Marketing In Your Car - The Archives



Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales...


  • Episode #71 – A Message From Russell At 4:13 AM

    21/04/2014 Duración: 06min

    The post Episode #71 – A Message From Russell At 4:13 AM appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... Why Russell deleted his entire webinar and spent the last 4 hours rebuilding it from scratch. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Good morning, everyone. This is Russell. It is 4:13 A.M. and I am just driving home from the office. I want to welcome you to a late-night, special edition of Marketing in Your Car. You guys probably think I am crazy, but it is definitely 4:13 A.M. and I have a Webinar eight hours from now which I am very excited about. We have been pruning it all week long. Hopefully most of you  will be on there because it is going to be awesome. This week has been so crammed with everything. I am working with a writer to write my book; we are trying to launch ClickFunnels, and a lot of other stuff. Every day I kept trying to find time to prepare the Webinar and I just have not

  • Episode #70 – Random Ramblings From Russell On His Way To Jujitsu

    17/04/2014 Duración: 09min

    The post Episode #70 – Random Ramblings From Russell On His Way To Jujitsu appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... Four life lessons that Russell learned this week, that you can implement to, hopefully, make your life a little bit better. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey, everybody. This is Russell Brunson and I am doing a special Marketing in Your Car from inside the Mommy Mobile. Yes, I am inside my wife’s car and I am ready to do a great podcast. I have no idea what direction we are going to go today on this podcast. Usually I have a theme I want to think about, but I have a lot of cool stuff happening and I am excited, so I am going to just start rambling. Hopefully something cool will come out of it and you will get some value out of it. First, right now I am on day seven of my modified juice fast and I feel amazing. I want to talk about this because I think I just stumbled

  • Episode #69 – The Butterjuice Cleanse

    14/04/2014 Duración: 05min

    The post Episode #69 – The Butterjuice Cleanse appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... Russell's new concoction to give him more energy, flush out his toxins, and loose a ton of weight in a very, very short period of time. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Good morning everyone. I want to welcome you to another exciting, awesome, fun adventure in the Marketing in Your Car Podcast. A lot of people actually who messaged me this weekend asking me about my cleanse, so I want to give you some updates on how it went. If you Google the “lemonade cayenne pepper cleanse,” you will see what I started doing. I did that the very first day. I did the salt water flush. I just started drinking it the first day and it was pretty nasty. After drinking about half a gallon of it, one of my friends who was doing it with me started looking at what we made. There is lemon water, cayenne pepper, and maple

  • Episode #68 – Converting Buyers Into Clients

    11/04/2014 Duración: 14min

    The post Episode #68 – Converting Buyers Into Clients appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... Russell shares his hypothesis for the best way to convert his buyers into actual coaching clients. Listen in to see if this will work for your business as well. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey everyone. This is Russell Brunson. I want to welcome you to an amazing day and another fun episode of Marking in Your Car. I just got back from a two-day mastermind event in Washington, D.C. It was amazing. We had such a good time. One of the guys in the mastermind group is one of my favorite people. He is super high energy and awesome and he is a mastermind junky. I think he is in seven or eight groups. After two days, he pulled me aside and said that it was the best mastermind meeting he had ever been to which meant a lot. We started early; we went late; and we did some awesome stuff for everyb

  • Episode #67 – Max Out Your Tax Bracket

    04/04/2014 Duración: 16min

    The post Episode #67 – Max Out Your Tax Bracket appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... A simple three step strategy to make sure you're in the highest tax bracket. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey everyone, this is Russell. I want to welcome you to Marketing in your Car. I just got done meeting with the accountants, which if you've been listening for any length of time you know is by far my least favorite thing in the world. I would have rather gone to the dentist and get my teeth drilled but it is what it is. I met with the accountants to do our tax return stuff and sign a million papers, all that fun stuff. I also had the chance to find out that thanks to Obama, my tax bracket is now, I think we pay 47 percent. Isn't that crazy, almost half of our money. We're sitting there first and talking about obviously why it makes us angry. Then there are basically two options. One opti

  • Episode #66 – What Percentage Are You Taking Home?

