Tools For Every Day Leaders & Managers With Leadership Coach Kris Plachy



Tools for Every Day Leaders and Managers is a podcast for people who lead and manage people. Your host, Kris Plachy, a seasoned leadership coach, has created this show for managers, leaders, human resources and learning professionals to offer ideas that challenge your mind as well as equip you with useful tools that you can use right away for dealing with difficult decisions and people. After every episode you will walk away feeling more empowered, more in control and another step closer to the best leader and manager you can be! If you want to learn more about Kris Plachy's work and how you can partner with her, visit


  • Leading with Certainty When Everything Is Uncertain | Ep #56

    23/03/2020 Duración: 15min

    Everybody who is willing to develop a plan and create certainty for themselves and others will come out of this knowing more, learning more, and connecting more than the people who want to believe this is unfair and who want to find someone to blame. What you'll find in this episode: "Leadership is making decisions when there’s no right answer.” ~ Kris Ideas will flow when you surround yourself with people who want to stimulate forward action. “Your certainty as a leader will come from your mind. It does not come from your circumstance.” ~ Kris “Own your success so you can own your future success.” ~ Kris "If you give away your past success as luck, you don’t accept ownership for what you can create.” ~ Kris Visit: The Lead Your Team Podcast for show notes and available downloads. © 2020 Kris Plachy

  • Special Episode: Leading Through Crazy Times

    17/03/2020 Duración: 18min

    Times are crazy right now! You're in charge even though you think you have no idea what you're doing. You want there to be a manual somewhere to help you with mandates, employee fears, and ambiguity. Never fear. This special episode introduces you to a resource for navigating these uncharted waters you find yourself in.

  • How to Build a Team Performance Culture for Female Entrepreneurs | Ep #55

    16/03/2020 Duración: 20min

    In order to build a team performance culture, you have to have a mindset around why you are adding people to your business that supports what you’re trying to do in the long term. Your culture is not driven from the bottom up. It’s driven from you down. What you'll find in this episode: How knowing your vision, values and expectations comes into play. The definition of “performance culture” according to Kris. How the culture you have with your team is a direct result of your own thinking about the team. Hiring people who are better than you doesn’t mean to give them free reign. A key turn is going from “I’m hiring someone to work for me” to “I’m hiring someone to get results for me and to help me scale and think.” Your assignment after listening to this podcast – write down how you would describe your team culture and why it is that way. Then, if you would want it to be different than it is – what would you want it to be? Why? And what are the thoughts you need to believe about team members that will get you

  • The Interview with Michelle Arant, Coach & Operations Director of Kris Plachy Coaching | Ep #54

    09/03/2020 Duración: 40min

    Kris talks with Michelle Arant, the Operations Director of Kris Plachy Coaching. What you'll find in this episode: Michelle joined the team in October 2019 and talks about her experience and what led her to become a coach. The role Michelle plays at Kris Plachy Coaching. A little bit about Michelle’s clients and the industries they come from. Some of the topics Michelle has recently been working on with her clients. About the twelve-week program called The Founder’s Lab Foundations. Visit: The Lead Your Team Podcast for show notes and available downloads. © 2020 Kris Plachy

  • Leadership Presence: Who Are You as a Female Leader? | Ep #53

    02/03/2020 Duración: 19min

    What is the wake you leave behind? How do others experience you? What is your brand as a leader? Do you even know? When you understand yourself and how you affect others, you can be so much more impactful as a leader. It doesn’t mean you have to change, but making conscious choices about how you make decisions and interact with others can be a superpower. What you'll find in this episode: What do people think about when they think about you? We all have habits, behaviors or expressions that are not helping our presence. Are you keeping those parts about you around out of spite - or out of fear because you don’t know how to change it? Power of voice. Power of presence. Power of appearance. Spend some time this week paying attention to yourself. Your presence is a silent asset. Don’t contrive or fake it. Be conscious and tap into your superpowers. Visit: The Lead Your Team Podcast for show notes and available downloads. © 2020 Kris Plachy

  • Female Leadership: Setting Expectations in Business | Ep #52

    24/02/2020 Duración: 20min

    Let’s talk about the five types of expectations women should have and implement in their businesses. By setting clear expectations, leaders can do a better job of achieving improved results and holding their team members accountable. What you'll find in this episode: The manual is a set of rules that you have for other people that you believe are true and that you hold other people to. Expectations are those behaviors that you expect of people who work for you that are based on the values of your business -- and you DO communicate them. Standards are measurable policies and rules. They’re black and white and are born out of the values and expectations. Key performance measures for every role in your company. Individual goals. The majority of the issues we have in a business, when it comes to “team,” is behavior, not skill set. You have to set expectations regarding behavior because that also sets the tone for your culture. Visit: The Lead Your Team Podcast for show notes and available downloads. © 2020 Kris

