Success 2.0



In order to achieve great things, you need absolute clarity about where you want to go and why. Its time to determine where you are now so the path to greater productivity becomes clear-CJ will help make that happen.Success 2.0 is for the executive, entrepreneur, and business leader to find out what uniquely drives you to be more successful. Through interviews and conversations on specific topics, youll unlock the ultimate source of energy and motivation to help you cut down distractions, free your time from interruptions, and finally focus on the projects and people that matter most.


  • #094 - Greg Baumer: True Riches

    28/12/2017 Duración: 27min

    Greg Baumer and his buddy were in a class in the Harvard Business School and had to write a a final paper about the relationship between God and money. After after hundreds of hours of research, they would go on to publish their findings in a book that became a #1 New Seller on Amazon called God and Money: How We Discovered True Riches At The Harvard Business School. Since then, Greg has become a leader in the world of Stewardship, and a pioneer in the economics of giving.

  • #093 - Andrew McPeak: Leadership for Today's Young Adult

    07/12/2017 Duración: 31min

    I am an unashamed old guy, and at times I feel completely out of touch with today's young adults.  I know from hundreds of conversations with professionals that I'm not alone. Today's younger generation is different - but that doesn't mean that they aren't as capable and driven as any other group. We just need to figure out how to more effectively understand where they are coming from and how best to communicate.  In today's episode, I talk to Andrew McPeak, co-author of the new book, Marching off the Map about the most effective ways to "teach, lead, coach and parent this generation of young adults".         

  • #092 - Thanksgiving 2017

    23/11/2017 Duración: 18min

    Ever since I got married, Thanksgiving has become my favorite holiday. We pile the kids in the minivan and head to visit my in-laws.  This year, we considered going to FL for about 10 seconds. For some reason, there's no place I'd rather be than with my family in Decatur, IL.  That's right, I said Decatur, IL.  Running down a list of your blessings almost always starts with family and I couldn't be more grateful for my in-laws, Mike and Alice. In today's show, I'll talk about the proven benefits of gratitude and making it a habit in your daily life.

  • #091 – It’s Time We Redefined Success

    16/11/2017 Duración: 18min

    "To know and not to do, is really not to know". - Stephen Covey For many years, I've talked about redefining success and focusing on what's really important.  But, I've noticed that all my talking hasn't resulted in as much change with my clients and audience as I would like.  As a result, in 2018, I will be focusing my message on pushing people outside of their comfort zones so that you can actually feel a shift in behavior.  In today's podcast, I'm going to introduce the new brand and discuss my approach for next year. 

  • #090 - How important is Winning?

    02/11/2017 Duración: 19min

    I love to win. In fact, it's quite possible that I take winning a little too seriously.  I enjoy my teams taking the top spot, my business outdoing the competition and my political preferences being elected.  It's OK to strive to win or be the best - to a point.  We run into a problem when our desire to win becomes and obsession.  It's one thing to strive to be the best - it's another when we believe that winning is the "only" thing that matters.  In today's podcast, I'm going to talk about a different approach to thinking about success.

  • #089 - John O'Sullivan: Changing the Game

    26/10/2017 Duración: 28min

    There’s a chance that I may have been, once or twice, that guy at a youth sporting event who gets overly worked up and yells at the refs, players and worse – the other parents. Unfortunately, I’m not the only one. The truth is that youth sports in the US has exploded into a multi-billion-dollar business that is taking over the lives of millions of kids across the country. Today’s guest, John O’Sullivan, helps us understand the impact our obsession with youth sports is having on our children and the family. He also provides practical advice for getting our arms around this challenge and developing a healthier perspective.

  • #086 - Erin Falconer: How To Get Sh*t Done

    19/10/2017 Duración: 31min

    The good news is that there’s a podcast, blog, video, webinar, etc. that will provide an answer to almost any question that we could ever imagine. The bad news is that there’s a podcast, blog, video, webinar, etc. that will provide an answer to almost any question that we could ever imagine. We are drowning in information. Today’s guest, Erin Falconer, talks about how to cut through all the clutter and focus on what’s really important. She helps us understand how the digital world is evolving before our eyes and how we can get the most value from all this data. The first five people to email me will receive a free copy of her new book – How to Get Shit Done. Erin Falconer Erin Falconer is a Canadian living in Los Angeles. She has had a varied career that includes screenplay writer, stand-up comedian, political consultant and is now proudly, heavily invested in the online blogging world. Since 2008, she has been the editor in chief and co-owner of PickTheBrain – one of the fastest growing and most trusted self

  • Episode 86 - Mom- Anything But Average

    05/10/2017 Duración: 23min

    “It’s better to keep your mouth shut and let people think that you are an idiot, than open it and remove all doubt. - Shelly McClanahan On Monday September 25 in the late afternoon, my mom, Shelly McClanahan, passed away peacefully. She was 68 years young. She was different to say the very least. There will never be anyone quite like her.   Today’s podcast is a tribute to a woman whose subtle, quiet, unassuming impact on the world will be felt for generations.

