Lifegate Denver Sermons



The LifeGate Denver app features dynamic teaching content and is designed to strengthen your faith by connecting you to a variety of resources, including sermons, devotionals, music, films, event information and more.


  • Its Worth It


    Many times each of us works our entire lives to build up kingdoms for ourselves. These kingdoms are the things we live for and where we find our identity. Yet, each of those kingdoms can and will be shaken. In this series we will study through Hebrews 12 and see that the Kingdom of God is an everlasting Kingdom. The Kingdom of God is ours to receive and it is a kingdom that cannot be shaken.

  • Faith Markers


    From the very beginning God designed for Himself a family that would reflect His purpose in this world. God’s greater family is a collection of many smaller families that have their own unique makeup. In this final message in the series, Pastor Nirup teaches us how taking time to remember what God has done is an important aspect in discipleship.

  • Time and Space


    From the very beginning God designed for Himself a family that would reflect His purpose in this world. God’s greater family is a collection of many smaller families that have their own unique makeup. In this third message, Pastor Nirup talks about the importance of creating time and space in our lives to have moments of discipleship.

  • Stand Firm


    From the very beginning God designed for Himself a family that would reflect His purpose in this world. God’s greater family is a collection of many smaller families that have their own unique makeup. In this second message Pastor Nirup unpacks the devils plan to destroy each family and how we must stand firm in God and resist the enemies schemes.

  • The Family Purpose


    From the very beginning God designed for Himself a family that would reflect His purpose in this world. God’s greater family is a collection of many smaller families that have their own unique makeup. In this first message, Pastor Nirup focuses on God’s plan for each family, and how that family fits into the greater mission God has for all of us.

  • Lead Us Not


    The Lord's Prayer ends with Jesus teaching us to ask God to help us avoid temptation in daily circumstances. In every situation we can choose to walk in God's way or fall into our own ways. This is a powerful message that will shape your practical experience of God.

  • Forgiven To Forgive


    When we experience God's forgiveness we cannot help but express that same forgiveness to others. In this message, Pastor Nirup challenges us to forgive others when they have heart us, because if we don't, we are the ones held captive. Forgiveness is then the starting place of experiencing God's freedom.

  • Our Daily Bread


    God will not lead you into His purpose and leave you without His provision. In this message Pastor Nirup teaches us to pray the words of Jesus and ask God to provide for our daily needs.

  • Your Kingdom, Your Will


    In week 2 of our series, The Lord's Prayer, Pastor Nirup unpacks the meaning behind "Your Kingdom come, Your will be done." In this message you will learn how these petitions not only shape the way you pray, but they way you experience God in your everyday life.

  • True Petition, True Relationship


    In this first message covering The Lord's Prayer, Pastor Nirup teaches a simple truth - any true petition comes from a true relationship. As we discover the true relationship of God as our Father we experience deep healing and freedom.

  • Don't Give Up


    1 Corinthians 15:58 is one of the most inspirational verses in all of the Bible. Paul, the author of this text continually drives home the point that Jesus did in fact rise from the dead. And because He did, our lives matter! In this sermon, Pastor Nirup shares how the resurrection of Jesus is the event that changed history and the invitation to keep going in the face of opposition.

  • I Want The Substance


    Life is made up of several season. In each of those seasons it is important that we walk in the truth God's Word and be guided by the Holy Spirit. Jeremiah 29:11 is a verse that is often used but misunderstood. In this message, Pastor Nirup explains how this verse is not for us, but we can still embrace the promise that is for us.

  • Psalm 54


    There is a deep longing within us to be saved and to be set free. Psalm 54 is a powerful expression of this longing. In this message, Pastor Nirup shows us how this Psalm is filled with rich implications for your life and gives you a fresh experience of God's presence.

  • Psalm 145


    Opening with explosive joy and celebration, Psalm 145 is the first "Hymn of Praise," where the Psalmist declares, in no uncertain terms the greatness of God. In this sermon, Pastor Nirup gives us 5 things to remember in our daily private and weekly public worship lives.

  • Psalm 1


    The Psalms are arguably the greatest anthology ever recorded. Speaking profoundly to the human experience, the Psalms are uniquely comprised of poems and songs that reflect sorrow, joy, lament and hope. As we study the Psalms, our prayer is that we we encounter the power in each verse and experience God's presence.

  • Investing In Eternity


    In light of James' exhortation to submit to God, drawing near to God, and humbling ourselves before God and submitting to His will we find ourselves face to face with our own hearts. In this text, James is going to challenge every believer to take a look at their hearts by looking at where our money goes. In the end, God desires that we use our resources to invest in eternity.

  • Here Today, Gone Today


    We believe that tomorrow is promised. In fact we say the famous phrase, "Here today and gone tomorrow." But the Bible says that our life is a vapor. The saying should rather be, "Here today and gone today." In this passage, James instructs believers to take each day and decisions and submit it to the will of God. As we do that we experience the heart of God is our daily lives.

  • War & Peace


    Disunity, fighting and quarreling with one another is not something that pleases the heart of God. In this text, James shows us that there are three wars in play which create disunity. He then shows us three ways to respond to experience God's peace.

  • Faith & Words


    Words matter. In our lifetime we will spend much of it communicating, and with those words, the Bible says we have the power to speak life or death. In James 3, the author is pleading with followers of Jesus to use their words to delight in the Lord and speak life into others, just as Jesus speaks life into them.

  • Faith & Works


    Are we saved by faith alone? What about our works? In this message, Pastor Nirup will show us that the Bible indeed states that we are saved by faith alone. Though James speaks to this, he is clear that it is a certain kind of faith - a faith that produces works. James will show us that faith without works is useless, dead, and cannot save.

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