Shepherd Of The Desert Podcast



Welcome to the weekly audio podcast for Shepherd of the Desert in Scottsdale, AZ where our mission is to lead people to follow Jesus. Our desire is that this podcast will encourage you in your relationship with God. Visit us at


  • An Easter Weekend Journey

    15/04/2022 Duración: 42min

    When Jesus rose on the third day, He won for us eternal life! Join us on an Easter journey.   When He walked out of a dead man’s tomb, Jesus literally changed the way we do time.  

  • Palm Sunday Audio Sermon

    10/04/2022 Duración: 12min

    Hosanna! Come to worship this Palm Sunday as we finish out our mini-sermon series, Last Laps: Getting Ready for Good Friday. About the series: The last laps of a race are both the hardest and the most hopeful. Hard, because the physical resources necessary to compete are quickly being depleted. Hopeful, because the hard labor of competition is nearing its end. Jesus is in the last laps of His saving mission. As Lent draws to a close we fix our eyes on the author and finisher of our faith who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of God, His heavenly Father.

  • The Heart of Darkness | Week 4 | March 27th

    27/03/2022 Duración: 12min

    Having a heart of darkness breaks every relationship. As we take the final turn in our March sermon series, "The Heart of Darkness", we hear a familiar story starring a prodigal son. In fact, there are two sons in this story--one who lives in wild and reckless abandon, the other who embraces a prideful perspective. Interestingly, both sons fall prey to sin and give in to their unique hearts of darkness. Does a little bit of both sons lurk in us? Which son has the strongest hold on you these days? Come to worship and feel the embrace of the Father as you are welcomed here, even with the baggage or the anger that weighs you down. There is nothing He can't make right.

  • The Heart of Darkness | Week 3 | March 20th

    20/03/2022 Duración: 10min

    Death is the necessary outcome and consequence for sin. In Luke 13 Jesus recalls a story steeped in death. These Scriptures paint a gruesome picture of the deep brokenness and evil in the world. In fact, the world may try its best to convince us that death is not an enemy; to convince us that death is something to be denied. God shows us the grave mistake that comes with such a point of view. This week, we focus on the deadly consequence of sin, the call to repent, and the true value of the grace God gives. This is the week Lent gets real.

  • The Heart of Darkness | Week 2 | March 13th

    13/03/2022 Duración: 11min

    Having a heart of darkness mutes the voice of God, causes us hardship in hearing clearly what He says.  In our defense, we may ask, "With all the voices in the world, how can we be blamed for listening to the wrong ones?" Or, "Is it my fault I don't hear God's truth in a chaos filled with lies?" This week we take seriously our responsibility for sin and ignorance in the face of God's patient pursuit of and crystal clear call to his people as Jesus weeps over His Jerusalem 2000 years ago.

  • The Heart of Darkness | Week 1 | March 6th

    06/03/2022 Duración: 15min

    Having a heart of darkness is like walking in a spiritual wilderness.  Rescue cannot happen without the Rescuer entering that same wilderness.  In this opening weekend of our Lenten sermon series, "The Heart of Darkness", we'll take stock of our Rescuer as Jesus enters the wilderness and the temptations that are found there.  His fight with Satan is our fight with Satan.  His strength to overcome temptation is our strength and only hope as well.

  • The Heart of Humility | Week 4 Audio Sermon | Transfiguration Sunday

    27/02/2022 Duración: 09min

    At the top of a mountain, in advance of death’s valley, the Son of God speaks with his Father.  A who’s who cast of Old Testament saints surrounds him and his three apprentice-disciples.  Humility is anchored to who you really are at heart.  This Son who well-pleases His Father is the perfection of a humble servant ready to come off the mountain and descend to humiliation for all of us.  Thank you, Jesus.

  • The Heart of Humility | Week 3 Audio Sermon | 20th February

    20/02/2022 Duración: 21min

    Pride cometh before the fall.  To understand and appreciate humility is to confront head on the other side of the character coin:  pride, arrogance, conceit and envy.  Every virtue is matched by an opposing vice.  Sometimes disciples enhance their virtue.  Sometimes, through the power of mercy and renewal, disciples knock down their vice.  This weekend we’ll take seriously the second part of that character equation and tackle some vice.

  • The Heart of Humility | Week 2 Audio Sermon | 13th February

    13/02/2022 Duración: 08min

    Humility takes many forms.  The Son of God was conversant in the many sizes and shapes humility might take.  In this second week of our February worship series, we spend some time studying these many facets of humility in Luke 6.

