Quantum Conversations With Lauren Galey

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 240:20:00
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Join us for Quantum Conversations that will uplift and heal your soul! Featuring a variety of guests, these conversations explore the world of metaphysics and spirituality. Raise your vibration, open your heart and expand consciousness with these new paradigm leaders, healers and consciousness/ascension teachers. REGISTER For all Quantum Conversations: http://www.acoustichealth.com


  • UFO Disclosure Movement for Truth with Steve Bassett

    13/03/2012 Duración: 02h00s

    Join us in the 2-hour Healing Conversation with Exopolitical Activist Steve Bassett as he talks about his efforts to lift the Truth Embargo on the fact that "we are not alone" in the universe and yes, we have been visited by ETs.  This is where Science meets Spirituality as Multidimensional Therapist Dr. Suzanne Lie, PhD joins us in the last hour to discuss this blending of science and spirituality. 

  • The Way of the Happy Woman with Sara Avant Stover

    12/03/2012 Duración: 53min

    Author and yogini Sara Avant Stover joins this Healing Conversation about how we can move with the cycles of nature to acheive happiness and joy in our life. 

  • Quantum Healing Technique - Advanced Muscle Testing

    29/02/2012 Duración: 01h00s

    Join us for this Healing Conversation that reveals how we can work with the Quantum Field to diagnose and clear specific and hidden health issues.  Stephen and Beth Daniel perform their Quantum Techniques  process - a cousin of EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) on Host Lauren Galey and others as they discuss how it works and others can learn this fascinating and simple technique to better their health too.  This technique is excellent at identiifying hidden food sensitivities, environmental toxins, pathogens and more that keep us from acheiveing optimum health. 

  • Dr. Eric Pearl of The Reconnection Process

    27/02/2012 Duración: 01h00s

    Dr. Eric Pearl has a fascinating story of how he developed his internationlly-renowned healing method called The Reconnection.  He says this is a new level of healing on the planet that is here for the very first time. This is a time, Pearl says, to become more multidimensional in our beings. Learn how you can use this healing technique in your own life and in the lives of others around you. 

  • Little Grandmother (Keisha Crowther) on Healing Conversation

    24/02/2012 Duración: 01h15min

    Keisha Crowther is a Shaman and Wisdom Keeper and receives messages from Mother Earth. She was taught by the Elders about the last pole shift and how important it is for us to BE in LOVE during the coming Pole Shift.  Listen in to hear Little Grandmother talk about the pole shift, 3 days of darkness, the inner Earth and why it's so important to plant crystals back in Mother Earth. 

  • 2012 The Threshold of the 4th Dimension - Matthew's Msg

    13/02/2012 Duración: 59min

    Suzy Ward joins Healing Conversations with another message from Matthew.  Matthew says there are big changes coming this year and simply put, we must Not go into Fear and we must stay positive and radiate it out to others. Matthew also says that by the end of this year, everything that is not of the light will no longer be on Earth as we stand upon the threshold of the 4th Dimension in an astral window opening. 

  • Manifesting with the Quantum Field with Nina Brown

    09/02/2012 Duración: 55min

    Join us in this Healing Coversation that discusses how we can manifest easily within the Quantum Field once we remember we are Divinity.   Nina Brown, author of Return of Love to Planet Eartn, has been called an ascended master by Archangel Metatron via James Tyberronn. She also speaks in tongues of the 13 Star Nations. And as a walk-in, she is here to help change the DNA structure in the Shift of the Ages

  • The Knowledge of How Life Works - The Power of Focus

    06/02/2012 Duración: 01h29min

    Author Don Saunders tells us how he woke up paralyzed one morning and received a download of what he calls, The Knowledge - how life works, how the universe was made, and what happens when we die. His book, The Power of Knowing How Life Works, reveals what he learned during this episode and how it can work to improve the life of every man, woman and child on Earth.  

  • Quantum Angel Healing - Changing Your Belief Systems to Heal

    30/01/2012 Duración: 01h07min

    Best-selling Author and Clairvoyant Medical Intuitive Eva-Maria Mora says if we add LOVE to our energy field and change our belief systems and flush out old programming, we'll be able to change our lives. This Healing Conversation talks about what Quantum Physics is now proving-- that our thoughts and emotions affect our health. Mora works directly with the angels to help heal her clients.  Mora was diagnosed with a death sentence shortly after her son was born and soon was visited by an angel who lifted her out of sadness. She reminds us that angels and beings of light are all around us all the time, it's just that most are not aware of them. Learn how to intentionally connect with Arch Angels, guardian angles or other beings of light in this fascinating call!

  • Mastering Alchemy's Jim Self on 2012 & 5D Consciousness

    30/12/2011 Duración: 01h11min

    MasteringAlcemy's Jim Self joins us for this Healing Conversation about the Christ Consciousness that entered our planet during the 11-11-11 date.  He says the 3D reality is quickly falling away and we are soon going to be able to choose the reality we wish to have instead of reacting.  He says 2012 is a year where the Earth's magnetic North Pole will shift it's alignment and eventually become a singular magnetic field that holds Earth's reality. This is the new 5th Dimensional consciousness that is available to us now. 

