Citylight Church Sermon Audio



Welcome to the weekly audio podcast for CityLight Church in Adelaide, South Australia.Don Reddin and the preaching team at CityLight bring dynamic, Biblically-based, Gospel-centered messages each week that will inspire and strengthen your walk with Christ. CityLight Missionally engages culture, Makes disciples, Trains leaders, and Multiplies communities - we shorten it to Believe, Belong, Become, Be Strong!Visit us online at


  • Can you trust the Bible?


    There are a lot of reasons to have great confidence in the Bible, and the God of the Bible! Dr Les Crawford takes us through some of those reasons, with a Q&A at the end.

  • 8. How to stand firm


    How do you stand firm when life isn't going great? How do you keep your mind set on heavenly things when life IS going well? In this week's message, we look at how to live in light of the cross, and the resurrection to come!

  • 7. Why you should be more like me.


    'Be like me' - in our culture, this seems like an arrogant, even jerky thing to say, but Paul say is our passage this week. In this message, Don looks at what Paul means by this, and why we should also be people who say this to others.

  • 6. Despair or Deluded - Where does your confidence come from?


    This week we look at how to live a life free of striving for God's love, and instead live in light of it. We tend to fall into one of two categories; either we never accept the love of God because we know we don't deserve it, or we have confidence in our own righteousness (especially compared to others). In Philippians, Paul doesn't leave either option as a valid response to Jesus - we no longer put any confidence in the flesh.

  • 5. How to have heart change


    In light of Jesus' amazing love and humility in the first half of chapter 2, how does this inform and impact how we live, relate to God and each other; and how can we want to do what pleases God, and brings us joy?

  • 4. Love like Jesus


    It's been called one of the most important passages in all of scripture. This week we look at what it really cost Jesus to become human, and what it means now for us to humbly love God and each other.

  • 3. Because


    This week Tyson looks at Philippians 2, and shows us what it means to have real Gospel unity; what it will cost us, and why it's worth it!

  • 2. Self-less


    This week we look at what a life worthy of the Gospel looks like.

  • 1. Every Heart a Home


    The first week in the new series - Joy Beyond - looks at the beginning of Paul's letter to a church he loves deeply; and we already see how joy shapes Paul's perspective on his circumstances, and not the other way around.

  • The Walking Dead


    Our guest Carl Robinson takes us through the often misunderstood operation of grace; and shows us that even though it was incredibly costly to purchase, it's a free gift we so desperately need!

  • Secrets of the Kingdom - The Sower part 1


    In Matthew 13, in the middle of telling, then explaining the parable of the sower, Jesus tells His disciples why He speaks in parables. Beginning His explanation, Jesus tells them "to you it has been given to know the secrets of the kingdom of heaven". That's a significant call! What does this mean for us today? Here's part 1 of 'The Sower'.

  • The Gospel - A Pop Quiz


    How do you understand the Gospel? What does it mean for the Gospel to be good news, and what does this mean for you today? Joel takes us through some questions to ask ourselves, as we consider the person and work of Jesus, and its affect on our lives!

  • 7. Evolution/Creation - 'Christians are wrong about...' series


    Did God create everything we know? Or is existence, and life in particular, just a result of random chance? Does evolution disprove God? and what evidence is there for creation and evolution?

  • 6. Science - 'Christians are wrong about...' series


    Has science done away with God? Or at least done away with the need for a god? Where did this divide come from? Can you be a scientist and a Christian in today's scientific world? And what role should science play in any/every Christian's life?

  • 5. Homosexuality - 'Christians are wrong about...' series


    This week we look at what the Bible says about Homosexual relationships, current objections to this view, and a grace based response to people walking with same sex attraction.

  • 4. Sex before marriage - 'Christians are wrong about...' series


    Are Christians wrong to wait til marriage to have sex? What's the big deal? Is it just the Bible saying so, or are there other reasons we make a big deal out of sex? find out in this week's podcast from CityLight Church

  • 3. Traditional Gender Roles - 'Christians are wrong about...' series


    The second most chosen answer to our question 'what are Christians wrong about?' was 'Traditional Gender Roles/Women Submitting to Men'. In this message, Pastor Don looks at what the Bible actually says about gender roles; should women submit to men, how does equality work in the Church, and what role Christians have played in promoting equality & rights for women right from the birth of the Church.

  • 2. Abortion - 'Christians are wrong about...' series


    With 45 million abortions performed every year across the world, if what is being destroyed in that action is a human, abortion would be a larger killer than the top 10 causes of death all combined. So, we need to know, when does a human become a human? What's happening when an abortion is performed? And how can Christians support those considering what to do with an unwanted pregnancy, those who've previously had an abortion, and those raising an unexpected child?

  • 1. Christians are Hypocrites - 'Christians are wrong about...' series


    Don takes a look at why people think the Church is full of Hypocrites; the validity of that claim, and what we can do about it!

  • 9. How does Discipline work in the Kingdom?


    God has given us a Spirit of Discipline.. so how do we use it, and what does this look like in the Christian life?

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