Liquid Church



Live weekly teaching on God & life, culture & faith from! Liquid Church is a creative, contemporary Christian church - find out more at


  • Does Prayer Change God? - message 10/30/05

    01/11/2005 Duración: 56min

    It's one thing to believe that God listens to our prayers-- it's a whole other thing to believe that they actually move Him to act & intervene in the natural events of our daily lives. How do we reconcile the two views of God presented by Scripture? On the one hand, we rely on the trustworthy, immutable Sovereign of the universe ("I the LORD do not change" Malachi 3.6). On the other hand, we long for a responsive God who allows himself to be impacted by human petitions ("My heart is changed within me; all my compassion is aroused" Hosea 11.8). Do our prayers really make a difference to God? Listen in as Pastor Tim shares a sermonic adaptation of an original article by Philip Yancey entitled "Does Prayer Change God?"

  • Porn pt 3: A Private Eyeful - message 10/16/05

    23/10/2005 Duración: 01h08min

    True story: Construction worker Patrick Lawler came home one day complaining of a toothache. Six days later-- when ice cream failed to relieve the throbbing pain-- an X-ray revealed the true source of his discomfort: a 4-inch nail had embedded in the roof of his mouth when a nailgun misfired at work earlier that week. Doctors were astonished Patrick had been functioning for almost a week with the wound-- for the nail was lodged only inches from his eye and brain. Unfortunately, many people treat the presence of porn or sexual sin in their lives in much the same way-- giving casual treatment to what is actually a mortal wound. The story of David and Bathsheba offers a sobering lesson about tolerating private lust...leading to a probing question: What areas of sensual indulgence in your life are you tempted to minimize?

  • Porn pt 2: Lizard Lust - message 10/9/05

    11/10/2005 Duración: 01h12min

    Everyone knows sex IS easier than love... and with the mainstreaming of porn & private fantasy to sell everything from jeans to beer, killing the Lizard of Lust is tricky business. Yet, Paul tells followers of Christ "But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity..." (Ephesians 5.3) Not even a hint? C'mon, you've gotta be kidding! Is it even possible? Listen in as we discuss the road less taken to true sexual freedom as God intended His creatures to enjoy.

  • Porn pt 1: Welcome to Corinth - message 10/2/05

    11/10/2005 Duración: 01h17min

    They’re making billions of dollars manipulating our weakness, drawing in those as young as 11 through more than 280 million websites. Pornography is America’s biggest addiction— it’s an issue that impacts virtually every home. This week at Liquid Church, we’re talking about porn. Not to judge anyone or moralize, but to help families and friends address this huge problem. It’s been a dirty little secret too long. Now, it’s time to expose it. Listen in for Part 1 of Pastor Tim’s eye-opening message series “Porn Again: Exposing Our Dirty Little Secret.”

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