  • Episode 85 - A New Approach to Disagreeing

    08/09/2017 Duración: 26min

    "Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.” - Dr. Steven Covey   Are disagreements healthy? Sure they are! Disagreements breed innovation, ideas, and efficiency. They make us face new concepts and consider solutions to problems from unique angles. But what happens when our disagreements turn sour? What happens when they become about the reply rather than the solution?  Does the solution fall wayside to getting a quick jab in at your "political opponent"? What if we took a different approach to differentiating opinions? What if we disagreed differently?   

  • Episode 84 - How to Create a Compelling Story | Jennie Nash

    31/08/2017 Duración: 32min

    This week I’m honored to introduce my friend and amazing book coach, Jennie Nash.   Jennie’s work shouts overachiever. She’s written for dozens of national magazines including The New York Times, authored eight books and founded AuthorAccelerator- a company with 22 book coaches dedicated to working with authors and shepherding them through the process of writing and publishing. Through coaching, her clients have landed top New York agents, and had books published by Scribner, Simon & Schuster, Norton, Ten Speed, and SelectBooks.   Jennie has been a huge inspiration and absolutely critical for my brain during the book writing process. In fact, there were many times where I’d craft an entire chapter just to have it thrown out (this always ended up producing a much better chapter in the end). Jennie knows her stuff.   In today’s show, we’re talking about the elements that make up a compelling story. With the thousands of messages our brains are exposed to today, how can we craft a powerful message that reson

  • Episode 83 - Should You Stay or Should You Go? Signs you're in need of a career switch

    24/08/2017 Duración: 21min

    The old trend, from the 1940s to early 2000s, was that you picked a career and stuck to it. Many folks would stay with the same company for sometimes two or three decades before finally retiring.  In our culture today, we've thrown this old notion out the window. More and more, we're starting to see tenures, especially amongst millennials, is becoming increasingly short. Which begs the question... When do you know it's time for a career change?  Of course, the answer depends on your current situation. Each person is different with different financial situations, goals, passions, and marketplace values. As a collective, we're all in different situations, but the core questions you need to ask remain the same regardless of your tenure, finances, or experiences. In this episode, we dive into this pressing question. We'll unpack what your mentality needs to be when considering a career switch and what first steps to take to make it happen. Enjoy the episode!  

  • Episode 82 - How to Build Your Leadership Launchpad with Renown Expert Jim Kouzes

    17/08/2017 Duración: 26min

    “If they [employees] can’t see themselves in the picture, then they can’t imagine that it’s a possibility for them.”  This week on the show we’re joined by Jim Kouzes, an accomplished author, game-changer on the subject of leadership, and exceptional mentor. In all honesty, during this episode we’re swerving all over the road.  We discuss everything from the culture crisis within Uber and other tech giants, the leadership challenges that have faced managers for decades, and the critical principles to communicating your vision so your team buys in.  If you haven’t heard the first time Jim joined the show, I highly suggest taking a few minutes to grab that episode as well. It’s worth the while:  Also, if you haven’t yet read his book, The Leadership Challenge, I also recommend getting a copy for your collection through Amazon. It’s an incredible piece of work with incredible data that is still relevant to today’s workplace environment.  And finally, if you would p

  • Episode 81 - From Roaring Crowds to Ministry: Ryan Ahlwardt on Making An Impact in Other's Lives

    10/08/2017 Duración: 29min

    When it comes to friends with GREAT, not good, GREAT hair-Ryan takes the cake. Wow, he's got some great locks. Soon after being signed by Atlantic Records, Ryan Ahlwardt began his journey as a touring musician with the group Straight No Chaser, an a cappella group that started in Bloomington, IN.  Ryan's musical career led him throughout the US where he routinely performed in front of thousands of screaming fans, yet he felt like he was called for a higher purpose. Nowadays Ryan's life is a bit quieter. He's traded in his microphone for a chance to listen to young adults and help mentor them through the turbulent waters of adolescence.  In our interview, Ryan breaks down what it was like to go from being a touring musician to leading his own ministry here in Fishers, Indiana. 

