Forest Hills Baptist Church



Forest Hills Baptist Church


  • Personal Testimony - Shara Pierce - Audio

    07/11/2010 Duración: 1046h00s

    Shara is the Director of Development of the South Texas Pregnancy Care Clinic in Seguin. Today she shares her moving and personal story of God's abounding grace in her own life. You will be moved by her candid, yet yet profound testimony.

  • Living in Obedience - Audio

    31/10/2010 Duración: 2761h00s

    Everyone makes choices: some incidental and some with great impact. One choice every Christian makes on a daily basis is "am I going to be obedient to God?" If we want to walk with God, we must walk in obedience.

  • What Does God Want of Me? - Audio

    11/07/2010 Duración: 2263h00s

    Zacchaeus helps us to discover some key things that God wants from us. God wants each of us to understand ourselves clearly, discover our most pressing need and find the only one who can meet that need.

  • God's Hand Is On His People - Audio

    04/07/2010 Duración: 2082h00s

    God is always at work in the lives of His people, even when it might not be evident at the time. We learn this truth through the life of Joseph and see it's truth demonstrated in the life of America. This truth is applicable to your life, if you are God's child. If not, He stands ready to forgive you of your sin and welcome you into His family through this 4th of July sermon.

  • The Bridge Builder - Audio

    27/06/2010 Duración: 2536h00s

    Dysfunctional families and broken relationships are part of life. God however, is the ultimate Bridge Builder and if you'll allow him, He will do a major work in your life! Listen and learn.

  • Questions - Audio

    20/06/2010 Duración: 1974h00s

    Habakkuk had many questions for God and in this message we discover it's okay for us to ask God questions as well.

  • God Has Made Me Special - Audio

    13/06/2010 Duración: 2237h00s

    God made us special. Humanity is His prize creation and God gave man dominion over all of creation. Each of us have dominion over ourselves which we call "free will". You have the free will to chose the way of the cross or the way of the world. The choice is yours.

  • Resources for Joyous LIving - Audio

    06/06/2010 Duración: 2687h00s

    In the garden located in Eden, God made ever provision necessary to man for a joyous life. Today, God continues to provide in the same manner.

  • Who Is God to Me? - Audio

    30/05/2010 Duración: 1576h00s

    Memorial Day is all about friendship. Those who give their lives for our freedom are friends to America. God, however is our best friend and while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

  • Who Am I To God? - Audio

    23/05/2010 Duración: 1971h00s

    Why would God ever care about me? In this message we learn the amazing fact that we are God's most precious creation!

  • A Church's Prayer - For It's Graduate & One Another - Audio

    16/05/2010 Duración: 2844h00s

    the body of Christ is committed to pray for one another. In this message we learn how to pray specifically for our graduating senior and generally for one another.

  • FHBC Distinctives: Cooperation (Part 2) - Audio

    09/05/2010 Duración: 2767h00s

    The second in a short series on cooperation within the church. Today's focus is the cooperative spirit among the individual members as seen in the lives of them men found in this biblical/historical event.

  • FHBC Distinctives: Mankind - Audio

    31/01/2010 Duración: 2537h00s

    What we believe and why we believe it. "Who is man that God would be mindful of him?" Today we look at what we believe about man.

  • FBC Distinctives: The Lord's Supper - Audio

    24/01/2010 Duración: 1769h00s

    Communion or the Lord's Supper? Sacrament or Ordinance? What's the difference, and why do we believe what we do about this memorial meal?

  • FHBC Distinctives: Baptism - Audio

    17/01/2010 Duración: 2942h00s

    What do we believe and why do we believe it? Find out here. Today we look at what the Bible says about Baptism.

  • Living a New Life in 2010 - Audio

    03/01/2010 Duración: 2660h00s

    Living a life worthy of the sacrifice made by Jesus Christ isn't easy, but it is what make Christ followers distinctive. Make a commitment to live for Christ in 2010, even when others aren't watching.

  • Whose Mission? - Audio

    06/12/2009 Duración: 2606h00s

    The mission of sharing the gospel was given by Jesus to each individual. Everyone must do his/her part in reaching the lost with the message of Christmas.

  • Who's Missing - Audio

    29/11/2009 Duración: 2368h00s

    Jesus came for the primary purpose of saving all of mankind. God, however, gives each of us the right to either receive or reject His invitation. Look around and ask yourself, Who's missing?

  • And There Were....Shepherds - Audio

    24/11/2009 Duración: 2256h00s

    Why are the shepherds a part of the Christmas story, and what can we learn from them? You'll find the answer in this message.

  • Will You Have Time For Christmas? - Audio

    15/11/2009 Duración: 2492h00s

    Mary and Joseph made time in their busy and disrupted lives for Jesus. God made time to come to the earth and die for your sins. Will you have time for Him, this Christmas?

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