Hero Hero Ghost Show!



An examination of Asian horror films and culture.


  • Hero Hero Ghost Show – Dark Water

    24/01/2019 Duración: 02h08min

    Welcome back to Hero Hero Ghost Show! We have a great one this time around. Mike Marryman is here to talk Hideo Nakata’s Dark Water. Cort Psyops shows up in The G-Spot to talk Invasion of Astro-Monster.  And no show would be complete without a look at divorce in Japan. So, what are we waiting for? Forget the kids at school, it’s Hero Hero Time! ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★

  • Hero Hero Ghost Show! Meatball Machine and Kodoku Meatball Machine

    19/08/2018 Duración: 02h44min

    It’s here! A brand new episode of Hero Hero Ghost Show has arrived! We welcome Jerry Herring of Kill the Cast and Underwater Kaiju from Outer Space fame to chat about the bananas films, Meatball Machine and Kodoku Meatball Machine. We try to make some sense of the J-splatter silliness and manage to divert into discussions of Sion Sono, Takashi Miike, and the often-uncomfortable relationship with sexuality in Japanese cinema. Also, a trip to the G-Spot with Cort Psyops as we look at Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster! Enough chatting, let’s get to splatting! Opening song: In the Sad Forest by RAINASH Closing song: New Days by Sekai Ichi ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★

  • Hero Hero Ghost Show – Thirst

    13/05/2018 Duración: 02h21min

    Welcome back to Hero Hero Ghost Show!  This time around, we have a star-studded slam-bang episode!  First, Cort joins us in The G-Spot to talk Mothra vs Godzilla (aka Godzilla vs the Thing) before we welcome Duncan McLeish for a discussion of Chan-wook Park’s Thirst.  There’s mah jongg parties, armpit licking and much, much more…   Warning!  Things get sexy! Opening Song: 808 by Suchmos Closing Song: Fukanshou by PANORAMAPANAMATOWN ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★

  • Hero Hero Ghost Show: King Kong vs Godzilla

    03/04/2018 Duración: 01h58min

    Join Cort Psyops and myself for a look at the first Technicolor appearance of the Big G, and he’s brought a monkey along for fun!  We talk parasol weakness, non-habit forming narcotic berries, the Smog Monster goes to rehab, bad Hokkaido vacation packages, amazing octopi, Kong’s wicked berry habit, bad Brando, Elvis Kong, the benefits of electricity-eating, Kong’s big cheat, and more! Opening Song: Incomplete by Girugamesh Closing Song: Bad Kicks by DYGL Join us for the next episode where we’ll check back in with the Big G and we’ll get Thirst-y! ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★

  • Hero Hero Ghost Show – Bonus Episode: Whispering Corridors and Momento Mori with Richard Glenn Schmidt

    15/03/2018 Duración: 02h38min

    Welcome back to a brand new bonus episode of Hero Hero Ghost Show.  Now in a world where no new Tomie films exist (much the shame), Richard Glenn Schmidt returns to tackle another female-centric series of films.  This time, we look into the world of all-girls high schools in South Korea with the Whispering Corridors series.  In the first film, titled appropriately enough Whispering Corridors, a vengeful spirit may or may not be possessing a student and murdering teachers, but maybe that’s not the worst thing.  In the second, the lyrical Momento Mori, we return to another high school in this spiritual sequel where two girls discover a forbidden love and narrative logic is tossed out the window. We discuss the controversies surrounding both films on their release and what makes these films standouts in the genre, as well as get very, very silly with bonus ghosts, lesbian undertones and overtones, spooky giant ghosts, what makes a Whispering Corridors movie, nihilistic nachos and much more! Opening song: Dice b

  • Hero Hero Ghost Show – Exte: Hair Extensions

    24/02/2018 Duración: 01h30min

    Welcome back to a new episode of Hero Hero Ghost Show! We pay respects to Ren Osugi before diving into a the Sion Sono/Ren Osugi film, Exte! Haunted hair, family drama and rampant abuse form this tale of a vengeful spirit that also serves as a surprisingly radical take on J-horror in general. Also, we dive into The G-Spot with Cort Psyops to talk Godzilla Raids Again! ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★

