Marketing In Your Car - The Archives



Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales...


  • Episode #91 – The Secret Of The Pre-Indoctrination Video

    11/08/2014 Duración: 06min

    The post Episode #91 – The Secret Of The Pre-Indoctrination Video appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... One little secret I learned from the Clickfunnels launch. On this episode Russell talks about the secret of the pre-indoctrination video and why it is so cool. Here are some interesting to listen for in this episode: Why having a perfect sales pitch is awesome, but you also need an indoctrination sequence. And what an example of the process is. So listen below to hear why pre-indoctrination videos will help tell your audience what to think, and therefore what to buy. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for reading Episode #91 – The Secret Of The Pre-Indoctrination Video, originally published at Blog.

  • Episode #90 – Work Your Way In Vs. Buy Your Way In

    08/08/2014 Duración: 05min

    The post Episode #90 – Work Your Way In Vs. Buy Your Way In appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... The easy way to get to the top. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey, everyone. This is Russell Brunson, and I want to welcome you to “Marketing in Your Car.” Hey everyone. I’m heading back from the gym right now, and I just had a quick thought. Because the drive from my gym to my house is even less than from the office, this one won’t probably be that long. Last night, I had a really cool experience. I had a chance to talk to Dave Asprey from Bullet-Proof Executive. First off, it was really, really cool. I’ve been trying to do the Bulletproof Diet. I thought I was doing it well, but I’ve been gaining weight and gaining body fat. I was like [laughs], “I don’t think this Bulletproof thing is really working. I think there’re some issues here, and so two months ago, I was on his site, an

  • Episode #89 – What She Missed At The Luau

    04/08/2014 Duración: 05min

    The post Episode #89 – What She Missed At The Luau appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... The secret of being present all the time. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey, everyone. This is Russell Brunson, and I’m here in the car today with Dallin, who is my little entrepreneur, and we’re here for another exciting episode of “Marketing in Your Car”. So today, its summertime still, and Dallin wanted to come to work with me today. He’s got his little packet of stuff to work on his projects. It’s going to be exciting. What are you planning on doing today? Dallin: Find out how to build a robot. Russell: He’s going to find out how to build a robot, which is a very important task. Do you think we’re going to sell that if we figure it out? Dallin:    Maybe. Russell: Maybe. That’s a good idea. So that’s his plan today [laughs]. I wanted to tell you guys about a thought I had over the last w

  • Episode #88 – Tie A String Around Your Tooth And Slam The Door

    21/07/2014 Duración: 07min

    The post Episode #88 – Tie A String Around Your Tooth And Slam The Door appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... Lessons in success from my 8 year old son. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey, everyone. This is Russell Brunson, and I want to welcome you to a late night “Marketing in Your Car.” I’m actually headed back home. Todd is in town. We launched Click Funnels last week. It’s been a smashing success, and now we’re doing the other side of the software business, which is keeping up with customer support [laughs], and features, and bugs, and all of that fun kind of stuff. It’s been a lot of fun. He flew in today, and we’re going to be hanging out this week, cleaning it up, and making it perfect so that we can do our big, big launch here. Hopefully within the next twenty or thirty days or so – we’ll plan that out tomorrow, but I’m super excited for that. I wanted to do a podcast t

  • Episode #87 – Lead Or Gold

    07/07/2014 Duración: 05min

    The post Episode #87 – Lead Or Gold appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... How to trick your mind to get crap done. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Good morning, everyone. This is Russell Brunson, and I want to welcome you to “Marketing in Your Car”. Hi, everyone. Today is an exciting day. It’s a Monday, and we are about to launch Click Funnels. This week is our execution week, which is kind of fun. Now, luckily for me, my wife and kids went out of town this week. They’ve gone camping for the next three days, which basically means I get to pull all-nighters for three nights in a row, launch this thing, and then pass out for two weeks straight, unless there’re issues. Then it means I’ve got to not pass out for a week straight [laughs], but I’m fired up and excited. I wanted this podcast just to talk about the process of actually getting a project or a product, whatever you want to

