Critical Strike



Critical Strike is formed by Josh, Kyle and Billy who fortnightly get together and basically talk about video games or celebrate one of our favorite things, video game music.


  • Critical Strike 63: Holy Hip Check Balls

    27/10/2010 Duración: 58min

    Well this has been just weird, first we couldn't record the weekend we initially planned on and then I got sick and lazy (World of Warcraft demanded me) so I didn't edit the podcast when I normally would! Now that I'm over the cold and Blizzcon is over, the podcast is finally out! Here is what we discussed: World of Warcraft, God of War 3, 3D Dot Game Heroes, Final Fantasy XIV, Castlevania Lords of Shadow, NHL 11, The Shoot, a listener email and iTunes review thanks. Music in this episode: Dragon Punch!, Terra (Final Fantasy VI) You can reach us at, leave a voicemail at (909) 278-7453 or Twitter at criticalstrike

  • Critical Strike 62: Incoming Ostrich

    03/10/2010 Duración: 01h08min

    It's been awhile folks, but we're back and we have a very sick Kyle Dumond on our hands and in our ears. We'd like to apologize for being gone for so long but it seems like every time we plan on recording a million things come up and it either gets delayed or canceled until a future week. Either way we're back, we've recorded and here is what we discussed: One year later Kyle finds his DS charger, Darksiders, Halo Reach, Company of Heroes, Batman Arkham Asylum, Playstation Move, Sports Champions, Flight Control, Civilization V. Music in this episode: T.U.R.T.L.E Power (remix by Klopfenpop), Final Fantasy XIV, Michael Jackson's Moonwalker You can reach us at, leave a voicemail at (909) 278-7453 or Twitter at criticalstrike

  • Critical Music 23: WELCO METOT HENEX TLEVEL

    13/09/2010 Duración: 56min

    It's once again time for another episode of Critical Music and this time it's being brought to you by Greg Sewart from the one and only Player One Podcast! So far every guest on Critical Music has had a interesting idea for a theme, Greg's is no different as he wanted to focus and share a bit about the Sega CD which I'm quite glad he has or else it probably wouldn't have happened as I've never really been big on the Sega CD or really it's music, up until now. I'd like to thank Greg for taking time out of his busy schedule and doing a episode of Critical Music and please make sure you check out the Player One Podcast. Music in this episode:  Batman Returns, Afterburner III, Robo Aleste, The Terminator, Final Fight CD, Jaguar XJ220. Ecco the Dolphin, Sonic CD, Dark Wizard, Shining Force CD, Vay, Lunar: The Silver Star, Night Trap, Road Avenger, The Amazing Spider-Man vs The Kingpin. You can reach us at, leave a voicemail at (909) 278-7453 or Twitter at criticalstrike

  • Critical Strike 61: You've Been Joshed

    06/09/2010 Duración: 01h13min

    We're back and it was really nice to once again sit down with Kyle to do another episode! We missed the last couple of weeks due to work issues or even just me not having any time to play games in general. There have been some good changes in the wind since our left episode, our good friends The PSNerds and The Rumble Pack have joined us on Platform Nation so please give them a listen if you get a chance! Here are some of the things we discussed on the show: Kyle's laptop, Steam sales, Company of Heroes, Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War II, Plain Sight, Minecraft, Starcraft 2, Darksiders, Madden NFL 11, NHL 11 Demo, Worms: Reloaded, a lovely listener voicemail. Music in this episode: Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World: The Game, Kraid's Lair (Metroid Cover), Altered Beast You can reach us at, leave a voicemail at (909) 278-7453 or Twitter at criticalstrike  

