Fools Daily



A daily miniature gaming podcast brought to you by some blokes in the UK


  • Episode 259 - Paranoid Miniatures - Part I


    In which Mike and Matt talk to the entire crew from Paranoid Miniatures (@paranoidminis) about their game, Mythos. What makes this different is that they have all known each other for 20 years and like I'm sure a lot of us, thought, this games designing lark is easy, lets go for it. And then, they have! However this is a tale of caution and baby steps rather than hitting up a big flashy kickstater, promising the earth and then failing to deliver and that's what makes it worth listening to. It helps that the art and miniatures for the game look great and who doesn't like a bit of tentacle goodness in their lives.

  • Episode 258 - 90s Movies - Drama / Thriller


    In which the same 3 blokes as the last few episodes pick more movies. Today you can see the effects of old age as Mike gets completely confused about which girl he went to the cinema with and picks a movie that wasn't even made in the 90s. We also talk guilty pleasures and frankly they really are a load of old cobblers. No movie chat tomorrow, back to proper subjects.

  • Episode 257 - 90s Movies - SciFi / Fantasy


    In which Mike picks the best SciFi movies of the 90s, and Matt and Lee collude in a Norfolk born and bred way to tell him he is wrong. Seriously, how anyone can pick Matts choice over Mikes as best movie is beyond me unless you are a backwards country bumpkin. Not that I am saying that about Lee. I mean have you seen the size of him?

  • Episode 256 - 90s Movies - War / Western


    In which Mike, Matt and Lee tackle another genre of movies. You know its really hard writing these blurbs when you are effectively talking about the same thing for 5 or 6 episodes. Can only say the same thing so many different ways after all. We talk films, Mike picks a not so good one due to personal reasons. Not a lot else to say.

  • Episode 255 - 90s Movies - Comedy


    In which Mike, Matt and Lee tackle the thorny subject of 90s comedy movies. What makes you laugh is a very personal thing, Some people find Seth MacFarlane movies funny and others think he is a talentless hack repeating toilet jokes over and over again. Thats what this episode is like.

  • Episode 254 - 90s Movies - Action


    In which Mike and Matt, along with arbiter Lee start on a journey into 90s cinema with a discussion of action movies. As you would expect Mike goes all highbrow and poncey with his final choice whilst Matt is distracted by women in their underwear. Hopefully though they talked about at least a couple of your favourites.

  • Episode 253 - Who needs a main game?


    In which Mike and Conrad talk talk about the idea of having a main game. Thats it, short and to the point, unlike the discussion which is long, waffly and possible doesn't even make sense.

  • Episode 252 - Across Dead Earth


    In which Mike and Conrad talk some more Post Apocalyptic carnage in the form of Across Dead Earth. Mike has actually played a few games of it and I guess this counts as a review of the rules and discussion of how it actually works as a game.

  • Episode 251 - How to spend money on Kickstarters


    In which Mike and Conrad talk Kickstarter. Yes again. Lets face it, buying stuff off of Kickstarter is like buying stuff from an LGS (though with a slight! delay). So we talk Steampunk Horses, Route 666 and Home Raiders. We must talk about other things cause the episode runs 40 minutes but I'm buggered if I remember what else

  • Episode 250 - Welsh Open 2015


    In which Mike and Conrad get back on track and talk about Conrads sojourn in the darkest parts of Wales to talk about the Welsh Open. And eventually they do talk about it but there are some detours into discussions about the latest Mad Max, Firestorm Games (home of next years Daffcon) and probably other bits and bobs that I have forgotten about. Really should write these notes as we actually do the recording.

  • Episode 249 - This is Not a Test - Part III


    In which Mike and Joey finish up their discussion about This is Not a Test. Today its futures, possible kickstarters, new books and Mikes #1 wanted, a hardback copy of the rulebook.

  • Episode 248 - This is Not a Test - Part II


    In which Mike and Joey continue to talk about This is Not a Test. In today's chat they discuss the rules themselves, how you build a gang and all the other goodies that actually make up a game. This may take some time :)

  • Episode 247 - This is Not a Test - Part I


    In which Mike and Joey from WorldsEndPublishing talk about TNT, Joeys post apocalyptic ruleset. Today they talk about where the name came from, the inspirations behind the game and how it went through the painful process of actually becoming a reality.

  • Episode 246 - Hanging out in the PABB


    In which Mike and Conrad discover that, surprise surprise, Mike has been distracted by new toys and is off thinking about playing some Post Apocalyptic gaming. How this fits in with his whole philosophy of not liking games with guns I don't know but apparently it does. They talk in the main about a couple of different rulesets Across the Dead Earth and This is not a Test and the very different design philosophies that the games bring to the table.

  • Episode 245 - Relic Knights Revisited


    In which Conrad and Mike talk about the recent announcement from Ninja Division that a second wave of Relic Knights along with a new book are on the way within the next year. It seems only a few weeks ago that we were lamenting the lack of news and releases for the game and now we get the promise of a whole new book. Its almost as if folks do actually listen to these ramblings.

  • Episode 244 - Bolt Action


    In which Conrad and Jimmy talk Bolt Action. Despite moaning about how he doesn't have any time to game Conrad has decided to take up yet another system and this week it happens to be Bolt Action. As you would expect he knows nothing about it at all but fortunately Jimmy is on hand to help him out. This is one game that you wont be getting Mike to play so you won't have to put up with him droning on and on about it.

  • Episode 243 - So many pretty colours


    In which Rich and Webby talk paint. You know the stuff that some of us put on our models to make them look less silver (or grey) like. Now admittedly we don't all put it on as well as Webby does but does that matter? So long as you have made the effort, thats all I ask.

  • Episode 242 - Not more Guildball


    In which Mike and Conrad discuss why Mike hasn't bought into the new gaming hotness that is Guildball. Its a wide ranging discussion including Doris Day, WWII and Bendyboards!

  • Episode 241 - Kickstarter, a new perspective


    In which Mike and Jo from Oathsworn Miniatures discuss the use of kickstarter by a small miniatures business. What makes this different from other Kickstarter chats is that they are a small miniature company. It gives a real interesting insight into the decisions that have to be made to get your figures out to the market.

  • Episode 240 - Batman Pt 2


    In which Dom continues to talk to Jimmy (@jbalderstone) and Rob (@derby_malal) about the Batman miniatures game. You can get nice terrain for it from Just saying.

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