  • Hero Hero Ghost Show! – Godzilla

    28/12/2017 Duración: 02h25min

    Welcome to Hero Hero Ghost Show!, a podcast all about Asian horror, and this time around we’re going straight to Tokyo Bay with special guest Cort Psyops from Cinema Psyops to get under the scales of a temperamental gentleman named Godzilla.  Did you ever wonder who came up with Godzilla in the first place?  Or what a kaiju is?  Or maybe you just enjoy Gamera digressions.  I don’t know how you live.  Join us for a look at everyone’s favorite city-stompin’ reptile in ways you may have never seen him before… It’s new Hero Hero Ghost Show! everyone! ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★

  • Hero Hero Ghost Show! – Tomie vs Tomie & Tomie Unlimited w/Richard Glenn Schmidt

    29/08/2017 Duración: 02h22min

    It’s Bro-mies before Ho-mies when Richard-mie joins Bo-mie for our final trip into the realm of Tomie, the cinematic adaptations of Junji Ito’s manga.  And we are going out in style, friends and neighbors.  In addition to discussing two of the more interesting entries into this series, we talk a little gialli, discuss which in the series best captures the spirit of the comic and much, much more! Opening Song: dear sad big laugher by Mop of Head, feat. UCARY and The Valentine Closing Song: Thank You for the Music (Nui!) by bonobos ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★

  • Hero Hero Ghost Show! Bonus Episode – Tomie: Beginning & Tomie: Revenge

    11/04/2017 Duración: 02h01min

    Welcome back, everyone!  In further proof of our obsession with Japanese love demons, I am joined by Hello! This is the Doomed Show’s Richard Glenn Schmidt for a stroll down Tomie lane.  This time, we examine films six and seven (!) of the long-running series of films, this time helmed by original Tomie director Ataru Oikawa.  With Tomie: Beginning, Oikawa creates his own prequel.  Why do we keep flashing forward?  How great is Gondo?  And, of course, Homeless Pele makes an appearance.  Then, we tackle Tomie: Revenge, perhaps the absolute bottom of the barrel in Junji Ito’s mythos.  Did anyone not know Yukiko was a Tomie?  Why keep referencing things that would make this movie a million times better and not show it?  And why is there no Gondo?!  We also force dozens of Tomie-related puns, surprise Richard by NOT being Duncan and pitch Hollywood on the Canadian Tomie film the world needs. Check out Richard at Hello! This is the Doomed Show and peek at his books here. See you next time for a regular episode, f

  • Hero Hero Ghost Show! – Suicide Club

    07/03/2017 Duración: 01h24min

    We’re back, and this time… it’s personal!  Well, if not personal, certainly weird.  We’re talking Sion Sono’s Suicide Club with Black Annis’s Misty Marchant, and we cover this thing like pros, including why Genesis set up shop in a bowling alley, Charles Manson trivia, the gleeful black comedy of this movie and fun talk about suicide!  Also, Sion Sono time travel theories! Opening Song: Karma War by Aiko Closing Song: Ghost in a Closet by Spangle Call Lilli Line Next time… more Sono! ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★

  • Hero Hero Ghost Show! Valentine’s Day Special: Sadako vs Kayako

    14/02/2017 Duración: 58min

    Welcome back to Hero Hero Ghost Show!  I’ve been away a while, but back in time to celebrate a day of togetherness… and what better way to celebrate than with the two women that perhaps best represent Japanese horror?  That’s right, we’re talking Ringu vs Ju-on, yurei vs yurei… it’s Sadako vs Kayako! In a solo run, we go through the surprisingly comprehensible story, the awesomeness of Tamao, the superior rock-tossing skills of Keizo and the final, titular battle!  Does this movie actually work?  Is it a worthy sequel to both of these franchises?  And why did anyone ever think a wicker lid would work?  Get the cash from under the altar, let’s get ghoulish! Opening Song: Kyouran Hey Kids! by The Oral Cigarettes Closing Song: Noroi no Shananana by Seikima II   Next time, no foolin’, we are going to figure out if we are connected to ourselves! ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★

  • Hero Hero Ghost Show! Tomie Special #2 – Tomie: Rebirth and Tomie: Forbidden Fruit