  • Critical Strike 60: Live at Funspot

    09/08/2010 Duración: 01h34min

    Over this past weekend a bunch of us went up to the worlds largest arcade Funspot in Weirs Beach New Hampshire for a nice little gathering of the nerds. While at the arcade Kyle and I decided to do a podcast with Pete Dodd while actually sitting next to each other for the first time. Later that night we also did a little recording with the other group (Nancy, Rich) to cover one of the other recordings. This is what we discussed: Minecraft, Starcraft II, World of Warcraft Cataclysm, arcade games, Funspot impressions and listener questions. Music in this episode: "when this baby hits 88 miles per hour, you're gonna see some serious shit." You can reach us at, leave a voicemail at (909) 278-7453 or Twitter at criticalstrike

  • Critical Strike 59: Cracked Down Haters

    26/07/2010 Duración: 01h06min

    Honestly who really cares about anything I type here because if you're anything like me, you're just salivating over the release of Starcraft 2 this week so none of this actually matters (except for the audio). But if you do actually care then once more Kyle and I got together and here is what we discussed: Risk Factions, Limbo, Feist, Halo ODST Horde Mode, World of Warcraft, Crackdown 2, Deathsmiles, DeathSpank, OnLive, listener voicemails. Music in this episode: Sonic the Hedgehog 3, Starcraft You can reach us at, leave a voicemail at (909) 278-7453 or Twitter at criticalstrike

  • Critical Music 22: Close your eyes

    20/07/2010 Duración: 52min

    Continuing the rotation of guest hosts on Critical Music brings another one I was truly excited for! On this episode we're graced by good friend from The Gamesmen, jsslifelike who brings a nice mix of emotional tracks he's come to love in the time he's placed video games. One thing about this episode is, I think it's going in the direction of where I want to take my future Critical Music episodes and show off some more emotional tracks that I love and explore tracks that got me into video game music in the first place, so thank you for that inspiration Steve. I'd also like to thank Steve for stepping in and doing his own episode of Critical Music, please do us a favor and check out The Gamesmen who also feature video game music based on what they're discussing on that episode of their show. Music in this episode: Metroid Prime, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Super Mario Strikers Charged!, Baten Kaitos, Final Fantasy X, Kingdom Hearts, Chrono Cross

  • Critical Strike 58: The Southern Adventure

    12/07/2010 Duración: 54min

    Now I have to apologize for this episode being a week late but here's the deal, my upcoming work schedule forces me to work every other Saturday until the end of the month. So by me holding this back a week it allowed us to reset the two week recording schedule so it falls on the weekends I don't have to work on, so I hope you all understand! Since that's out of the way, this episode was fun because it was good to have Kyle back, we kind of missed each other since last month's Funspot trip and his vacation. Here's what we discussed: Kyle's trip to his vacation, Final Fantasy XIII, Batman: Arkham Asylum, Halo ODST, Crackdown 2, Max and the Magic Marker, Killing Floor, Left 4 Dead 2. Music in this episode: Samurai Showdown, Crackdown You can reach us at, leave a voicemail at (909) 278-7453 or Twitter at criticalstrike

  • Critical Music 21: The Best of CM

    25/06/2010 Duración: 01h38min

    I've been thinking of what I can do with Critical Music as of late and with the guests all working on theirs I decided to throw my hat into doing another one while we wait for their work. The problem that came with that was, I couldn't think of what to do for a new episode until faithful listener Paul suggested we do a "best of" episode of Critical Music. After some mulling over that idea, I decided I'm self righteous enough to justify it and started the process right away! Music in this episode: Lost Odyssey, Paza, Ninja Gaiden, Uncharted, Street Fighter IV, Unreal Tournament, SSX Tricky, GripShift, Dr. Szliszka, Trash80, Start Over, Mizuki's Last Chance, We Are Error, The Smash Brothers, The Megas, Maniac Mansion, Mellogear, Silent Hill 3, Shatter, Shadow Warrior You can reach us at, leave a voicemail at (909) 278-7453 or Twitter at criticalstrike

