Dr. Leonard Robinson



This Internet Program is dedicated to the advancement of the central message of Jesus, helping to transform followers into leaders, servants into sons and daughters of destiny who are ambassadors of God's kingdom and citizens of heaven.


  • Kingdom Unity w/Amb. Keith Barnes

    29/11/2017 Duración: 01h00s

    We are supposed to be of one mind and heart.  That mind and heart is supposed to be the mind of Christ and heart of the Father.  Unity begins with the right information and motivation for being.  Jesus did not come to establish a religion.  He came to establish a people who would be like God, just as Adam was supposed to be in the beginning.  Amb. Keith Barnes will share with you essential truths that weill help bring you into the unity of the faith as you embrace the knowledge of the Kingdom of God and Christ.

  • Kingdom Simplicity w/Jennifer Rose

    27/11/2017 Duración: 58min

    Jesus, the Christ did not come to complicate matters for those who would become Born again.  He came to simplify matters by delivering to you the doctrine of the Kingdom from the Father so that you can live the life that He's ordained for you.  Every instruction is the instruction of a King, from a King, to a people who would be citizens of the Kingdom but also sons of God and ambassadors for Jesus Christ.  Nowhere did Jesus try to complicate matters.  And certainly when it comes to the doctrine of the Kingdom God in the person of His Son to establish in your mind and heart the laws of God necessary to obey, that you would realize your full potential and be all that God has ordained for you to be.  The simplicity that is in Christ takes a Kingdom and reduces it down to being able to fit within your heart and mind but cause you to fulfill your destiny as a result.  Jennifer Rose has grasped this reality and shares it with you in the same simplicity that christ intended that everyone get such a dynamic truth.

  • The Kingdom Church at Phila. PA w/Dr Len Robinson

    26/11/2017 Duración: 01h52min

    The Kingdom of God is the doctrine of the Father to the people of God not only for their obedience but for the good that God intends for them that obey Him.

  • Kingdom Insights & Truths w/Min. Derrick Holder

    25/11/2017 Duración: 03min

    This is the radio program that brings you into the knowledge of the Father's doctrine of the Kingdom of God that will help deliver you from man-made religion and doctrines of devils.  Derrick B. Holder as a faitfhul son of God and an ambassador for Jesus Christ and citizen of the Kingdom of God brings forth insights and truths of the Kingdom that are the very mysteries God has intended that we would all know and live by.  Get your Bible and notepad and prepare to be transformed as you embrace the doctrine the Devil never wanted you to hear and see.

  • Apostolic Kingdom w/Terance & Victoria Blount

    24/11/2017 Duración: 56min

    The Kingdom of God is spiritual.  It is supernatural and we are made a part of this supernatural Kingdom through the power of the New Birth and we maintain our relationship with the Father through obedience.  God seeks to bring each of us into the fullness of His power by first training us through His Son Jesus Christ, to make God's Kingdom and righteousness our number one priority.  Every apostle must know and understand the Father's doctrine of the Kingdom as delivered to us by His Son for the apostles authenticity and ability to fulfill their responsibility to equip the Church for the work of the ministry.  The Blounts have been able to embrace this supernatural Kingdom and its realities that they would be able to lead you into a greater understanding of the urgency, power and priority of the Kingdom and God's great love for you in revealing to you the mysteries of the Kingdom.  Get your BIble and notepad and get ready not only to be blessed in what you hear, but to be transformed by it.

  • Kingdom Unity w/Min. Keith Barnes

    22/11/2017 Duración: 01h01min

    God's desire is that His Body would be united in the same heart, same belief, same undersanding and all speaking the same thing.  The way God brings this reality about is by giving us all the exact same instruction.  Knowledge of the Kingdom of God and salvation through Jesus Christ forms the basis for how we are to live and be as sons and daughters of God submitted to His royal rule, authority, order and active reign over and through our lives.  The results of our submission is that it produces the same mind, same heart, same speech, each of us walking in the unity of the faith.  Bro. Keith Barnes brings to this program essential Kingdom concepts that challenge you to find that place of agreement in God, in Christ and with one another as we all embrace the Father's doctrine of the Kingdom of God.  A Kingdom divided against itself cannot stand.  Unity is the express plan and purpose of God for all who become Born again.  Get your Bible and notepad and prepare to walk in all that God has ordained concerning th

  • Kingdom Simplicity w/Jennifer Rose

    20/11/2017 Duración: 46min

    K.I.S.S.  Keep It Simple Saints should be the name of this broadcast.  Jennifer Rose will help you to be able to return to the simplicity that is in Christ and discover the uniqueness of your own purpose and identity as you rediscover the Kingdom of God and the full reason why God sent His only begotten Son.