  • Entrepreneurial Result Patterns | Ep #51

    17/02/2020 Duración: 22min

    Some people just seem to have all the luck. But what if it isn’t luck? What if it’s just a pattern? Once you recognize it, you can change it. Here’s how. What you'll find in this episode: How patterns with money affect your life. Some time patterns that many of us deal with. Patterns with your team and your business. About the shiny object syndrome. What are the patterns with YOU? Visit: The How to Lead Podcast for show notes and available downloads. © 2020 Kris Plachy

  • You as a Boss: Mindfulness in Managing | Ep #50

    10/02/2020 Duración: 23min

    This month the podcast is about you as a boss, and today in particular is about your point of view. Your point of view influences the results you get from those you manage as well as how you invest in people. What you'll find in this episode: My hypothesis on how to help leaders. One of the first core areas of understanding I want everyone to have. What happens when you don’t have a mechanism of awareness to supervise your own point of view. Where your point of view and values come from. “Common sense is what YOU think is common.” Your mind is your most powerful, yet least utilized, performance tool. Visit: The How to Lead Podcast for show notes and available downloads. © 2020 Kris Plachy

  • Delegation Checklist | Ep #49

    03/02/2020 Duración: 12min

    Being able to delegate properly is a superpower. Here’s a short checklist to help you master that skill. What you'll find in this episode: A short delegation checklist. Determine if the job or task is tactical or strategic. Write it out. Here’s what I want done. Here’s the result I want. Be specific. The three steps to properly assigning a task to someone. Why follow up is essential. The importance of giving feedback. Visit: The How to Lead Podcast for show notes and available downloads. © 2020 Kris Plachy

  • Entrepreneurial Maturity | Ep #48

    27/01/2020 Duración: 23min

    Would you say that you’re mature – entrepreneurially? Are you willing to understand, confront and acknowledge everything about your business – without emotion? If not, here are some tips for stepping into your maturity. What you'll find in this episode: The importance of developing maturity in these five relationship areas. Your relationship with Money - what do you tell yourself about money today? Time – what’s your relationship with Time? Your Team and Your Business – the relationship. Who You Are – you as a business owner have your own thoughts, beliefs and feelings. Entrepreneurial maturity is a journey not a final destination. You never arrive. Visit: The How to Lead Podcast for show notes and available downloads. © 2020 Kris Plachy

  • How to Hold Employees Accountable | Ep #47

    20/01/2020 Duración: 18min

    Are you frustrated in your business because your employees don’t do what they need to do? With these primary tenets in place, holding employees accountable becomes simple math. What you'll find in this episode: Some of the tools that we’ll be using in my Founder’s Lab this year. The importance of having and sharing your business vision. How to identify your top three values. Why leading with behavior expectations instead of managing to rules is so important. How to create your business manifesto. Where employee goals and benchmarks come in. Visit: The How to Lead Podcast for show notes and available downloads. © 2020 Kris Plachy

  • Entrepreneurial Management Math (Performance is NOT an Opinion) | Ep #46

    13/01/2020 Duración: 14min

    What are the most common feelings you have every day at work? Frustration? Disappointment? Let me show you why the solution lies in “math” and how you can take the emotion out of that equation. What you'll find in this episode: Performance is not an opinion – it’s based in facts. The exercise that will help you identify the problem and address it. Why having clear expectations is so important. Visit: The How to Lead Podcast for show notes and available downloads. © 2020 Kris Plachy

  • Entrepreneurial Management Truths We Have to Tell | Ep #45

    06/01/2020 Duración: 25min

    “Managing” is not very sexy, but management is what gets it done in your business. Kris shares 10 “truths” about entrepreneurial management so you can be aware of them, accept them and move on. What you'll find in this episode: Leading isn’t required to manage, but managing is required to lead. How you go, so it goes. You’ve got to grow or die. It’s not supposed to be fun. People will leave you, and you will leave them. Communication is everything. No one will ever care as much as you do. Every year is a new year. Entrepreneurial management is a relationship, not a job. You are not alone. Visit: The How to Lead Podcast for show notes and available downloads. © 2019 Kris Plachy

  • Heather Dominick, Founder of the Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur Movement | Ep #44