    13/12/2016 Duración: 01h40min

    Welcome back to Hero Hero Ghost Show!  Relieved of solo duties, I am joined by Hello! This is the Doomed Show‘s Richard Glenn Schmidt for our second venture into the land of Japanese love demons.  We begin with Takashi Shimizu’s wonderful take on the Tomie story, Tomie: Rebirth, and it’s amazing set pieces and horrible gift-giving ideas.  Then, we take on Tomie: Forbidden Fruit, the movie that should be the naughtiest in the series and somehow just… isn’t.  Warning, there is a whole lot of silliness contained in this episode. Opening Song: Another Starting Line by Hi-Standard Closing Song: Aura by Pampas Fields Noise Found Art   ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★

  • Hero Hero Ghost Show! Season Two: Episode Four – Carved: The Slit-Mouthed Woman

    06/12/2016 Duración: 01h11min

    The solo train keeps rolling, but enough bonus content, let’s do a real episode!  This time out, we take a look at a listener request in the form of Carved: The Slit-Mouthed Woman.  Based on an urban legend, the movie is a weird blend of urban fairy tale, slasher and treatise on child abuse… maybe?  We take a stroll through the plot before trying to figure out if this is just an entertaining piece of horror cinema or if something deeper is going on under the hood.  Spoilers, there is.  Also, Japanese urban legends revealed! Opening Song: Human Noise by Aural Vampire Closing Song: Masterpiece by RIP SLYME Join us next time for haunted hair! ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★

  • Hero Hero Ghost Show! Season Two – Special Episode: Imprint and Stacy: Attack of the Schoolgirl Zombies

    29/11/2016 Duración: 01h07min

    Here we are, just the two of us.  Sure, we usually have some guest yammering on about one movie or another, but if we could distill the show into its purest state, something that could lead to the dawning of a new age?  Or, you could just join me for a solo show in which we discuss Takashi Miike’s entry into the Masters of Horror series, “Imprint.”  And why not get a little nutty with the low-fi gorefest, Stacy: Attack of the Schoolgirl Zombies?  And maybe even a listener question!  It’s just us, so put on the candles, slip into something a little more comfortable and dim the lights.  We’re going to get weird. Opening Song: Ride or Die by GACKT Closing Song: Don’t Know Where It Is by DYGL Next time: Are you connected to yourself? ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★

  • Hero Hero Ghost Show! Season Two: Episode Three – Evil Dead Trap

    22/11/2016 Duración: 01h16min

    Ah, Asian horror…  With its technicolor lighting and Goblin-esque scores, the brutal killings, the maggots on the ceilings…  Hey, wait a second!  That doesn’t sound like Asian horror at all!  And that’s just what makes 1988’s Evil Dead Trap such an oddball piece of cinema.  The movie director Toshiharu Ikeda swears was not influenced by countless giallo movies is a weird blend of classic horror tropes, but through the eyes of a director who spent much of his career in Japan’s Pink subgenre.  Along with Hello! This is the Doomed Show!‘s Richard Glenn Schmidt, we get into the wonderful highs and genuinely disturbing lows, and still have no answers for the ball gag guy.  Also, a very brief history of Japan’s Pink cinema!  Let’s head into the definitely NOT Italian-inspired mayhem of Evil Dead Trap! Thanks again to my partner in Tomie-related crime, Richard Glenn Schmidt!  You can find more from Richard at Doomed Moviethon and catch his books Cinema Somnambulist and Giallo Meltdown! Opening Song: Told U So by Il

  • Hero Hero Ghost Show! Season Two: Episode 2 – Tetsuo the Iron Man

    15/11/2016 Duración: 01h07min

    Welcome back to Season Two of Hero Hero Ghost Show!  Boy howdy, do we have a weird one tonight – the seminal Japanese body horror/cyberpunk/splatter movie, Tetsuo the Iron Man.  This is one of those movies people intend to see, yet never quite get around to it.  Along with my co-host Gary Hill (of Two Drink Minimum Commentaries and Cinema Beef fame), we explain why you kinda need to see this to know what you’re missing.  It’s expressionistic, it’s loud, it’s slightly Evil Dead by way of KMFDM… it’s Tetsuo and there’s nothing else like it.  Join us as we try to make sense of it all!  Also, a look at the roots of Japanese cyberpunk! Big thanks to Gary Hill for coming along for this ride.  Check out more from Gary on the Cinema Beef page and Two Drink Minimum Commentaries! Opening Song: Rock the Lm.c. by LM.C Closing Song: Let It Sway by DYGL Next week… none of us will ever be truly clean again! ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★

