Kaleo Church Podcast



Compilation of Kaleo Church Sermons in El Cajon which will be updated weekly.


  • Gospel Ministry in Light of Judgment Day

    29/10/2022 Duración: 42min

    Have you ever wondered how Judgment Day informs how you do ministry? Most of us have rarely thought about that, but for Paul it mattered greatly. Listen and hear how the Gospel transforms the way we do ministry in light of Judgment Day.

  • Glory to the Servant

    22/10/2022 Duración: 42min

    In a culture that favored public speaking, the Corinthians began dividing over their favorite pastors. In our culture today, with innumerable podcasts, videos, and social media posts, we aren't too far removed. Listen and hear how the Gospel directs the glory we long to give to others to the only one who actually deserves it.

  • God’s Wisdom Revealed by the Holy Spirit

    15/10/2022 Duración: 49min

    The wisdom of God hidden from the world is the magnificent grace of God freely given to us in Christ Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit, and so we depend upon the Spirit applying salvation through the gospel to have the mind of Christ.

  • The Cross and the Spirit

    08/10/2022 Duración: 47min

    Have you ever felt overwhelmed with the call to tell others about Jesus? Have you ever felt weak or afraid of being rejected or looking foolish? If you have then Paul wants you to know that you are not alone. In I Corinthians 2:1-5 Paul tells us that he felt weak and afraid and was filled with much trembling when he arrived in Corinth. However, Paul’s response to these feelings might surprise you. In this passage we will see how Paul responded and why he chose to respond that way.

  • Is Jesus Enough?

    01/10/2022 Duración: 44min

    What if where you are right now, in terms of earthy categories, was as good as things ever got for you? What if the current state you find yourself in was the place that God desired to be with you for the rest of your life? If that were the case do you think that his love would be enough for you? In this passage Paul reminds the Corinthians that God’s love for them has never been dependent on their earthly status and that what he has given them in Christ is enough.

  • Evangelism and the Cross

    24/09/2022 Duración: 52min

    Evangelism can be really hard. Often the fear of rejection or even of looking foolish to others keeps us from sharing the Gospel. We want to share the Gospel, but sometimes our inability to figure out how to make the Gospel sound attractive to others keeps us from sharing it. But what if the Gospel wasn’t supposed to be attractive to the values of this world? What looking like a fool was meant to tell us more about the person who is rejecting the Gospel than the person sharing it? And what if God has designed the sharing of the Gospel, with the rejection that often comes with it, to do a transforming work in the one sharing it and not just in the one hearing it? These are some of the questions we will consider in this message.

  • Unity in a Culture of Division

    17/09/2022 Duración: 45min

    We live in a time where people are very quick to divide over conflict and all of us are familiar with the pain that comes when people we love choose to part ways with us over a disagreement. Sadly this conflict isn’t just something we face in our culture but its something we experience within the church as well. In I Corinthians we see that we are not the first to experience significant conflict within the church. Here Paul comes entreat us to remember that we are on the same team and to seek to mend the relationships that have been torn apart by sin. Paul goes on to give us three different arguments for unity and what we will find is that these same truths can also be used to comfort those who are dealing with the pain that conflict and division within the church can cause.

  • Sinners and Saints: an Introduction

    10/09/2022 Duración: 45min

    The Corinthian church was a mess. They were tolerating sexual immorality, they were suing each other, they were getting drunk on communion, some were teaching that there is no bodily resurrection and they were using the spiritual gifts God has given them to make them feel superior to others. It was church filled with conflict and compromise. And yet Paul calls them “Holy” and declares that Jesus will sustain them until the end, guiltless on the day of Christ Jesus. How can Paul talk like this to a people that were so sinful? Why did he feel like this was the best way to address them? In this sermon we will seek to answer these and other questions.

  • Hope through Confession

    03/09/2022 Duración: 41min

    Where do you seek hope in the midst of suffering? Often when things get difficult we seek hope in convincing ourselves that it isn’t our fault. We defend or justify or compare our involvement to others believing that the path to hope lies in our innocence. But Psalm 106 comes to show us another way. In Psalm 106 we find that as crazy as it might sound, the path to hope actually lies through confession. If you are wondering how that is possible this sermon will seek to answer that question.

  • The LORD is God, and He is Good!