    01/04/2014 Duración: 06min

    The post Episode #66 – What Percentage Are You Taking Home? appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... Russell's new strategy to take home more money without increasing sales, and what's the #1 reason why business exists... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey everyone, this is Russell Brunson. Welcome to a very rainy Marketing in your Car. It's raining today. I'm heading into the office and I'm really excited for today. This morning, I had my accountability call with Carl White. I talked about it in an earlier podcast about the power of accountability calls, and finding an accountability partner as someone to hold you accountable. So far, it's been going really good. What's fun is it's nice having Carl. He's such a very opposite personality from me. I think that what he brings to the table for me are just things I don't have right now that are really cool. One of the things he was tal

  • Episode #65 – Look What Attraction Marketing Brought To Me

    28/03/2014 Duración: 08min

    The post Episode #65 – Look What Attraction Marketing Brought To Me appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... Over the last 30 days we completely shifted our target market, our ideal customer, and how we communicate with our audience and the results have been amazing... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey everyone, this is Russell Brunson. Welcome to the Marketing in your Car podcast. I hope you guys are having a great day today. I am fired up. It's the last day of spring break so I've been home with the kids. We were juicing, having some fun. Then I'm going to finally head into the office and get some work done. I want to talk about something that makes me mad that I'm excited about this because I always make fun of this. You know everyone that's into the whole law of attraction thing, attract, put out what you want and it will attract things to you? I remember when the Secret first

  • Episode #64 – A Tweak On The Daily Seinfeld Emails

    25/03/2014 Duración: 07min

    The post Episode #64 – A Tweak On The Daily Seinfeld Emails appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... Russell just had an epiphany that changes the way he will forever communicate with his email list. Listen to this podcast episode to find out what it is and how you can apply it too. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey everyone, this is Russell. Welcome to the Marketing in your Car podcast. I hope you guys are having a great day today. Some good news, I was right. If you listened to my podcast yesterday about the one thing, we did the tests and it is crushing it. I'm excited. I'm glad that my hypothesis is doing good. It more than doubled sales from the two other versions. One was written by me and one was written by a really good copywriter who is not me. I'm excited and fired up. That's good news. If you missed that episode, go back and watch it. Today, I had an idea. If you look a

  • Episode #63 – The One Thing

    24/03/2014 Duración: 14min

    The post Episode #63 – The One Thing appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... How to increase your conversions by un-muddying your offers, and a whole bunch more... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey everyone, this is Russell and this is a special late night edition of Marketing in your Car. I hope you guys are doing awesome. I am actually driving home from the airport right now. I had a really fun weekend. Some of you know if you follow me on Facebook, you probably saw we just launched or created a brand new supplement for the MMA called MMA Ignite. I was actually in Dallas, Thursday flew to Dallas to go film us actually making the product because we also, sometime in the future, I'm going to be creating a product called I just wanted to be able to have that footage of them actually making our first batch of MMA Ignite so I flew down there, brought a camera,

  • Episode #62 – What If An Offer Doesn’t Work?

    20/03/2014 Duración: 06min

    The post Episode #62 – What If An Offer Doesn’t Work? appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... Russell will walk you through the process he goes through when one of his offers doesn't convert like he wants it to. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Good morning, good morning. Today is an awesome day. I'm excited to be here with you guys with the Marketing in your Car podcast. Today is exciting because I'm flying to Dallas, first off, because our new supplement MMA Ignite is being produced and I want to film the whole thing so I'm flying to Dallas which is exciting. Then I'm flying to Oklahoma for the NCA Wrestling Tournament to go hang out with Daegan Smith and some other friends. It's exciting. I'm excited but today, I have about four hours at the office. I want to tell you what I'm doing today because this should hopefully give some of you guys encouragement who have been playing this

