Janet Mefferd Today



Podcast by Janet Mefferd Today


  • 05 - 19 - 20 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Jeff Myers (Biblical Worldview Training)

    19/05/2020 Duración: 47min

    How are student ministries dealing with the outreach challenges of a shutdown? Summit Ministries is solving the problem by offering biblical worldview training through an innovative virtual experience. Dr. Jeff Myers, president of Summit Ministries, joins me to talk about it. Plus: If the church is the most important American institution of all, how should that change the way we view unconstitutional orders? We'll discuss that and more on Tuesday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

  • 05 - 18 - 20 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - David Daleiden (Pro-Life) - David Ridenour (COVID)

    18/05/2020 Duración: 46min

    Pro-life hero David Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress are suing Planned Parenthood, as well as the current and former California attorneys general, for a conspiracy to violate both First and Fourteenth Amendment rights. David joins me to talk about it. Plus: The National Center for Public Policy Research is out with a new report, detailing what our nation needs to do to move forward after COVID-19. President David Ridenour will join me on Monday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

  • 05 - 15 - 20 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Brian Gibson (Re-Open Churches) Brant Hansen (Sin & Grace)

    15/05/2020 Duración: 47min

    Will the church rise up to defend its rights to public worship? Brian Gibson, pastor of His Church, is now launching an effort to encourage all pastors to re-open their churches this Sunday. He'll join me to talk about his effort, PeaceablyGather.com. Plus: Brant Hansen explains why it's understanding how bad we are that makes the gospel such good news. He'll join me to talk about his book, "The Truth About Us." That's next time on Friday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

  • 05 - 14 - 20 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Frank Wright (Evangelical Downgrade) Mike Berry (COVID)

    14/05/2020 Duración: 47min

    Why are we seeing so many supposedly evangelical leaders and institutions today rejecting God's Word as the authority for faith and practice? I'll talk it over with Dr. Frank Wright, president and CEO of D. James Kennedy Ministries. Plus: Attorney Michael Berry explains why First Liberty Institute is asking Congress to intervene preemptively to stave off potential coronavirus-related lawsuits against churches. Join us for the next JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

  • 05 - 13 - 20 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Mark Hitchcock (Prophecy) Jim Franklin (Re-Open CA)

    13/05/2020 Duración: 47min

    How does the nation of Iran fit into biblical prophecy? We'll explore that with Bible prophecy expert and pastor Mark Hitchcock, author of the book, "Showdown with Iran." Plus: Pastor Jim Franklin of Cornerstone Church Fresno is one of thousands of California pastors who now say they'll defy Gov. Newsom's shutdown orders and re-open church on May 31. He'll explain why on Wednesday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

  • 05 - 12 - 20 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Calvin Beisner (Environmentalism & the Bible)

    12/05/2020 Duración: 47min

    Thousands of California churches have declared they will re-open, despite Gov. Gavin Newsom's lockdown order. We'll talk about it. Plus: When God told man to "fill the earth, and subdue it, and rule," what does that really mean? Dr. E. Calvin Beisner, founder of the Cornwall Alliance on the Stewardship of Creation, joins me to discuss it and his book, "Creation Stewardship: Evaluating Competing Views." That and more on Tuesday's MEFFERD TODAY.

  • 05 - 11 - 20 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Wesley Smith (Bioethics) Anne Cori (Phyllis Schlafly)

    11/05/2020 Duración: 47min

    In the age of COVID-19, some ghoulish bioethicists are making terrifying recommendations, including letting patients become human experiments. Do we dare cede power to such immoral health-care overlords? Bioethics expert Wesley J. Smith joins me to talk about it. Plus: How does the FX drama series "Mrs. America" get conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly so wrong? We'll hear what her daughter, Anne Schlafly Cori, has to say on Monday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

  • 05 - 08 - 20 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Stephen Soukop (Progressives) Dan Flynn (Jim Jones' Cult)

    08/05/2020 Duración: 47min

    Who were the Leftists of the past who paved the way for today's progressive movement? We'll get perspective from Stephen Soukop, author of "Know Thine Enemy: A History of the Left, Vol 1." Plus: What are the links between LGBT icon Harvey Milk and the Rev. Jim Jones, who presided over the Jonestown Massacre? Dan Flynn, senior editor of the American Spectator, explains as we discuss his book, "Cult City." That and more on Friday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

  • 05 - 07 - 20 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Josh McDowell (Temptation and Loneliness)

    07/05/2020 Duración: 47min

    How can churches and parachurch organizations deal biblically with the lockdown exacerbation of porn addiction and loneliness? I'll talk it over Christian apologist and bestselling author Josh McDowell. Plus: A tyrannical judge has sentenced a Dallas beauty salon owner to jail for defying orders to keep her business closed. But will Shelley Luther inspire a freedom revolution? That and more on Thursday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

  • 05 - 06 - 20 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Steven Mosher (China and COVID-19)

    06/05/2020 Duración: 47min

    Good news for churches in Kansas City, Missouri: the city's mayor has amended his draconian order, now saying churches will not be required to gather names or contact information to help the government trace COVID-19 cases. We'll talk about it. Plus: How should America respond to the Chinese Communist Party's negligence and deceit about COVID-19 through our foreign policy? I'll get some thoughts from China expert Steven Mosher, president of the Population Research Institute and author of "Bully of Asia." That and more on Wednesday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

  • 05 - 05 - 20 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Everett Piper (1st Amendment) Jeremy Dys (COVID/Churches)