  • Critical Strike 57: Filling Each Other In

    21/06/2010 Duración: 01h05min

    So since Kyle and Pete (from the PSNerds) decided to go on sabbatical. Billy and myself decided to get together and do a episode that will be released as Critical Strike and PSNerds! It felt a bit strange since I'm so used to having Kyle at each episode but it was a fun experience anyhow. Thanks Billy for allowing me to fill in for PSNerds and thank you for filling in for Critical Strike! Here's what we discussed: My trip to Funspot's classic arcade tournament, Joe Danger, Modnation Racers, Lost Planet 2, PSN+, Rainbow Six: Vegas. Music in this episode: Mega Man Remastered HD (Cutman), International Karate (C64) Cover You can reach us at, leave a voicemail at (909) 278-7453 or Twitter at criticalstrike

  • Critical Music 20: Sellout!

    13/06/2010 Duración: 58min

    As mentioned in the prior episode of Critical Music I am now on a official break from the project but that doesn't mean it's going to sit idle! This episode brings our first guest into the Critical Music world and it also happens to be one of my favorite all time podcaster mik from The Fanboys Lunchcast! I'd like to thank mik for stepping in and doing a episode of Critical Music and helping us out while we take a break from the project. Please do us a favor and show him some support and check out The Fanboys because well, they're great! You can reach us at, leave a voicemail at (909) 278-7453 or Twitter at criticalstrike

  • Critical Music 19: Episode Titles Are Dumb

    01/06/2010 Duración: 58min

    Music can be a great thing but after awhile doing the same thing can just become a bit tiresome so with this episode of Critical Music I announce that I'll be taking a leave of absence from the series. Don't worry though, some amazing people have decided to step up and take Critical Music under their wing and continue the monthly releases for you! Music in this episode: Super Street Fighter IV, Cave Story Remix Project, BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger, World of Warcraft, Prince Of Persia The Forgotten Sands, Trine, WipeOut HD Fury, Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker, Monster Hunter Tri, Super Puzzle Fighter Turbo, Super Mario Galaxy 2, House of the Dead Overkill, Red Dead Redemption, Red Dead Revolver, Raiden IV, Little King's Story, Always (chiptune cover by Kulor)

  • Critical Strike 56: Dumond Not Know!

    24/05/2010 Duración: 01h21min

    In this episode we were joined by good friend Mr BillyBillBlack of PSNerds and it ended up being a blast having him on. Do us a favor and check out his show if you have a chance, they're live every Wednesday at 9PM EST over at Gamer Corporation. But in this episode here is a few things that we discussed: Steam for Mac, Torchlight, Portal, Final Fantasy XIII, Lost Planet 2, 3D Dot Game Heroes, Google Android 2.2 Froyo, Uncharted 2, Red Dead Redemption, Heavy Rain, Rocket Knight. Music in this episode: Starship Amazing (buy their albums!), Super Castlevania IV, Rocket Knight Adventures. You can reach us at, leave a voicemail at (909) 278-7453 or Twitter at criticalstrike

  • Critical Strike 55: Involuntary Sloppy Inputs

    10/05/2010 Duración: 01h15min

    In this episode we were joined by good friend of the show Steve John (jsslifelike) from The Gamesmen. Kind of short notice, but the man had some down time from his own show do to butt issues so we thought it would be nice to have him on and continue our recent love of having people on. Here is what we discussed: After Burner Climax, Monster Hunter Tri, Bioshock 2, World of Warcraft Cataclysm, Final Fantasy XIII, Batman: Arkham Asylum, White Knight Chronicles, League of Legends,  Super Street Fighter IV. Music in this episode: Super Street Fighter IV, After Burner You can reach us at, leave a voicemail at (909) 278-7453 or Twitter at criticalstrike

  • Critical Music 18: I Can Do It Too!