  • Episode #61 – Changing Your Bait

    19/03/2014 Duración: 10min

    The post Episode #61 – Changing Your Bait appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... Want to change your customers... Change your bait. A simple way to attract the right customers into your business. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey everyone, this is Russell. I am driving behind my wife to take my kids to the dentist. We're going to do a very special Marketing in your Car. Like I said, we are heading to the dentist right now to take all of our kids to the kid dentist which is usually a lot of fun, but about a 15 to 20 minute drive so I'm going to do a Marketing in your Car. What I want to talk about today, this is probably one of the coolest phenomenons I think that I've had in my business for a long time, my own personal insight. If I look at my business, especially over the last probably four or five years, just because of what we were doing, I was trying to attract more people t

  • Episode #60 – My New Accountability Partner

    18/03/2014 Duración: 07min

    The post Episode #60 – My New Accountability Partner appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... A very simple process, to double or triple how much you achieve every two weeks... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Good morning everyone, this is Russell. I want to welcome you to another beautiful day. Welcome to the Marketing in your Car podcast. It's nine o'clock in the morning. I've actually been up for four hours already. The reason why is kind of fun. There's this dude I've been watching for the last two years named Carl White, someone I've been really impressed with but I've never had a chance to get to know him. He doesn't know this yet, but one of the main reasons why, probably one of the top three reasons why I joined Ryan Deiss and Perry Belcher's mastermind group was I wanted to get to know Carl. We had our first meeting a month ago. Carl was there. It was kind of funny. When we

  • Episode #59 – The Backdoor Method To Selling

    17/03/2014 Duración: 07min

    The post Episode #59 – The Backdoor Method To Selling appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... A unique way to close sales indirectly, and get more people to buy your stuff, without ever actually selling your stuff. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Good morning everyone, this is Russell. I want to welcome you to the Marketing in your Car podcast. Hey guys and gals, we are here today in Boise. It is a super windy day. It's going crazy. It's like a tornado is coming through. It's kind of fun. Hopefully I will not get blown off the road while I'm driving to the office. I want to talk to you guys today about something fun that we're doing, that maybe will give you guys some ideas. It's a way we've been trying to position and sell our high end coaching. We've been having some fun with it. We just added in a couple new levels and an opportunity for people to come to Boise a couple of times

  • Episode #58 – My New Online Sales Revolution

    05/03/2014 Duración: 06min

    The post Episode #58 – My New Online Sales Revolution appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... Russell just discovered a simpler way to sell to your already warm audience. Listen to learn how a simple iPhone video can change your business forever. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Good morning, everyone out there in Marketing in your Car world. I want to welcome you to today and welcome you to the podcast. I just stumbled upon an interesting realization today. This goes back to this whole evolution of selling stuff for me. I look at when I first got started online, I did sales letters. Then we moved to me in front of a camera doing Russell talking trying to sell stuff. Then we did PowerPoint videos, then doing some sales letters again. Today and yesterday, we've really built out our Dot Com Secrets Labs Funnel. Instead of doing sleek PowerPoint style videos, I've just done iPhone vide

  • Episode #57 – A Sneak Peek At Clickfunnels

    04/03/2014 Duración: 06min

    The post Episode #57 – A Sneak Peek At Clickfunnels appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... Listen as Russell tells you about a new technology that will literally change the future of your business forever! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey everyone, this is Russell Brunson. Today, I want to welcome you to the Marketing in your Car podcast and I'm going to give you guys a glimpse into the future. It's been a little while since I've done a podcast. I've been traveling like crazy, learning some cool stuff and been finishing up a secret project that very few people know about. I've hinted towards it a couple of times so I wanted to announce it now to our faithful Marketing in your Car listeners so you guys get a sneak peak above everybody else, not a sneak peak but just know what's happening so you can prepare for it. I think it will change your business and honestly, I think it wil

