Christ Community Church Ct



Podcast of Sunday Sermons from Christ Community Church located in Darien, CT, USA.


  • A Savior to Forgive us


    Sometimes we mess up and are plagued with feelings of guilt and shame. How can we use David's prayer in Psalm 51 as a guide when asking for forgiveness and restoration in our fellowship with God.

  • A Map for the Journey


    Would you say that reading the Bible is difficult? Boring? Do you almost never read it on your own time? Be encouraged and challenged by Psalm 19 to see that Scripture is one of God's greatest grace-gifts of Himself to us, and that reading Scripture is one of the most practical, life-transforming things we could do.

  • The Journey begins


    Life is like a journey, and Psalm 1 seeks to lay a foundation to that journey. It warns us and woos us by arguing the sobering reality that there are only 2 kinds of people, 2 paths, and 2 destinations. Where is your current path taking you? How should you recalculate your life navigation?

  • What does the Bible say about alcohol?


    What does the Bible say about alcohol? Should a Christian drink? If so, what are the parameters that guide our use of alcohol and prevent us from abusing or misusing it?

  • How to Know God's Will


    God speaks through a variety of ways. He speaks through friends and counselors. He speaks through circumstances and open doors. He speaks through prayer, His Spirit, and peace. But the most reliable source of wisdom, direction, and insight is His Word. So how do we use God's Word to discern His will for our lives?

  • Holy Spirit


    The Holy Spirit is the ever-present reality of God in me. He is the constant presence of God in my life and the continual source of Divine power that enables me to serve others and to share the Jesus story with my world.

  • Son: Prophet, Priest, & King


    Jesus is a prophet who reveals; are you listening and believing? He is a priest who redeems; are you drawing near? He is a king who reigns; are you obeying and worshiping Him? Learn more about how Jesus relates to us and how we should relate to Him.

  • Father


    Through faith in Christ, we become the adopted children of God. God is our Dad! So what does it mean for God to be our Father and how does that shape our understanding of and our interactions with Him?

  • Out of the Shadows


    Sexual abuse is an epidemic of incredible portions. The statistics are astounding and the damage inflicted on millions of children and adults is gut-wrenching. Yet there is hope and there is help. So whether you have been the victim of sexual abuse or know someone that has suffered through it, this sermon talks about how we can come "Out of the Shadows" of guilt, shame, anger, and fear into the freedom and restoration of Christ.

  • Then > Now


    Ever get tired of doing good? Ever feel fatigued in your pursuit of a God-honoring, Jesus-exalting life? Ever feel like giving up or giving in? The journey is hard, but the reward is worth it.

  • Spirit > Flesh


    What does it mean to "walk by the Spirit"? How do we know if the Spirit is truly working in us? How can we avoid leaning on our own strength to improve our character?

  • A Son > A Slave


    Through our faith in Christ, we are no longer slaves living under God's Law. Instead, we've entered into freedom as adopted sons and daughters of God. So what does that mean? How does our inclusion in God's family change the way we relate to Him?

  • Faith > Works


    What's the secret to moving forward in our journey with God? How do we make grow in our relationship with Him? How do we continue to be made more like Him?

  • Truth > Fear


    The gospel is hard to believe, but it's true. It's hard to share, but it saves. It's hard to live out, but it keeps changing us. Don't let fear paralyze you; let the truth of the gospel mobilize you.

  • My Future > My Past


    God's grace is so BIG it not only SAVES us; it also SENDS us. It doesn't just change us. It uses us as instruments of change in the lives of others. So who is God sending you to today?!

  • Jesus > Religion


    What does it mean to be justified before God? How can we be right(eous) before Him? And what role does religion and our religious processes play in that process?

  • Why is the "Good News" so important?


    What's the Good News and why is it important? This series of conversations from the book of Galatians shows us how Jesus > Religion is the ultimate "Good News."

  • The Story of Joseph


    Joseph was sold into slavery by his own brothers, falsely accused, thrown in jail, and forgotten for years after keeping his integrity before God. But, as the story unfolds, we see God beautifully orchestrate all this tragedy for good. So how should this alter our perspective on suffering?

  • Jacob's New Name


    In what way does God want you to strive toward repentance? Which relationships in your life need reconciliation? Let's take a look at these topics through the story of Jacob.

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