    25/04/2010 Duración: 55min

    Well folks here it is, Kyle's very first episode of Critical Music! I for one was excited when he first approached me about doing a episode on his own. Though it was tough putting what has always been my baby in another persons hands, I think he handled it just fine and I'm impressed with some of the tunes he chose. Music in this episode: Eternal Darkness, Zone of the Enders 2, Final Fantasy X, Metal Gear Solid, Silent Hill 3, Mirror's Edge, Advent Rising, Godhand, Sonic CD, Final Fantasy VIII, Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, Demon's Souls, God of War 3, Bayonetta. You can reach us at, leave a voicemail at (909) 278-7453 or Twitter at criticalstrike

  • Critical Strike 54: My Co-Host The Jerk

    12/04/2010 Duración: 01h01min

    This week we kind of invaded our friends over at Gamer Corporation and used their stream to do the show live! If you didn't catch it, well it doesn't matter because we're putting the audio up on iTunes! But either way it was a cool experiment for Kyle and myself to actually do a live show. I'm not sure if we'll do one again but either way, thanks for everyone who checked it out. Here's what we discussed: Kyle's relationship threatening birthday gift, Final Fantasy XIII, Bioshock 2 multiplayer, God of War 3, Pokemon HeartGold, Battlefield Bad Company 2. Music in this episode: Presidents of the United States of America, Starship Amazing, Just Dance (8bit by gejm) You can reach us at, leave a voicemail at (909) 278-7453 or Twitter at criticalstrike

  • Critical Music 17: Faces Melted

    22/03/2010 Duración: 01h49s

    Two releases back to back you ask? Yes! With this being the week of PAX East I wanted to make sure I got this months Critical Music out on time and seeing as I'll be pretty busy, I needed to get it out fairly early in the week. As I mentioned on the episode, this will probably be the least popular Critical Music to date as it's very metal influenced and I just get the feeling that won't fly with most people, but we'll see. Music in this episode: The Megas, The Minibosses, The Protomen, Powerglove, Vomitron, Entertainment System, The Advantage, NESKimos, Year 200X, Nerd Army, The Smash Brothers, Stage 3-1 Do yourself a favor and buy the albums these bands put out, they're really good! You can reach us at, leave a voicemail at (909) 278-7453 or Twitter at criticalstrike

  • Critical Strike 53: Kyle's are tougher

    22/03/2010 Duración: 01h12min

    It's just about spring time so this episode brings back a nice little Critical Strike tradition, podcasting with the birds! While Kyle didn't have much to discuss because of being sick, Mr Pete Dodd from the PSNerds came in to join us and we had a nice long discussion about: Final Fantasy XIII, Bioshock 2, God of War 3, Greed Corp, Starcraft 2, Mega Man 10. Music in this episode: Dropkick Murphys, God of War 3, Final Fantasy XIII, Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII.

  • Critical Strike 52: Under the Influence

    08/03/2010 Duración: 01h21s

    After our fun experiment with the PSNerds where we played White Knight Chronicles while talking about it, Kyle now returns to the show and is a bit under the influence. It's not all bad though since he went further into detail about some issues with Mass Effect 2 that was bothering him in the prior episodes. So here is what we discussed: Galactic Bowling, Street Fighter III, Street Fighter IV, Starcraft 2, MLB 10: The Show, Mass Effect 2, Dragon Age, Heavy Rain (demo), Darksiders (demo). Music in this episode: Hyadain - The World Warrior, Little Samson, Bionic Commando, Psapp You can reach us at, leave a voicemail at (909) 278-7453 or Twitter at criticalstrike

  • Critical Music 16: Requests Defeated

    25/02/2010 Duración: 01h14s

    Though at the start of the show I said I may not get this out on time. It's because I didn't think I would find enough music in time but luckily I remembered all of mik's requests over at the forums and that gave me enough to push it over the edge! Music in this episode: Descent II, Super Smash Bros. Melee, Time Lord, Heavy Rain, Endless Ocean, Killer Instinct, Lost Odyssey, Gyruss, VVVVVV, Persona 3, Policenauts, Bust A Groove, Dark Void, Secret of Mana, Painkiller. You can reach us at, leave a voicemail at (909) 278-7453 or Twitter at criticalstrike

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