  • Episode #56 – Soap Operas vs. Seinfeld

    20/02/2014 Duración: 06min

    The post Episode #56 – Soap Operas vs. Seinfeld appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... Can two seemingly conflicting marketing techniques actually work together when used correctly? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey everyone, this is Russell Brunson. I want to welcome you to another amazing, awesome, exciting episode of Marketing in your Car. Hey guys and gals, I had a really fun experience last weekend that I wanted to share with you. I joined a mastermind group called the Ocean's Four mastermind group. It was out of Vegas. I joined it because it was just a different type of mastermind group. It was only meeting one time. It wasn't one you have to join for a whole year so I knew the commitment timetable wasn't too big. The other reason was Ocean's Four was because there were four people that were in the mastermind group. Two of them I've been studying a lot for a long time. I w

  • Episode #55 – My Renewed Focus On Sales

    10/02/2014 Duración: 07min

    The post Episode #55 – My Renewed Focus On Sales appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... How to shift your focus to the #1 most important aspect of your business, and how to use that to triple your sales this year. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Good morning everybody. I hope you guys are all doing awesome out there. Welcome to the Marketing in your Car podcast. I'm heading to the office today. I'm excited for this week. I hope you are too. Some of you guys know if you listen to my podcast religiously, you know that over the last week, we've been pulling some crazy long hours. We had three nights in a row. The first night, we were here until three and then I got three hours of sleep. The next day, we were here until four and I got three hours of sleep. The next day, we were here until 6:30 in the morning working because we flew out our head UI designer and our head programmer, and

  • Episode #54 – A New T-Shirt Model

    06/02/2014 Duración: 06min

    The post Episode #54 – A New T-Shirt Model appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... How we're using a free t-shirt to launch a new membership site. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey everyone, this is Russell Brunson. I want to welcome you to a very snowy Marketing in your Car. It's been a little while since I've done Marketing in your Car. I want to tell you what's been happening. We are about to launch this new software as a service, or SAAS as they call it program, product. It's actually three products. We've been working on it for the last year or so, actually, a little bit longer than that on some of them. We're at a point now where they're almost done but they haven't quite gotten done. We really need a good UI designer to help polish everything off. There's this guy who I think is the best UI designer I've ever seen in my life, and I bribed him and paid him a whole bunch of

  • Episode #53 – The REAL Secret Behind Traffic And Conversion

    30/01/2014 Duración: 07min

    The post Episode #53 – The REAL Secret Behind Traffic And Conversion appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... The two invisible lessons that I learned, that they didn't want me to know, while at the traffic and conversion event. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey everyone, this is Russell Brunson. Welcome to a very slushy Marketing in your Car. Today, I woke up and came outside. It's kind of raining but it's freezing cold so we have this slush all over the road. My kids were running around in their clothes before school and got soaking wet, so we've had a fun morning but now I'm heading to the office to get some work done. I'm super fired up for today for a lot of different reasons. I just want to talk to you guys today about something I saw last week which was awesome. I was very impressed with Ryan Deiss and Perry Belcher, their Traffic Conversion Summit. I just wanted to share w

  • Episode #52 – Are You Ready To Scale An Offer?

    21/01/2014 Duración: 07min

    The post Episode #52 – Are You Ready To Scale An Offer? appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... Some of my thoughts after day 1 of our new supplement offer. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey everyone, good morning. This is Russell Brusnon. It's about 6:30 in the morning and I'm heading to the gym. I was too excited to not do a podcast. Welcome to the Marketing in your Car podcast. I got to admit, part of this whole episode is because of my good friend and faithful listener Stu McLaren. We had a chance, I know you guys have heard me talk over the last however many months about our supplement we have. We've been doing really well with it. We always have a free plus shipping thing where they get a free trial bottle. We auto bill them and all that fun stuff. We couldn't ever make that offer work very well like in mass media when we would take it to media buyers and stuff like that. W

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