    30/12/2019 Duración: 47min

    Kris talks with Heather Dominick, the founder and leader of the Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur® movement. What you'll find in this episode: The key characteristics of an HSE – Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur. The top three HSE shadows and top three HSE strengths. The three HSE Coping Mechanisms. How “shame” fits into the life of an HSE. Why the thought of hiring and managing people is overwhelming to HSEs. How to recognize when you’re in the coping cycle and how to shift from coping into creating. The importance of the “element of community.” The key practices Heather has in place, as a leader, that help her lead and also stay in integrity with who she is. © 2019 Kris Plachy Visit: for show notes and available downloads Email: Kris on Facebook @krisplachycoach on Instagram Kris on LinkedIn Produced by Podcast Prowess

  • Creating Next Year's Plan | Ep #43

    23/12/2019 Duración: 18min

    As we prepare to say goodbye to 2019, here’s some help for creating a 2020 plan. Let’s acknowledge where we’ve been, where we are and where we’re going. What you'll find in this episode: First download the free workbook here! Some reflective exercises to take a look at this past year. How to take a dive into your current reality. What “My 25” is. About “goal squares” and what they are. © 2019 Kris Plachy Visit: for show notes and available downloads Email: Kris on Facebook @krisplachycoach on Instagram Kris on LinkedIn Produced by Podcast Prowess

  • Entrepreneurial Wisdom | Ep #42

    16/12/2019 Duración: 19min

    Reaching the place of entrepreneurial wisdom is an ambitious and worthy goal. Wisdom never leaves you. It’s yours. And it’s grounded in facts, real tools, and proven strategies that you get to leverage over and over again.

  • How to Be a Good Boss | Ep #41

    09/12/2019 Duración: 15min

    As an entrepreneur, learning how to manage and lead a team involves a transition from being totally self-reliant to learning how to delegate your abilities and results to other people. FYI - it’s totally normal to struggle with that.

  • How to Deal with Employee Mistakes | Ep #40

    02/12/2019 Duración: 19min

    Are your employees’ mistakes and behaviors really affecting your business or are they just annoyances that are driving you crazy? Let’s take a look at the difference and a few suggestions for how to address each one. What you'll find in this episode: Take a step back and look at the mistakes employees are making. Is this a real business issue or just annoying? My advice – say to the employee, “This wasn’t done right. Here’s what my expectation was and still is. Do it again. The differences between things that people do or don’t do and behaviors that people do that annoy you. When you address these things in this manner, you are building your business brain. © 2019 Kris Plachy Visit: for show notes and available downloads Email: Kris on Facebook @krisplachycoach on Instagram Kris on LinkedIn Produced by Podcast Prowess

  • The Interview with Kelly Roach, THE BUSINESS CATALYST | Ep #39

    25/11/2019 Duración: 42min

    Kris talks with Kelly Roach, THE BUSINESS CATALYST, who helps elite business owners become game changers in their field and achieve million-dollar+ breakthroughs in their business. What you'll find in this episode: 1) The biggest differences between leading in a company versus leading your own company. 2) Kelly’s thoughts on finding the ideal employee for a female entrepreneur or founder. 3) What “Look in the Mirror Leadership” is. 4) What is a “franken-business.” 5) The danger of personalizing your business. 6) Things we need to think about when growing the business to be bigger than us. 7) What the “Four-Times Model for Profitability” is. 8) The biggest challenge Kelly experienced when scaling her business and adding employees. 9) The main characteristic Kelly brings to leadership that has helped her business grow. © 2019 Kris Plachy Visit: for show notes and available downloads Email: Kris on Facebook @krisplachycoach on Instagram Kris on LinkedIn Produced by P

  • Comparison Shame and Paralysis | Ep #38

    18/11/2019 Duración: 22min

    Are you comparing other people’s perceived success to your own and feeling terrible about yourself? That shame can trigger paralysis in your business - which stimulates further shame. Let’s talk about your own compass and how to honor that instead. What you'll find in this episode: Knowing the “steps” to take is not the only part of success. The other part in achievement of outcomes is your brain and mindset. When learning from top performers: “Don’t just look at what they do. That’s just their action. Ask them why they do it.” “Comparison is the thief of joy.” ~ Theodore Roosevelt Are you building what you want, or have you spent so much time focusing on what everyone else has that you don’t even know what that is anymore? My favorite question I ask people at my Hawaiian retreat - “What do you really, really, really want? YOU.” Stop comparing and start really savoring and enjoying your own journey. © 2019 Kris Plachy Visit: for show notes and available downloads Email: support@leadershipcoac

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