  • Episode #86 – The Chaos Behind The Launch

    03/07/2014 Duración: 08min

    The post Episode #86 – The Chaos Behind The Launch appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... What really happened over the last three days... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey everyone, this is Russell Brunson, and I want to welcome you once again to “Marketing in Your Car”. So first off, I want to say that I think it’s about time we get a new theme song. What do you guys think? [laughs] The 1980s initial version is about ready to be retired, I think, so that’s going to be first on my list for this week. Anywho, it’s been a little while since I’ve done a podcast. The reason why is that I’ve been neck deep in getting ready to launch Click Funnels, and I’m guessing from the outside, everything seems so calm and simple and easy for what we’re doing. We launched the first pre-launch video yesterday, but there’s always a story behind the story, and so I thought I would just share that t

  • Episode #85 – Your Mental Shelf Space

    24/06/2014 Duración: 05min

    The post Episode #85 – Your Mental Shelf Space appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... How to stop focusing on the good things, so you can grow the great things. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey, everyone. This is Russell Brunson. I want to welcome you to “Marketing in Your Car”. All right, guys and gals, I’m actually driving right now in a brand new Lexus. Not because I bought a new Lexus, but because I took mine in for an oil change, and it turns out something was jacking it, and so they wouldn’t give me a loaner car. Then Brent that works with me told them, “You know Russell’s in the market for a new car. You might as well give him something nice. He may come and buy from you guys,” and so they gave me a brand new Lexus. I’m driving a pretty sweet car right now. Today, it’s about seven in the morning. I’ve been awake for three hours so far. I got up early this morning for my

  • Episode #84 – Problems Or Solutions?

    17/06/2014 Duración: 12min

    The post Episode #84 – Problems Or Solutions? appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... Are you the type of person who finds problems or are you the type of person who finds answers? Find out who you are on today's exciting episode! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey, everyone. This is Russell, and I want to welcome you to a very late night “Marketing in Your Car”. It is currently 1:14 in the morning, and it’s funny. I volunteered at our church to lock up the building this week, and I completely forgot [laughs]. I was about to go to bed, and all of the sudden it popped into my head, so I’m driving to the church to go lock up. I thought I would jump on the phone and leave you guys all a message. Today was the first day back after being gone for two weeks, which is kind of stressful. I don’t know – our business runs well, but when you get back there’re all of these little fires that a

  • Episode #83 – Paleo Juicing Hippies

    16/06/2014 Duración: 05min

    The post Episode #83 – Paleo Juicing Hippies appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... Russell's test for increasing his energy and focus for this week. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey, everyone. This is Russell Brunson. It’s been a long time, but I want to welcome you to another “Marketing in Your Car”. Hey, guys and gals. I hope you guys are having an awesome time. I actually took almost two weeks off from everything, which sounds really nice, but it’s really painful for entrepreneurs like me who just want to go and create cool stuff, so I’m back in the heat of it, and I’m super excited for this week. I hope you are as well. While I was in San Diego, some really cool stuff happened. I had a chance to hang out with Todd, who’s one of my partners. He’s the one who has coded all of the Click Funnels, and it’s always fun hanging out with him, just talking about everything from fina

  • Episode #82 – Time, Opportunity Cost, Serve First

    02/06/2014 Duración: 18min

    The post Episode #82 – Time, Opportunity Cost, Serve First appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... Why you should never ask somebody for free advice. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey everybody. This is Russell Brunson, and I have a very special “Marketing in Your Car” for you for today. Hey, everyone. I just got my hair cut, and I’m driving back home. I actually wanted to do a special podcast. I don’t normally log into Facebook very much because it stresses me out. Typically I’m getting a lot of people who are asking me for my help for free. It’s just hard, because I want to, and I wish I could give them all the attention. The problem is, with everything I’m doing right now in my own company, in my own business, and in my own coaching clients, it’s hard to find time to even sleep at night. There’s so much stuff always happening, and so I don’t typically log in that often, but th

  • Episode #81 – Tomorrow?

