Crossroads Church



Exploring whether or not God even exists? or committed to following Jesus? We present biblical truths and show how they apply to our everyday lives. And we have a lot of fun while doing it. Whatever your thoughts on church, whatever your beliefs about God, you are welcome here.For the longer answer, check out


  • Ted Lasso | Christmas at the Movies Week 3

    18/12/2022 Duración: 47min

    Ted Lasso Christmas: Goal!!!! Ever been relegated to the kid's table? Ever feel like you don’t have a place at the table? Join us as Chuck explains how we have a seat at the table through scripture and Ted Lasso's Christmas.

  • It’s A Wonderful Life | Christmas at the Movies Week 2

    12/12/2022 Duración: 50min

    Ever feel like you can’t catch a break? Having a wonderful life feels like it can as far as the moon. There is a way to have a wonderful life that will last to the next day and next year and the year after that. Join Brian Tome as he explains how Jesus' sacrifice on the cross relates to the life of George Bailey in this Christmas movie classic.

  • Elf | Christmas at the Movies Week 1

    05/12/2022 Duración: 47min

    “Treat everyday like Christmas.” Inspiring words from Buddy the Elf. But what makes Christmas so special? Is it the gifts, cookies, or music? Today Brian Tome explores why time spent with family is what makes the movie Elf and Christmas so special and a classic. 

  • The Reward of Generosity | The Blessed Life Week 5

    28/11/2022 Duración: 48min

    MINE! That’s one of the first words a child learns. We’re all born selfish. Today we’re asking ourselves, “Am I generous?” Kyle talks about 3 levels of giving in the Bible. Learn where you are in growing from selfishness to being generous. When we’re truly generous, God rewards us in ways we never thought possible.

  • Breaking the Spirit of Mammon | The Blessed Life Week 4

    22/11/2022 Duración: 41min

    You may’ve heard the saying “Money is the root of all evil”. This is a misquote. The real Bible verse says “the LOVE of money is the root of all evil”. Money shouldn’t be demonized. It’s only when we want money more than we want God that the spiritual influence of money darkens us. This effect has an ancient name: Mammon. Today we talk about how you can experience joy, peace and transformation with money and avoid the influence of mammon.

  • The Principle of First | The Blessed Life Week 3

    14/11/2022 Duración: 44min

    Is your money blessed or cursed? You don’t want to miss this biblical teaching about the incredible blessings available to you. When we bless the first 10% of what we receive by tithing, the final 90% we keep is redeemed. The practice of tithing opens up space for God to come through and bless your resources.

  • What Test? | The Blessed Life Week 2

    07/11/2022 Duración: 46min

    Giving away what you have left over is easier than giving the first thing you receive. Today we’re talking about why God asks us to tithe, surrendering the first 10%. God knows it says a lot about our hearts. Find out how we can break the curse we often feel in our finances by passing this Biblical test.

  • It's all about the heart | The Blessed Life Week 1

    31/10/2022 Duración: 41min

    Where your money goes says a lot about your heart. When we believe everything we have is ours, we’ll always have a grieving heart when we give. Today Brian Tome talks about how God uses money in our spiritual formation, and how we can develop a grateful heart instead.

  • God Stories

    21/10/2022 Duración: 24min

    Jesus was the happiest person alive, and He invites us to follow his lead. He wants us to be happy. Happiness may seem fleeting considering the tide of bad news coming at us each day. But there’s one habit you can start practicing today to counteract it and experience more happiness. Tune in and let’s celebrate!

  • Join Community | Grow Week 5

    18/10/2022 Duración: 38min

    Growth isn't a journey you can do alone. It requires having people in your life who support and push you to a deeper relationship. Join Chuck Mingo this weekend as he teaches us the importance of community and shows us places where you can find it.

  • Get Baptized | Grow Week 4

    10/10/2022 Duración: 45min

    Why get baptized? When we choose to be baptized it’s a public declaration that we say yes to Jesus as our savior. In this message Brian shares how long he waited to be baptized, and how it can be transformative for all of us, just like it was for him, regardless of our past or where we are in life.

  • Share Your Story | Grow Week 3

    03/10/2022 Duración: 37min

    People are hurting and desperately need light from others. We can make a difference in their lives by sharing our faith, but what if they think we’re weird?! Today Brian Tome gives us three steps to casually share our story with others in a way that isn’t awkward.

  • Receive Weekly Teaching | Grow Week 2

    26/09/2022 Duración: 41min

    We can’t live on our own wisdom. We’re hungry for truth and need answers. But to truly learn we can’t Google everything. We need to receive weekly teaching from a trusted source. Alli talks about how even Jesus received weekly teaching and how important it is for our growth.

  • Daily Time with God | Grow Week 1

    19/09/2022 Duración: 41min

    What you do every day dictates your life. The good news is that God has more for you. Today Brian Tome teaches how there’s power available to you every day when you make time to hear from God and tap into what He has for you. Learn how you can create a powerful habit of spending daily time with God.

  • How to grow spiritually | Brian Tome

    12/09/2022 Duración: 40min

    Spiritual growth is like farming. The process involves work and waiting, but the fruit of our labor is delicious! Today Brian Tome introduces us to 7 proven practices for growing spiritually, and shows us how the work is worth the wait. 

  • Thor and Baby Carrots | The Book Of Philippians Week 5

    06/09/2022 Duración: 41min

    What do Marvel Comic movies and baby carrots have to teach us about God?  Join us today as Kyle teaches us that baby carrots are a lie and God is revealing somethign about himself through the story telling in comic book movies.

  • Happiness vs. Joy | The Book Of Philippians Week 4

    29/08/2022 Duración: 38min

    The problem with happiness is that it depends on what happens. We can’t wait until everything is going right to enjoy our lives. Join Brian Tome as he teaches us three steps we can take to have joy no matter what we’re going through. Get ready to renew your mind, have peace, and less anxiety.

  • Chasing Joy | The Book of Philippians Week 3

    22/08/2022 Duración: 41min

    What does it look like to lean into the promises of joy that come with a relationship with Jesus? Today Chuck shares how you can live a life filled with joy when we reckon with our past, refrain in the present and run toward our future.

  • How to be humble | The Book Of Philippians Week 2

    15/08/2022 Duración: 46min

    Are you tired of all of the grumbling in the world today? Maybe you’ve been grumbling too. The secret to experiencing more joy and less grumbling is humility. Humility is the quality of being humble. Some confuse humility with low self-esteem when really it’s simply the act of thinking about yourself less. In this message, you’ll learn how to be humble, and how it leads to a life filled with joy.

  • Getting the Most Joy | The Book Of Philippians Week 1

    07/08/2022 Duración: 36min

    More joy is possible for you right now if you look at your life through the right filter. Learn what that filter is and how to use it today to find more joy! Join Alli as she challenges us to discover the right filters for life.

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