Christ Community Church Ct



Podcast of Sunday Sermons from Christ Community Church located in Darien, CT, USA.


  • There Are No Easy Answers


    If we live a godly life, are we guaranteed to prosper in health and wealth? According to Job, we worship a God who cannot be reduced to such predictability. God is free to give and take away for the development of our character and the increase of His glory. Can you say with him, "Though He slay me, I will hope in Him"?

  • Worship and Suffering


    Suffering is a near universal human experience. So how do we survive (and even thrive) in the midst of grief, pain, and loss? Here are a couple of insights from our first discussion through the book of Job: A Journey through Suffering: 1) Worship and suffering are not mutually exclusive. It's not easy, but we can value and declare God's greatness even in the times of hardship and pain. 2) Humility is the path to emotional health. Recognizing that everything we have has come from God (family, health, finances, etc.) allows us to respond better if/when He chooses to take some of it away. 3) Our suffering is not an indictment on God's character. Our grief-filled circumstances don't mean God is not good or kind or loving. His character remains unchanged regardless of my pleasure or pain.

  • A New Courage


    The journey of following Christ is not an easy one. Paul said that there are "conflicts on the outside, fears within" (2 Corinthians 7.5). So where does our courage come from? Where do we find our boldness - especially when it comes to sharing the story of Christ with those that may not agree or believe? In Ephesians 6, Paul asks his friends to pray for him, to pray for words to be given him, to pray for him to be bold and courageous regardless of the cost. How about you? Where is your courage coming from? How can you pray for yourself? How can we pray for each other?

  • A New Battle


    Most of us never think about spiritual warfare. Others are dangerously obsessed with it. According to Ephesians 6, we ought to have the balanced approach of respecting our Enemy but confiding in God's invincibility. Our spiritual weapons are nothing more mystical than the character traits of a Christlike Christian, so this week, stand firm with truth, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation, God's word, and prayer!

  • A New Way to Work


    How we work and who we believe we really work for should be greatly influenced by our journey with Christ. What difference does our relationship with God make? How does it change our perspective on the workplace?

  • A New Look at Marriage


    Marriage is a beautiful relationship, a connection created by God to be an image of Christ and His people. But that doesn't mean its easy! Almost 1/2 of all marriages end in divorce and even among followers of Christ it's 38%. So what are we doing wrong? What's causing this relational epidemic?

  • A New Walk


    As a Christ-follower, our "walk" (the consistent patterns of our life) should look different now that we've embraced Christ. If God has made us one of His children and He has placed light and life in us, we shouldn't live the way we used to live! Our choices, passions, and pursuits should be different. They should be a reflection of Him. So how's your "walk"? How's your life? Is it an expression of Christ Himself? That's what God has made possible for us now that His Spirit is living in us.

  • A New Family


    Every one of us has been created and spiritually gifted in a unique way to make a difference in God's new family: the Church. So what's your role? What's your gift? How has God SHAPED you to serve?

  • A New Life


    God made us for a purpose. He has created us new in Christ for reason. Ephesians 2 says that He we were spiritually dead in our sins (separated from God) but God has spoken life (a relationship with God) into us through faith in Christ. And He did all of that so that we could live a life doing "good works" that God prepared in advance before we were even born! That's our purpose ... to glorify God and serve others in His name.

  • A New King


    As a new people in Christ, we have "A New King." This King is all-powerful over death, sin, His people, and EVERYTHING. How should we live in light of this new King?

  • A New People


    Before the universe began, God was passionate about making us a part of His people. Ephesians 1 says He chose us, predestined us, adopted us, redeemed us, and sealed us with His Spirit's presence in our hearts that guarantees us our inheritance in the life to come.

  • Acts 29


    The global story of mission and redemption that God began in the book of Acts with the Apostles and the Early Church continues through us today! Our story is a part of His grand, eternal story. So how does your life fit into the beautiful narrative of God's love for the nations?

  • Culture and Context


    Sharing the Jesus story can be difficult in a culture that doesn't understand it, is too busy to care about it, or sometimes just doesn't want to hear it. So how do we share it more effectively? What's going to motivate us? And what kind of responses can we anticipate?

  • Trust God and Get Going


    Learn from the example of the Apostles as they launch out into the unknown paths of obedience, all the while being guided by a God who is more committed to showing us His will than we are to discovering it. If you're struggling with not knowing the specifics of God's will, this message is for you.

  • A Life-Changing Process


    In the process of life-change, we have a role (to share), our audience has a role (to respond), and God has a role (to appoint and grant faith). All three of these are necessary and essential. And all three are required to accurately understand how a heart is changed forever through faith in Christ.

  • Divine Partners


    God is at work in our world to bring people from every culture and community into His family ... and He is inviting us to join Him! When He speaks and we listen, we discover we are in the midst of a Divine Partnership that changes lives forever! So how can you partner with God?

  • Expectant Prayer


    Prayer is a powerful tool God longs for us to use for His glory and the good of others. He tells us to pray continually, to offer prayers to Him through Christ (our One mediator), and to do it with a spirit of trust and humility, knowing that He will work all things together for our good as His people (Romans 8.28-29). So pray ... and expect great things when you do!

  • Searching for Evidence


    When someone embraces Christ, what kind of evidence should their be in their life?

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