    29/05/2014 Duración: 06min

    The post Episode #81 – Tomorrow? appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... The little app that helps me get done three times more than anyone else I know. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey, everyone. This is Russell Brunson, and I want to welcome you to “Marketing in Your Car”. Hey, everybody. I hope you have an awesome day today. I was at the office late last night working on some secret projects, but some cool stuff happened. One, for example – I think I’ve mentioned this before. I’ve been working on a book that is my first real book. I really going to get it published and try to do the whole “New York Times ‘Best Seller’” thing, but anyway, I needed somebody to write some blurbs and stuff for the book. I needed someone to write a “Forward” and that kind of stuff. My dream person to write the Forward was Tony Robbins, because I know Tony, and so I came to him. –“Would you mind wr

  • Episode #80 – What I Learned At A Lindsey Sterling Concert

    23/05/2014 Duración: 12min

    The post Episode #80 – What I Learned At A Lindsey Sterling Concert appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... Last night I saw one of the most powerful uses of the "attractive character" ever. Let me show you how Lindsey Sterling used the "attractive character" to get her audience to fall in love with her. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey, everyone. This is Russell Brunson. I want to welcome you to “Marketing in Your Car”. Hey, everyone. It’s early, and I’m heading to the gym, but it’s nice, because now that it’s summertime, it looks like noon at 6:30 in the morning. I love summer. I’m excited for it. I wanted to share with you guys a really, super awesome experience. Last night, my wife and I had a chance to go to a Lindsey Stirling concert. If you don’t know who Lindsey Stirling is yet, go to YouTube and type in “Lindsey Stirling”, and look. There’re a couple of really good vide

  • Episode #79 – To Grow Or Not To Grow

    23/05/2014 Duración: 07min

    The post Episode #79 – To Grow Or Not To Grow appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... When is it smart to expand and grow your company vs keeping it small and lean? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey, everyone. This is Russell, again, and welcome to “Marketing in Your Car”. All right, guys and gals, and everybody else who’s listening in, I’m heading to the office today, and this is what’s been on my mind, because we’re about to do a really, really cool thing. As you guys know, I’ve been talking and bragging and being super-excited about Click Funnels. Last weekend, as you know, we did our Mastermind, and we did our live event. Some of my buddies were at the event, Garrett and Scott – they run a couple of sites. They run,,, and they’ve been really, really successful in the software space. In fact, I can’t tell their numbers, but las

  • Episode #78 – Amateurs Focus On The Front End

    21/05/2014 Duración: 05min

    The post Episode #78 – Amateurs Focus On The Front End appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... A simple lesson that Russell learned from his carpet cleaner. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey, everybody. This is Russell Brunson, and I want to welcome you to an amazing, beautiful outside day, and a new episode of “Marketing in Your Car”. I just want to share. I had something that made me smile over the last day or so. I thought I would bring it up to you guys. As you know, we had a big, huge event out here in Boise for the last four days. It was awesome. People loved it. It’s some of the best stuff we’ve ever done, and I’m really proud of it. One of the things we talked a lot about was funnels. We talked a lot about how to structure your funnel the right way, how to make a lot of money, and one thing I taught is that the concept of that amateurs focus on the front end, and smart bu

  • Episode #77 – Transforming Your Art Into A Replicatable Science

    09/05/2014 Duración: 15min

    The post Episode #77 – Transforming Your Art Into A Replicatable Science appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... How coaching people, through what you do naturally everyday, can change your business forever. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey, everyone. This is Russell Brunson, and I want to welcome you to “Marketing in Your Car”. Hey, guys and gals. It’s been a while since I’ve done a podcast. It’s just been nose-to-the-grindstone, going crazy, and I just haven’t pulled up for a moment. I’m driving right now to get my haircut. My hair also has not had a chance [laughs] to have anyone pay attention to it. I look like a wookie. My hair is huge, so I’m getting it all cut down today, and getting prepared for an event that we’re doing here in Boise next week for all of our Inner Circle members. It’s going to be awesome. I’m really excited. Here’s some backstory on it. It’s interesting