  • Episode 80 - Work/Life Lessons From Seinfeld, George Castanza, and Mr. Cleaver

    03/08/2017 Duración: 20min

    Do you really believe it when an autoresponder says, "I'm out of the office with limited access to internet?" Us either. In fact, my hope is we navigate away from this phrase at all costs.  At any given moment you, me, the kid on the other side of the world in India can plug in and work. Does this mean that the idea of the balanced work and personal life is dead? This week on The ThriveMap Thursday Podcast we're diving into lessons we can learn from Seinfeld, Castanza, and Mr. Cleaver. Maybe they're onto something...   

  • Episode79 - Cut Your Stress Level in Half by Helping Others

    20/07/2017 Duración: 19min

    I seem to have a tendency to get stuck in my own universe. If my stress levels are high, my little bubble limits my perspective to my own woes. Sometimes, this bubble is burst when I’m temporarily exposed to the outside world and I realize that my life is not nearly as sad or stressful as I think it is in my head. Unfortunately, this feeling can also be short-term and I can just as easily get back into my bubble. So, what are some ways we can stay mindful and full of perspective as often as we can? In this podcast, I’m going to talk about why we get stressed out and how helping others is so effective in reducing stress. You’ll learn how you can best help others in your day-to-day schedule to reduce your own stress.

  • Episode 78 - The Rule of Five with Jack Canfield

    13/07/2017 Duración: 32min

    In this podcast you will hear about: Jack’s Rule of Five Why quitting is not an option for your passions The significance of meditation in Canfield’s life Jack’s use of the Holistic Model Dangerous trends in life coaching Why reading actively makes you a leader Join us today for a conversation with New York Times bestselling author and coach, Jack Canfield. Jack’s inspiring genre of Chicken Soup for the Soul®series has proven to be one the world’s most successful book series while his acclaimed success principles are outlined in his most recent bestseller, “The Success Principles: How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be.”   In addition to writing, Jack is also the founder and former CEO of the Canfield Training Group which helps professionals accelarate the achievement of their goals and Chicken Soup for the Soul Enterprises® which is a billion dollar empire consisting of licensing and merchandising around the world.   You also can find Jack as a featured guest on television, with

  • Choose Your Mindset

    05/07/2017 Duración: 24min

    Throughout your life, it’s probable that you’ve identified a handful of basic characteristics. Maybe you’re naturally athletic, anxious, afraid to try new things, or smarter than most of your peers. We’ve all got a few traits that seem to be hard-wired from birth. There’s no problem noticing these tendencies. The issue arises when you begin to believe that these are locked in for the rest of your life and there’s nothing you can do about it. In today’s podcast, I’ll discuss the difference between two belief systems that shape your outlook in life. You’ll understand the value of shifting your paradigm towards the idea that you can modify just about any behavior and choose to become the person who learns and adapts through any circumstance.

  • Workplace Stress - Episode 76

    28/06/2017 Duración: 24min

    You are stressed out. I’m comfortable making this blanket statement because the data is clear – workplace stress is becoming the health epidemic of the 21st century. As a nation, we are working more than ever with more than 40% of Americans putting in at least 50 hours a week. Compounding the problem, technology has increased the amount of information, projects and tasks we can handle. The result is a marketplace filled with exhausted, workaholics who’ve never seem to have enough time to get caught up. In today’s podcast, I’ll explore this challenge and discuss the factors that have led us down this path. In addition, I’ll detail the severe consequences all of this anxiety is causing us – both in the office and at home.

  • The United States of Achievement

    22/06/2017 Duración: 19min

    The data is clear – Americans are achieving a ton. We make more money, live in bigger homes and go on better vacations than ever before. Additionally, we love to buy new stuff – so much so, that a $30 billion self-storage industry popped up to warehouse all our excess. All this achievement has come at a cost. We’re working more hours, feeling more stress, neglecting our closest relationships and ignoring our health. Before we can address the situation, it’s important to focus on the cause and ask a simple question – How did this happen? In today’s podcast, I’ll explore the factors that I believe have led to a generation of overachievers. In addition, I’ll discuss the trends influencing our children and what the future holds if we stay on this same path.

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