    05/05/2020 Duración: 47min

    As unconstitutional government action continues to oppress churches in the age of coronavirus, whatever happened to the "land of the free?" And why aren't more Christians fighting for our freedoms in the biggest challenge of our day? I'll talk it over with Dr. Everett Piper, columnist at The Washington Times. Plus: First Liberty Institute's Jeremy Dys discusses the fight to keep churches open in the state of Illinois. We'll get the latest on that and more on Tuesday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

  • 05 - 04 - 20 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Lyman Stone (Religion's Decline) Lydia Kaiser (Evangelism)

    04/05/2020 Duración: 47min

    As America's religiosity continues to wane, what kinds of policies can help reverse the rapid decline? The American Enterprise Institute's Lyman Stone will talk about it and his new report, "Promise and Peril: The History of American Religiosity and Its Recent Decline." Plus: Lydia Kaiser from Child Evangelism Fellowship talks about new opportunities for reaching kids for Christ during this pandemic. That and more on Monday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

  • 05 - 01 - 20 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Tony Perkins (Rel. Freedom) Alec Klein (Aftermath | MeToo)

    01/05/2020 Duración: 47min

    The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom is out with a new report, identifying the worst of religious persecutors and detailing recommendations for promoting religious liberty around the world. I'll get details from commission chairman Tony Perkins. Plus: How did the Lord intervene in one college professor's life as he dealt with the devastation of MeToo allegations that he says weren't true? Alec Klein joins me to discuss his book, "Aftermath," on Friday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

  • 04 - 30 - 20 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Andrew Bostom (Reopening America)

    30/04/2020 Duración: 47min

    More American medical doctors are stepping forward to call for reopening America, as the coronavirus wave crests and other patients fail to receive critical care. What is the epidemiological evidence for returning to normal? Medical Dr. Andrew Bostom, former associate professor at Brown University Medical School, joins me to talk about the data. Plus: First Liberty Institute's Mike Berry says it's both moral and constitutional for clergy to receive financial relief under the CARES Act. He'll join me to explain why on Thursday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

  • 04 - 29 - 20 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Charles Billingsley (Surviving a COVID-19 Infection)

    29/04/2020 Duración: 47min

    We've heard a lot about coronavirus in the last several weeks, but what is it like to contract a serious case of COVID-19 and recover from it? Charles Billingsley, teaching pastor and worship leader at Thomas Road Baptist Church in Lynchburg, Va., joins me to share his story. Plus: The Southern Baptist Convention's Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission comes under fire for its budget numbers. We'll talk about that and more on Wednesday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

  • 04 - 28 - 20 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Stephen Arterburn (Integrity and Temptation)

    28/04/2020 Duración: 47min

    Just a few weeks in, the coronavirus lockdowns have led to arrests, lawsuits and general upheaval. What does the Protestant work ethic have to do with all these anti-lockdown protests across America? We'll talk about it. Plus: Stephen Arterburn, founder of New Life Ministries, discusses how men can live with biblical integrity amid sexual temptation. He'll talk about his newly revised and expanded edition of, "Every Man's Battle." That and more on Tuesday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

  • 04 - 27 - 20 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Mat Staver (ReOpen Church Sunday) - J. Sikkenga (Education)

    27/04/2020 Duración: 47min

    The first phase of President Trump's guidelines for "Opening Up America Again" includes reopening churches, and Liberty Counsel is declaring May 3 "ReOpen Church Sunday." We'll get details from Mat Staver, founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel. And dismal scores from the latest Nation's Report Card show the importance of helping students to better understand the story of America. Dr. Jeffrey Sikkenga, executive director of the Ashbrook Center, joins me to explain how. That and more on the next JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

  • 04 - 24 - 20 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Jonathan Catherman (Guiding the Next Great Generation)

    24/04/2020 Duración: 47min

    The UN General Assembly president says the coronavirus pandemic underscores the need to "preserve Mother Earth through a paradigm shift" away from a "human-centric society." But what does the Lord say about what's really wrong on earth? We'll talk about it. Plus: How can parents help their teens become confident and capable adults? I'll talk it over with Jonathan Catherman, author of "Guiding the Next Great Generation." That and more on Friday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

  • 04 - 23 - 20 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Robert Reilly (America's Founding)

    23/04/2020 Duración: 47min

    Some political philosophers claim America is in crisis because its foundation was built upon the Enlightenment. But what is the true lineage of the ideas, including the truth about God, that made America possible? Robert Reilly, director of the Westminster Institute, joins me to talk about his book, "America on Trial." Plus: Hundreds protest in Idaho over a mom's arrest at a local playground, while Minneapolis allows a public broadcast of the Muslim call to prayer during Ramadan. We'll talk about it all on Thursday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

  • 04 - 22 - 20 - Janet - Mefferd - Today - Tim Clinton (Biblical Manhood) K. Johnson (COVID Crackdown)

    22/04/2020 Duración: 47min

    What's wrong with traditional masculinity, and what happens to a culture when it tells boys that becoming men in the normal sense is harmful? I'll talk it over with Dr. Tim Clinton, president of the American Association of Christian Counselors and executive director of the James Dobson Family Institute. His new book is called, "Take It Back: Reclaiming Biblical Manhood for the Sake of Marriage, Family and Culture." PLUS: Katherine Beck Johnson from Family Research Council drops by to discuss unconstitutional crackdowns during the COVID19 crisis. That and more on Wednesday's JANET MEFFERD TODAY.

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