  • Hero Hero Ghost Show! Season Two Premiere: Ringu

    08/11/2016 Duración: 01h56min

    Hey Ghost Show Heroes!  We are back for a new ten-episode run of the best and strangest in Asian horror, and we’re starting with a bang.  That’s right, it’s Ringu, the movie that made us all scared of long haired girls in wells.  We dig into the iconic moments of the film, diabeetus ghosts, raising your children Amish, SGF treatments, the Sadako vs Scanners movie we never got and warm parenting memories from the film.  Also, a look at the various versions of the film and its divergent sequels. Big thanks, as always, to Duncan McLeish for kicking off the new season in style!  Check out more from Duncan right here! Opening Song: This Ordinary by Not Wonk Closing Song: Anti-Hero by Sekai no Owari Next week… penis drills! ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★

  • Hero Hero Ghost Show! Bonus Episode #2 – Tomie: Another Face and Tomie: Replay

    17/10/2016 Duración: 01h17min

    Hey there, Ghost Show Heroes!  We’re still getting things ready for Season Two, but that doesn’t mean you don’t deserve your fair share of Asian horror goodness.  To keep you tantalized, I have enlisted the help of both a Japanese love demon named Tomie and an American love demon named Richard Glenn Schmidt (he of Hello! This is the Doomed Show).  We’re making our way through every damn Tomie film, starting with the television anthology Tomie: Another Face in which we debate the relative skeeviness of dating someone who you think is your old crush’s daughter.  Then, we set our sights on Tomie: Replay, a striking outing in the series that boasts heads in tanks, intricate plotting and character relationships and some quality body horror. Remember we’re giving away Tomie and Tomie: Replay to jump start your own Tomie collection.  Check our Facebook page here for more details! Enough advertisin’, let’s get to Tomie-in’! Opening Song: Sunny Day by Androp Closing Song: Don’t Worry Boys by Homecoming ★ Support t

  • Hero Hero Ghost Show! – Bonus Episode #1: Colette Balmain

    30/08/2016 Duración: 01h09min

    You may not immediately recognize the name of our guest, but you will after this episode!  Colette Balmain is a speaker and author specializing in Asian horror and literally wrote the book on the subject.  Her book, Introduction to Japanese Horror Film, is preparing for its second edition release and has been an invaluable tool in researching this show.  She was kind enough to come on and talk what makes Asian horror scary, the best examples of these films, both old and new, the joys of gore cinema, resolving cultural differences as a viewer and manages to be absolutely charming while name-dropping Big Tits Zombie on several occasions.  I found the conversation to be enlightening and funny, and I hope you enjoy it, too. Do me a favor and follow Colette on Twitter here (@ColetteBalmain) and keep up with her latest work and maybe even drop her a line and tell her how great she was on the show (which she most certainly is!).  While you’re at it, hop over to iTunes and leave us a rating and review to help spread

  • Hero Hero Ghost Show! Episode 13 – Tomie

    11/08/2016 Duración: 01h30min

    Welcome to the final episode of season one!  It has been a long and winding road, but we find ourselves at the end (for now) and in the arms of a love demon named Tomie.  Joined by Richard Glenn Schmidt of Hello! This is the Doomed Show! fame and resident Tomie expert, our heroes examine heads in bags, disco fashion, basket babies and just what makes Tomie such a unique and unsettling villain.  Also, a PSA on what YOU can do to identify and avoid a Tomie. Big thanks to Richard for educating us on the Tomie legacy and thanks again to all the listeners of season one who have reviewed the show and left messages on Facebook and by email.  You guys make this show an incredibly rewarding show to do. You can join us on Facebook here and subscribe on iTunes (and leave us a review) here! Opening Song: Leech by The Gazette Closing Song: Super Wonderful by Bradio   See you in October!!!   ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★

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