  • The Power of Miracle Thinking with Author Randy Peyser

    06/12/2011 Duración: 01h02min

    This Healing Conversation focuses on Miracles - specifically the power of Miracle THINKING. Author Randy Peyser has interviewed many people who have witnessed miracles in their lives, including a man given 24 hours to live and is still thriving decades later, and other stories on miracles and manifesting. You'll learn some key questions to ask yourself so you can Be True to Yourself.   Randy shares a clever acronym she discovered as necessary for miracles to happen.

  • The 7 Layers of the Self with Katy Manna Stanley

    07/11/2011 Duración: 01h00s

    Join us for a Healing Conversation with Katy Manna Stanley, who shares her incredible stories of manifesting, her new book, Daily Manna, and her new healing program The 7 Layers of Self.  The key, she says is Daily Meditation, Journaling and Asking.  

  • 11-11-11 Stargate of Divine Love

    04/11/2011 Duración: 01h11min

    Anrita Melchizedek of  www.pleiadianlight.net joins us to discuss the 11-11-11 Star gate of Divine Love. Anrita talks about the 144 Crystalline Grid and the 12 Golden Solar Sun Discs being activated at sacred sites around the world, including the Platinum crystal in Arkansas with Tyberron. The divine feminine in Lake Titicaca, Bolivia, and the Divine Masculine in Sedona will merge on this date on the ONE UNITY Grid. . She says the Beings of Light are rejoicing in this magical moment of NOW, and she explains how our Junk DNA is activating and how the DNA is connected to these portals opening around the world

  • Healing Conversation on Archangel Metatron Healing

    17/10/2011 Duración: 34min

    Author Tammy Majchrzak discusses how she developed a new healing modality out of her journey thru Reiki that led to her own healing crisis. This healing modality is with Archangel Metatron who assists us with releasing our past story so that we are free from fear to create a world of our own creation, no longer playing victim to circumstance.

  • Healing Conversation with Amy Tang

    03/10/2011 Duración: 58min

    Co-Founder of LightsOnBright.com and author Amy Tang joins us in this Healing Conversation about how you can have a "Playdate with Destiny", as the title of her latest book reveals. Amy shares with us how after 9/11, and a robbery at her home, she took the time to look at herself and ask "Who am I, Who am I not? And What am I here to do?"     After transforming in deeply fulfilling ways, she opened her private practice, Inspiring Hearts.  For the past decade she has helped transform numerous lives through spiritual coaching, lectures and workshops.  In addition, in 2008, she dared to dream an even bigger dream.  Sharing the same passionate desire with Eileen Faye Oliva to open hearts and illuminate minds, their uniquely divine,packaged destiny, was born.  After a year of co-facilitating a monthly group of 8-12 people for finding purpose and fulfillment, they were enthusiastically encouraged by participants to expand their reach.  An interactive website providing webisodes, homeplays, and discussion forums

  • Healing Conversation on Quantum Medicine w/ Dr. Paul Drouin

    30/09/2011 Duración: 01h01min

    Quantum University Founder Dr. Paul Drouin, MD, joins us to talk about Quantum Medicine and the upcoming World Congress on Quantum Medicine.        

  • Healing Conversation with Peggy Black

    16/09/2011 Duración: 01h00s

    Sound Salutarist Peggy Black joins us for this Healing Conversation on how sound can transform your life. Peggy reminds us in this conversation that we are powerful beings beyond measure and we are divine consciousness with a physical body.   Through the use of our voice, thoughts, and words, we can create our world, Peggy says, and we are here on earth to make a difference.    In this conversation, Peggy offers several key lessons including: 1) Any work that we do on ourselves to transform old patterns adds more light to the collective consciousness 2) Become aware that we are multi-dimensional beings and we were always meant to interface with the divine realm.  You will learn how to invite Divine Conscsiousness into each moment as we are truly in a partnership with our "celestial team"  

  • Healing Conversation with Patricia Cori

    09/09/2011 Duración: 01h27min

    Author Patricia Cori joins us for an intriguing conversation about the real purpose dolphins are here on earth, crop circles, asenscion, the Galactic Council and her experience with ETs. Patricia is the author of many books, including Atlantis Rising, The Great Shift (co-authored with Tom Kenyon and Lee Carroll), and most recently, Before We Leave You - Messages from the Great Whales and Dolphin Beings.    Patricia's books can be found on her website: http://sirianrevelations.net

  • Healing Conversation Meditation : The Islands Within

    07/08/2011 Duración: 26min

    Join Pila of Hawaii for another magical journey to the Islands Within.  Pila reveals what the ancient Kahunas have always known - that Paradise is within.  This is a beautiful meditation that shares with us a secret that the 7 Hawaiian Islands are aligned with our chakras. Enjoy!

  • Healing Conversation with Peter Sterling on Divine Flow

    13/07/2011 Duración: 01h31min

      World-renown harpist Peter Sterling has been following his inner guidance since his grandmother first taught him how to Soul Travel. After a divine encounter with his angelic guides while living outdoors in the Red Canyons of Sedona, Arizona, Peter was shown his role on this planet as a harpist who allows  divine flow to  play through in music. He performed his first album within 10 months of first picking up the harp and later earned the Top #1 ranking for new age stringed instrumental music. Peter candidly shares his story of how he's dedicated his life to listening to his angelic guides who've revealed to him the musical codes that help with human ascension ahead of 2012.  He says they've also showed him what's coming up during this changing of Ages and what we need to do to prepare for it.

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