First Baptist Church Columbia (sc)



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  • God's Plan

    26/04/2009 Duración: 1734h00s

    Several times in 2009, in celebration of First Baptist's 200th anniversary, we will feature "Sons of First Baptist," men who served or were trained here at First Baptist. The first "Son of First Baptist" is Rev. Erik Estep, the current pastor of Village Church in Blythewood, SC and who is the son of our pastor, Dr. Wendell Estep. Rev. Erik Estep's Message: "God's Plan"

  • A Word of Warning

    19/04/2009 Duración: 1675h00s

    "The next half century will determine if we will advance the cause of Christian civilization or revert to the horrors of brutal paganism...The choice between the two is upon us." --Theodore Roosevelt-- 1909. Our country is in real danger of following the predicted path of all the previous great civilizations. Join us as Rev. Jere Wilson shares with us a "Word of Warning" from the prophet, Micah.

  • Easter Awareness

    12/04/2009 Duración: 1837h00s

    We all have heard the Easter Story but have you ever stopped to consider whether you really understand the Story. Join Dr. Estep as he shares with us the real meaning of Easter.

  • The Cross

    05/04/2009 Duración: 1827h00s

    Dr. R.G. Lee once said: "...from [Jesus'] earliest moment upon this earth [the cross] was His burden by day, His pallet by night." Before His resurrection, was a crucifixion; before the crucifixion, a crown; before the crown, a cross. Join us today as Dr. Estep teaches us about "The Cross."

  • The Ten Commandments

    30/03/2009 Duración: 1711h00s

    Dr. Estep conitnues going through the Old Testament with a look at the Ten Commandments. Are the still relevant to today's society?

  • What Is It?

    22/03/2009 Duración: 1828h00s

    Sis you ever wonder what exactly is Manna? Translated, Manna means "what is it." Join with us today as Dr. Estep teaches us what Manna is from the book of Exodus.

  • A Divine GPS

    15/03/2009 Duración: 1691h00s

    Have you ever said "If I had to do it all over again..."? In most instances, though, we will never have a chance to do it again so we have to get it right the first time. Unfortunately we don't have a "Life GPS"...or perhaps we do. Join Dr. Estep as he teaches us that God provides perfect direction for His followers.

  • The Burning Bush

    08/03/2009 Duración: 1868h00s

    Have you ever had a "Burning Bush" experience? These turning points or encounters can dramatically alter our lives. Listen as Dr. Estep discusses the most famous "Burning Bush" experience in the Bible - when Moses actually saw a burning bush.

  • Joseph the Dreamer

    01/03/2009 Duración: 1663h00s

    Do you ever wonder if your dreams are significant? Dreams are like GPS systems...they guide us through life. Join Dr. Estep as he teaches us about one of the greatest dreamers in the Bible.

  • Noah & the Ark

    22/02/2009 Duración: 1636h00s

    Noah had faith in the Lord, built the ark as instructed by God and received his blessings. Today, Dr. Estep teaches us that, as Noah did, we should act in faith and receive God's blessings.

  • Original Sin

    15/02/2009 Duración: 1747h00s

    From where did sin come? How did it come? Who is to blame? Most are unwilling to accept the responsibility and are quite willing to blame someone else. Today, Dr. Estep teaches us the biblical approach to the "Original Sin."

  • The First Marriage

    08/02/2009 Duración: 1670h00s

    What do we look for in a mate and just where would we find a suitable companion? In today's sermon, Dr. Estep looks to the Bible's first marriage for answers. This message is great for singles as well as for married couples.

  • Creation

    01/02/2009 Duración: 1650h00s

    Dr. Estep begins a new study in the Old Testiment starting with Genesis and the creation of the world.

  • The Return of Christ

    25/01/2009 Duración: 1718h00s

    One's last words are revealing as to what one believes is important. In the last chapter of 2nd Peter, Peter reveals what is important to him...the return of Christ. In today's message, Dr. Estep teaches us how to live until He returns again.

  • Mockers Mocking

    18/01/2009 Duración: 1598h00s

    Peter continues with his message to the believers. He warns of them of those who will mock and ridicule the return of Christ. The Christ will return again...are you ready?

  • Frauds & Freedom

    11/01/2009 Duración: 1676h00s

    Dr. Estep picks up again on his series in 2 Peter with the 4th sermon in the 2nd Peter series. Today's sermon is titled "Frauds and Freedom"

  • True or False

    30/11/2008 Duración: 1684h00s

    Sometimes we feel as we live in a world of smoke and mirrors where nothing is as it seems. In today's message, Dr. Estep discusses the differences of false and true Christians.

  • Standing on the Truth

    16/11/2008 Duración: 1673h00s

    Just like current society, in Peter's day, heresy was rampant - teaching false doctrines. In today's message, Dr. Estep discusses Peter's call to believers to combat conterfeit Christianity.

  • A Genuine Faith

    09/11/2008 Duración: 1800h00s

    In this first sermon on the book of 2nd Peter, Dr. Esteps explains that the purpose of 2nd Peter is to combat false doctrine. In this book, Peter reveals faith that is genuine

  • Stand Firm

    02/11/2008 Duración: 1992h00s

    In the last of the series from 1st Peter, Dr. Estep closes the letter from the Apostle Peter, who admonishes us to (1) be humble towards man, (2) be watchful towards Satan and (3) be hopeful towards God

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