  • The Kingdom Church at Phila.,PA - w/Bro. Len Robinson

    19/11/2017 Duración: 01h49min

    Coming to know and understand the purpose of the Church, it's character and nature is so vitally important to God that He sent Jesus to establish the Church based on the fact that He (Jesus) is the anointed of God sent for the purpose of establishing the Kingdom over and within man.  Bro. Leonard will share with you essential truths in this session that will help you understand the place of the Church in relationship to the will of the Father, that we would make His Kingdom and righteousness our number one priority, evidenced by living the doctrine He (God) sent Jesus to give us.

  • Kingdom Insights & Truths w/Min. Derrick Holder

    18/11/2017 Duración: 01h09min

    The Kingdom of God is a mystery, rich and full of treasures of wisdom, knowledge and power.  Bro. Derrick B. Holder will help you to rediscover the Kingdom and its insights and truths.  Get your Bible and notepad and prepare to have your mind renewed as you embrace the knowledge of the Kingdom that has been hidden in plain view.

  • Apostolic Kingdom w/Terance & Victoria Blount

    17/11/2017 Duración: 49min

    Every apostle during the time that Jesus walked with them, were being trained for Kingdom living.  They were not just being trained to carry the message of Jesus life, death, burial and resurrection but they were also being trrained to preach, demonstrate and teach the same doctrine Jesus ministered to them, that the people the apostles ministered to as the Church, would be equipped to do the same work of the ministry that Jesus and the apostles were doing in advancing the Father's doctrine of the Kingdom as they reconciled man back to God.  The Blounts have spent hours rediscovering God's original purpose for man and for sending Jesus as the 2nd Adam to restore what the first Adam lost.  As they pass this knowledge on to you from their apostleship you will rediscover foundational truths that bring healing, deliverance, wholeness and soundness because of the truth of the gospel they share through this radio program.  Get your Bible and notepad and prepare to be transformed from the inside out as you embrace t

  • A Time of Fellowship w/Priscilla Price

    16/11/2017 Duración: 50min

    We all too often evaluate our relationship with God by how we feel based on whatever we are going through.  Priscilla Price will help you rediscover the Kingdom of God and the value of your relationshp with your heavenly Father through bad times as well as good.  She will help you to see the richness of your relationshiip with God and how your sensitivity to His word and improves your abiliity to mature in all that God has created you to be and to do.

  • Kingdom Unity w/Min. Keith Barnes

    15/11/2017 Duración: 46min

    We are supposed to be of the same mind and speech.  The one truth that can bring us into the unity of the fatih is the knowledge of the doctrine of the Kingdom of God.  The truth of the Kingdom is the foundation that Jesus started His disciples with.  Until you know and understand the doctrine of the Kingdom of God just as Jesus preached it, you can come into unity about the wrong concepts.  Bro. Keith Barnes is anointed of God to serve in the ministry and word of reconciliation by reintroducing the Father's doctrine of the Kingdom that we would all come in the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God.

  • Kingdom Simplicity w/Jennifer Rose

    13/11/2017 Duración: 27min

    Whenever you get away from the simplicity that is in Christ you complicate what God wants us to know and understand about what God intended in sending Jesus for us to follow the example that He set and to receive the salvation that He came to bring.  To rediscover this simplicity Paul said that faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.  Jennifer Rose is anointed to share with you biblical truths concerning the purpose, mission and message of God through Jesus Christ.  As you listen, get your Bible, take notes and know that it was never God's intention that you would be doctrinated with biblical concepts that are questionable.  It was always God's intent that your core theology would come from what Jesus preached and Jesus preached the Kingdom of God.  Jennifer Rose will help you return back to the New Testament starting place of the reign of God over the people God recreates for Himself through the New Birth.