  • Episode #76 – Rework Vs. Remote

    02/05/2014 Duración: 09min

    The post Episode #76 – Rework Vs. Remote appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... An interesting look on how to build a hundred million dollar company. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey, everyone. This is Russell Brunson, and I want to welcome you to a very late-night “Marketing in Your Car”. Hey, you guys, it is now 1:30 in the morning. I have almost officially been awake for twenty-four hours straight. I woke up yesterday [laughs] or today or whenever it was, at 4:30 in the morning. I came in early and spend three or four hours busting stuff out before everyone showed up. We worked all day, and we pulled mostly an all-nighter. I just started fading about twenty minutes ago. I just dropped Todd off at the hotel, and now I am driving back home to go get some sleep. But as tired as I am right now, I don’t think I’ve ever been this fired up about a project ever in my life. We’ve cre

  • Episode #75 – The Secret Pre-Frame

    29/04/2014 Duración: 05min

    The post Episode #75 – The Secret Pre-Frame appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... The new pre-frame that almost always doubles conversions on any type of Facebook traffic campaigns. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey, everyone. This is Russell Brunson, and I want to welcome you to a beautiful, sunny “Marketing in Your Car”. All right, everyone. I hope you’re having an awesome day. My first question for everyone out there is, “Do you guys think we should do new theme song for our podcast?” [laughs] I keep getting comments about it. It’s funny, because I bought the domain, MarketingInYourCar, almost ten years ago. When podcasts first came out, I was like, “That’d be a cool idea for a podcast, so I’m going to buy that.” Then one of my buddies, Paul Colgin, had a friend who used to write jingles, and he’s like, “You should have him write a jingle for your podcast.” So he wrote that

  • Episode #74 – Results From The Jujitsu Tournament

    28/04/2014 Duración: 07min

    The post Episode #74 – Results From The Jujitsu Tournament appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... Short message from Russell on his drive home from the tournament. And how, what he learned this weekend, relates to your business. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey, everyone. This is Russell Brunson. I welcome you to the Marketing in Your Car podcast. As you can tell right now, my voice is almost gone. Hopefully I will make it for the next four or five minutes to share with you my weekend. Basically, I am guessing there are a lot of people listening for the very first time. I just finished my Jiu Jitsu tournament and everyone is asking me. I thought, “Instead of telling them the answer, I am going to make them all go to the podcast and listen to hear what happened.” That is the game plan here; I am going to tell you what is happening. If you are a first-time listener, welcome. You

  • Episode #73 – Lead Or Gold

    25/04/2014 Duración: 09min

    The post Episode #73 – Lead Or Gold appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... The only strategy you need to get stuff done today. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey, everyone. This is Russell and welcome to another episode of Marketing in Your Car! Yesterday I pretty much just talked about Jiu Jitsu and kind of spun it with some business at the end. Today may be kind of similar. No, there are some good lessons. Tomorrow I am fighting in a Jiu Jitsu tournament. I am in three different divisions, so I probably have ten to 15 matches tomorrow as long as I don’t get tapped out. It is going to be a lot of work and a lot of fun. One thing, though, is that I weigh-in tonight. Tonight I have to weigh seven pounds lighter than I weigh right now. A lot of you are asking, “How do you lose seven pounds in a day, Russell?” The reality is that I am going to lose seven pounds in less than an hour.

  • Episode #72 – Thoughts On Russell’s Jujitsu Match

    24/04/2014 Duración: 08min

    The post Episode #72 – Thoughts On Russell’s Jujitsu Match appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... Structuring your business so you can do what you really love. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey, everyone. This is Russell Brunson. Welcome to another exciting episode of Marketing in Your Car. Hey, guys. Today it is kind of raining and I am heading to the office. I am actually excited because this weekend I have a Jiu Jitsu tournament. I am fired up! I have not competed in about 18 months or even more than that. Here is my Jiu Jitsu journey. As most of you know, I was a wrestler through high school. I was a high school state champ and I took second place in the country. I was an All American in high school. I wrestled with BYU for a year and they cut the wrestling team, so I went to Boise State for the last four years. My senior year I ended up being ranked 14th when it all ended,

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