap!   If you like what Patrick shares today, we’ll be doing a live training on Thursday, September 20th, 2022, at 2 pm, and you can

  • NBC 781: Jessica Perez-Beebe: Breaking Through Sales Resistance

    05/09/2022 Duración: 30min

    Sales is a necessity for any business, and it’s something that I’ve seen a lot of coaches struggle with. Today’s guest is Jessica Perez-Beebe, and she helps coaches get more YES’s with confident ethical sales. Jessica has been coaching others for 17 years, and what she has to share here about sales could be a game changer for you and your business! If you’re a coach who is looking for clarity on your mission, message and your why, Jessica is hosting a special training for you from September 19th through September 21st! She normally charges for this training, but you can register at and use the promo code “MARC” to get it for free!

  • NBC 780: Mimika Cooney: Master Your Mind!

    29/08/2022 Duración: 25min

    I’m so happy to welcome back today’s guest to Natural Born Coaches! Mimika Cooney is a faith-focused business and mindset coach whose goal is to give you tools to push past the mental blocks and glass ceilings holding you back from clarity and the life and business of your dreams. Mimika has developed a system that trains you to live a successful life without the personal sacrifice or suffering burnout, and in this episode, you’ll also hear about her own personal journey to get to where she is today. So, let’s get ready to master your mind, coaches!

  • NBC 779: Steve Werner: Influencing Your Audience

    22/08/2022 Duración: 26min

    As a coach, presenting and selling at live events and webinars is something you’ve probably done or are considering doing, and that’s why I wanted today’s guest on the podcast to share his expertise in this area. Steve Werner is the founder of Monetize Your Tribe, which helps coaches, entrepreneurs, and small businesses turn their passion into a full-time lifestyle through webinars, presentations, and events that change lives. In this episode, Steve talks about what selling really is (and isn’t) and he reveals some powerful mindset shifts to help you as you grow your own coaching business. If you’re planning to do a live event or webinar, and you’re looking for a way to influence your audience and drive sales, Steve is hosting a training on Tuesday, August 30th at 12 pm EST, and we’d love to see you there. Visit to register now!

  • NBC 778: Julien Smith: Secrets from a Silicon Valley Coach!

    15/08/2022 Duración: 23min

    Today’s special guest has had an amazing journey in Silicon Valley, and he’s now got a solution for coaches looking to streamline their businesses! Julien Smith is the CEO at Practice, which helps coaches to consolidate clunky, disjointed and annoying systems into one simple place, and in this episode, you’ll hear all about how they do it. If you like what Julien shares today, you’re not going to want to miss his live training happening Tuesday, August 23rd, 2022, at 4 pm EST. You can register now at We’re looking forward to seeing you there!

  • NBC 777: Best Of: Marc Randolph: The Lessons Learned from Building Netflix

    08/08/2022 Duración: 32min

    In May of 2021 I had a very special guest join me on the podcast, and listeners commented that it was one of the most powerful episodes they’ve heard on the show. That’s why I wanted to bring back Marc Randolph, a veteran Silicon Valley entrepreneur, advisor, and investor. As co-founder and founding CEO of Netflix, he laid much of the groundwork for a service that’s grown to 150 million subscribers, and fundamentally altered how the world experiences media. This one was too good not to share again, and as always, please let us know what you took from this conversation with an amazing entrepreneur!

  • NBC 776: Best Of: Steve Chandler: The Forgotten Art of Relationship-Building!

    01/08/2022 Duración: 27min

    Today I’m doing something that I have not done in almost 8 years of hosting Natural Born Coaches, and that is releasing a “Best Of” episode to highlight one of our most downloaded episodes ever! Steve Chandler is no stranger to a lot of coaches who listen to this show, as he’s known as “The Godfather of Coaching” and is the author of a ton of amazing books for coaches. I’ve had Steve on the podcast twice before, and in this episode which originally aired in November 2020, Steve shares his thoughts on the forgotten art of relationship-building. If you didn’t catch it the first time around, or you want to get a refresher, this episode is a good one for all coaches to listen to, no matter where you are in your journey!

  • NBC 775: Jonathan Rivera: Using Podcasting to Fill Your Business with Opportunity

    25/07/2022 Duración: 25min

    I love talking about (and doing!) podcasting, which is why I’ve invited back Jonathan Rivera of The Podcast Factory to share more about the incredible opportunities that podcasting can give coaches today!

  • NBC 774: Amanda Hamilton: What Coaches Can Do to Unlock Their Most Valuable Asset!

    18/07/2022 Duración: 23min

    As coaches time is our most valuable asset, but how do we free up more of it so that we can enjoy our business and life? Today’s guest is Amanda Hamilton of Hamilton Raye, and she is here to reveal her expertise, tips and strategies around outsourcing, and the solutions they provide professionals in our space!

  • NBC 773: AJ Rivera: How Coaches Can Generate More Demand

    11/07/2022 Duración: 26min

    A question that I hear a lot from coaches is how to generate more demand for their products and services, and when the coach is new to industry or not well known, this can be a difficult thing to navigate. That’s why I wanted to bring today’s guest, AJ Rivera, on the podcast to share his expertise, as he’s been showing B2B, tech, fitness, and wellness companies how generate Insane Demand™ for over 10 years now! If you’d like to generate Insane Demand™ as well for your service, even if no one has heard of you, you can grab AJ’s 100% free customized marketing blueprint (value of $1,000) now by going to Hurry, this offer is first come, first served for the first 10 Natural Born Coaches Podcast listeners only!

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