    27/08/2022 Duración: 44min

    How can the Psalmist call us to serve the LORD with gladness? In verse 3 the Psalmist explains that the reason he calls us to serve the LORD is because he is the God who made us. But how can he ask us to serve him with gladness? In verse 5 the Psalmist argues that the reason we can serve the LORD with gladness is because he isn’t just God, he is also good. In this sermon we will see how God’s greatness and his goodness combine to make praising him both the natural and the most enjoyable response we could have to encountering his glory.

  • Learning from Death

    20/08/2022 Duración: 52min

    We live in a culture that has done everything it can to distract itself from death. It says, “Since there is nothing that can be done to stop death, what’s the good of thinking about it. In Psalm 90 we are given an alternative to ignoring death. Here Moses writes to a people surrounded by death and his advice for them was to learn from it. Learn to number your days; learn to fear God more than people or circumstances; and learn that even in the darkest and most hopeless circumstances your God is able to satisfy you with his steadfast love and bring true joy and gladness into your life.

  • The Beauty and Priority of the Church Gathering

    13/08/2022 Duración: 47min

    Every week millions of people around the world gather together in local churches to worship the God of the Bible. Throughout history and in many places to this day, Christians have been willing to make great sacrifices, many have even risked their own lives in order to be a part of these weekly gatherings. But why? What is the point of God's people gathering together each week? How important is it? How should you and I think and feel about gathering together? What priority should we give it in our lives? Tonight we are going to look at Psalm 84 as well as some other Psalms in order to try and answer some of these questions.

  • Overwhelmed and Looking for Help

    06/08/2022 Duración: 47min

    Have you ever found that your feelings were unfolding faster than you were able to process them? Have you ever cried out to God for help and felt like there was no answer? Have you ever tried your best to follow God only to have everything come crashing down around you? Have you ever been vulnerable and then had your weakness used against you by someone you trusted? If your answer is yes to any of these questions then Psalm 69 is for you!

  • The King of Justice and Peace

    30/07/2022 Duración: 47min

    Every human since the beginning of the world has longed for justice and peace. In Psalm 72, we have King David praying that his son would be the one to bring justice and peace forever. Listen and hear how the Gospel is about the King of kings who would fulfill all of King David's prayers at great cost to himself.

  • Dealing with Anxiety and Fear

    23/07/2022 Duración: 44min

    Have you ever felt yourself surrounded by what if’s. Your mind races, your body tenses as your thoughts take you down a spiral of worst-case scenarios. In Psalm 56 we find that we are not alone. David, the great warrior who once defeated the giant Goliath finds himself alone and afraid. In Psalm 56, David tells us how he responded to the fear and anxiety that he felt rising up within. In his response we can find hope for our own fears and freedom from the crippling grip of our own anxieties.

  • Humble Contentment in Christ

    16/07/2022 Duración: 46min

    Pride is subtle and sneaky. It can infect our thoughts in ways we do not even realize. It leads to restlessness and discontentment with our circumstances. Psalm 131 gives us hope! Psalm 131 is God's word to us to lead us out of ourselves to rest in the loving arms of our Lord. It illustrates a heart that is humble, satisfied, and at rest. Jesus offers us this heart today through the good news of his humble sacrifice to save prideful and anxious sinners like you and me.

  • Genuine Repentance

    10/07/2022 Duración: 48min

    What do we do with our sin? When denying it and justifying it and explaining and excusing it don’t seem to be doing the trick. When we realize that hiding it doesn’t make it go away and distracting yourself from it only leaves us feeling empty? In this message we will look at Psalm 51 and find that it was written specifically to show sinners what they are supposed to do with their sin. If you have ever found yourself feeling dirty and ashamed and you just want to feel clean again, this Psalm is for you.

  • Forgiveness

    02/07/2022 Duración: 46min

    Forgiveness can be hard. In Genesis 50 Joseph explains how he was able to forgive his brothers even after all they had done to him. In Joseph’s forgiveness of his brothers we catch a glimpse of God’s amazing forgiveness of us and we also find some practical help for how we too might learn to forgive those who have sinned against us.

  • A Good Death

    25/06/2022 Duración: 43min

    We don’t talk very much about death do we? In tonight’s message we will consider why thinking and talking about death is so important. We will also consider some questions like: what does a good death look like? How does someone make sure that they are ready to die? And how should Christians respond to the death of our loved ones? These and other questions will be addressed as we look at the death of Jacob and see what we can learn from it.

  • Deepening our Craving for Christ

    18/06/2022 Duración: 51min

    In this text Peter exposes our toxic cravings and how Jesus purifies us and gives us new craving for Him.

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