  • The Kingdom Church at Phila. PA w/Dr Len Robinson

    12/11/2017 Duración: 02h08min

    The Kingdom Church at Philadelphia, PA is the Church where we love God and we love God's people.  We are being equipped for Kingdom ministry and Kingdom living, that we would be the ambassadors for Jesus Christ and the Kingdom that God has elected us to be.  We acknowledge that we were foreordained from before the foundations of the world to be conformed into the image of God's Son who is the express image of God.  In the Kingdom Church we acknowledge that we do not serve God for what we can get, but for who He is and we understand that as we make God's Kingdom and righteousness our number one priority God supplies what we have need of.  We invite everyone to listen to any of the ministers we present and to also come to know the Father's doctrine of the Kingdom just as Jesus and the apostles ministered it throughout the nations of the world.  We pray that you are blessed as you learn from the ministries we present and the examples we set for Kingdom living.

  • Kingdom Insights & Truths w/Bro. Derrick Holder

    11/11/2017 Duración: 54min

    The destiny of each in dividual in the Church and the Body of Christ as a whole is found in each of us acknowledging the Father's doctrine of the Kingdom of God.  Without the good news of the Kingdom it has become all too easy to manufacture a religion that we call Christianity.  Bro. Derrick B. Holder will offer in these teachings, certain Kingdom insights and truths that will help you embrace the good news at the level that God intended by sending His Son to preach, teach, demonstrate and delegate the Kingdom of God to all who would believe.  Through this program you will not only rediscover the Kingdom of God, the missing good news, but you will also discover your role in God's plan for your total victory personally, and as God uses you to serve with Him in the advancing of the Kingdom of God.

  • Apostolic Kingdom w/Terance & Victoria Blount

    10/11/2017 Duración: 38min

    The most important subjects in the Bible is the Kingdom of God, the power of purpose and the Holy Spirit.  This is not to dismiss all that salvation means because contained in the doctrines of the Kingdom of God, the power of purpose and the work of the Holy Spirit is salvation for man.  The Blounts will help you understand the nuances of Kingdom life from a Kingdom perspective that will help you to appreciate all the more, the divine plan of God in bringing salvation to you.  The Kingdom of God is the work of the Father's reign as both Creator and God, to bring you into the fullness of all that He has ordained for you.  Take notes as the Blounts bless you with essential truths for Kingdom living.

  • A Time of Fellowship w/Priscilla Price

    09/11/2017 Duración: 56min

    The Kingdom of God is the reign of God over the people of God, that the people of God would be the children of God that He's ordained for them to be.  He desires fellowship with the highest order of His creation which is man.  Priscilla Price will help you to discover the uniqueness of your relationship with the Father and the benefits that come from serving God from a heart of love and knowing Him as He wants to be known through the fellowship that you have together as One.

  • Kingdom Unity w/Min. Keith Barnes

    08/11/2017 Duración: 01h00s

    The Kingdom is the basis for God sending Jesus into the earth.  Salvation was brought to man in order to restore man back to the order God has ordained for the highest order of His creation, mankind.  Bro. Keith opens up such a rich revelation of the Kingdom enabling you to understand why we are called to walk in the unity of the faith and are to preach the same message Jesus preached while living submitted to God's royal rule, authority, order and active reign over and through us.

  • Kingdom Simplicity w/Jennifer Rose

    06/11/2017 Duración: 49min

    Many well meaning Christians complicate simplistic truths from the Word of God not realizing that we were told to never get away from the simplicity that is in Christ.  Simple doesn't mean stupid.  Simple in this context means foundational, fundamental, specific to what Jesus spoke with an aim to not only understand what Jesus spoke but to be able to live it also.  Jennifer Rose will help you discover the Kingdom message that has been missing and she will help you to return back to the simplicity that is in Christ.  KISS (Keep It Simple Saint) 

  • The Kingdom Church at Phila. PA w/Dr Len Robinson - Dr. Myles Munroe

    05/11/2017 Duración: 01h59min

    Dr. Myles Munroe was often misunderstood.  He was branded a heretic by many and a general of the faith by others.  He was committed to the gospel of the Kingdom and Christ but accussed of being an enemy of the cross.  He preached that we are not called to preach the blood and that heaven is not our final destination and many became enraged because Dr. Munroe routinely assaulted their religious ideas.  Today's teaching is going to take a look at the message of the Kingdom and the ministry of the saints as we look at the life of one God chose to open the eyes of many that they would rediscover the Kingdom.

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