  • What is the Heart of Humility? | Shepherd Audio Sermon 6th February.

    06/02/2022 Duración: 11min

    Humility stands side by side with power.  The closer we come to the cross, the place of God’s greatest power, the more humility Jesus displays.  In this opening weekend of our worship series, “The Heart of Humility”, we take in the simultaneous power Jesus possesses and the humility he exudes.

  • Everyday Epiphanies | Shepherd Audio Sermon 30th Jan

    30/01/2022 Duración: 13min

    Have you ever seen something so incredible that you just had to tell someone? Do you love to re-watch the highlight reels from great seasons of sport, or if you come across a delicious new recipe do you share it with everyone you know? Whenever we hear or see something amazing, we naturally want to share it with others. In Luke 4, Jesus displays amazing power and wisdom, and we see how even Christ himself knows this is a message that is meant to be shared! Jesus is not something we can keep quiet about! 

  • Everyday Epiphanies | Shepherd Audio Sermon 23rd Jan

    23/01/2022 Duración: 11min

    Have you ever found yourself hoping God would just show up in a big way and solve a problem? Have you ever just really needed a miracle? Sometimes the God we really need isn’t exactly the God we want or think we need. 

  • Everyday Epiphanies | 16th January Audio Sermon

    16/01/2022 Duración: 10min

    In the course of your daily living are you feeling stuck in a rut and helpless to get out?  Have you pretty much concluded that “it will never change,” whatever “it” might be?  Perhaps you need a “breakthrough” – a new experience of God’s grace and glory to set you on a new course.  Perhaps you need an “epiphany.”   Today as we continue our sermon series on “Everyday Epiphanies” we see how Jesus’ divine glory broke through into the lives of those around him, provoking in them a particular response.  How might a glimpse of God’s glory provoke a response from you?  From those around you?  Time to leave the ruts behind and let God do a new thing!  

  • Everyday Epiphanies | 9th January Audio Sermon

    09/01/2022 Duración: 12min

    This week in worship we hear about the humble work of Jesus in setting aside his heavenly authority to live and walk as a human being. A man, created by God to bring salvation to his people - beginning that important work in earnest at his baptism by John the Baptist! We look to Jesus as an example. Sometimes our titles, our authority, our responsibilities get in the way, but God always is calling us into relationship with him.

  • Love at Advent | Shepherd Audio Sermon 19th December

    19/12/2021 Duración: 07min

    What's the best way to celebrate something you know is coming? The Bible is full of songs and poems that create magnificent pictures of God's action in the world - and Christmas is our chance to jump in alongside all of God's people in singing praises and celebrating! Come to church this week as we prepare for expectant rejoicing!

  • Prophecies of Jesus Week 3 | Shepherd Audio Sermon 12th Dec

    12/12/2021 Duración: 10min

    What's the best way to celebrate something you know is coming? The Bible is full of songs and poems that create magnificent pictures of God's action in the world - and Christmas is our chance to jump in alongside all of God's people in singing praises and celebrating! Come to church this week as we prepare for expectant rejoicing!

  • Prophecies of Jesus Week 2 | Shepherd Audio Sermon 5th Dec

    05/12/2021 Duración: 13min

    This season is a time of announcing Jesus' arrival. Preparing for His coming. Celebrating His birth. But how will anyone know Jesus is here if we don't let them know? In worship we will focus on Jesus' cousin John who prepared the people in Jesus' day for his arrival - and how we can learn to do the same in our lives!

  • Prophecies of Jesus | Shepherd Audio Sermon 28th Nov.

    28/11/2021 Duración: 05min

    "In Those Days" - Jeremiah 33 is one of the hallmark promises in the Scriptures of Jesus' coming to minister to His people! As we dig into this age-old prophecy, we will see how Jesus fulfilled it through his teaching and miracles. He brought wisdom and right action to Israel, just as God said he would! Worship with us this week as we begin the journey toward Christmas!

  • November is for Thanksgiving, Week 2 | November 14th, 2021

    14/11/2021 Duración: 10min

    November is for Thanksgiving. That gratitude washes over the past, present and future. If last week our focus was on the past blessings for which we can say, "Thank you, God!", this week is cause to celebrate thankfulness today... for today. Jesus was clear that not a moment passes from a Christian's life that wasn't anchored to the Spirit's companionship and encouragement. As we come together in worship this weekend, especially if the past year has left you somewhat cold, maybe the word Jesus speaks to followers chilled by this world's evil will warm you up.  

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